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Backlinks to ATF2LaserWire in PP/JAI Web (Search all webs)

Results from PP/JAI web retrieved at 15:29 (+0100)

ATF2 RHUL Home The ATF2 project is a facility to test the final focus system at either the International linear collider (ILC) or Compact linear collider (CLIC) high...
DAQ Software Introduction EPICS ioc database EDM GUI Python utilities for data recording and analysis shell scripts to control general starting...
Analysis Software Setup To set up the laserwire software please clone the git repository from: https://bitbucket.org/stewartboogert/atf2laserwire.git git clone https...
ATF2 LW Computing Systems HW Addresses IP, MAC etc Computer Software Platform EPICS PVs Data Acquisition System DAQ Analysis Software...
Data Acquisition System DAQ This page assumes you have a terminal on extlw lxs1. If you are not at this computer ie in the control room SSH first. ssh X extlw...
ATF2 LW Hardware components Useful notes. Click on the heading of each for more details if they exist. OTR Layout Basic layout picture here Laser...
DAQ Software Note, python indexes start at 0 and not 1. All software is operated from extlw/run directory. Data Structure Data is recorded in ASCII text files with...
LW Detector General Specs Thin lead sheet converts gamma rays to e plus / e minus pairs which create cherenkov radiation in the areogel in the head of the detector...
ATF2 Laser wire, Autodesk Inventor 3D Drawings Laser transport line (LTL) LTL Box#1 support, AI project, (zip) LTL Box#1 support, 2D parts drawings, (pdf...
EPICS PVs Edit Laserwire DB cd extlw/daq/ioc/dbd vdct extlw.dbd file open db file (ie ../db/extlw.db) Edit to hearts content CAMAC Details...
Hardware Addresses Details Hardware Attached To Each Computer extlw win1 Hardware Port ^ Long M2 Stage extlw win3 Hardware...
OTR Setup Hardware PI M 410.2S Stage range 100mm. PI Mercury C663 Single Axis Controller http://www.physikinstrumente.com/en/products/prdetail.php?sortnr...
WCF Data Extraction DataRay records a buffer of 64 samples which are recorded (choose `save all in buffer`) into a .wcf file. Additionally, a `job file` is required...
Layout Survey 20100607 Distances were measured between magnets etc were measured. These were measured between centres of magnets as best as possible. Longer range...
Log book Background Info (backup from JAI homepage) There is a program of lens characterisation and performance study here. A utility has been developed to perform...
20101109 Shift 17:00 25:00 AA, LC, LD, LN Plan Access to check OTR Camera Remove card in front of OTR lens Remove OTR Camera Cap Check...
20100408 Seed Laser Tuning Locking Today the seed laser would not lock to the external reference. The output power was checked and was ~450mW which was lower than...
20100416 Screen alignment OTR Optics set file 10APR16 1901.dat Screen position for alignment laser 9600 Screen posttion for electron beam 9400...
20100601 Shift Log Got 3 polaroid sheets from Shintake group to look at background. Can place these in front of the detector to see the distribution of the background...
20100603 Shift Log First half hour getting beam into damping ring. Laser Slave 1 failed again. Needed restarting. Loaded our electron beam optics. Background around...
Shift lwLog 20100617 060249.dat 500 pulses changed gun power so charge dependence. lwLog 20100617 065628.dat 500 pulses stable charge.
20:00 Access for laser wire alignment. Beam on 22:30 Set File set12jun15 2250.dat 20120615 Shift LN, SB, AA, YK, PK Access from 8pm to 10:30pm to align LW and check...
20120615 Shift Analysis Data Files Filename Notes 20120615 2332 ped.dat ADC Pedestal before shift with beam on 20120616...
1 Take SH waveform and repair 1 Buy/bring/borrow scope? 1 Laser scope? 1 Find out about laser power in NI DAQ card. RSE, NRSE, termination 1 Switch polarity...
2012 11 05 Entry List for Jan 2013 Before To Do make Shark Hartman trigger cable (mini D Sub) order telescope replacement lenses fix energy meter head...
20130118 Laser Characterisation TBC
20130121 Detector Preparation 200 Pulse log with nothing connected to ADC `../dat/raw/20130121 1526 log.dat 200 Pulse log with detector connected to ADC...
20130122 ExtLwProcess Update ExtLwProcess occasionally crashed due to communcation errors with magnet movers epics db, although there should be provision for this...
20130124 Shift AA, LN, KK Recommission laser wire Signal correlations Ideally collisions Signal/Noise vs charge e beam angle correlation...
20130127 Laser Repair LN During Endo san`s visit, the laser overheated and he spent most of his time trying to fix the high voltage power supply for slave 1 and...
20130129 Laser Characterisation The usual characterisation of a telescope calibration followed by an M2 at the chosen telescope position was undertaken on...
20130131 Shift Plan Detector gate check Charge ramp signal correlation for both gate covering whole signal and gate covering only peak (quite narrow...
Overlap Integral Fits done using 20130205 1627/fit parameters input.dat on shift the previous week`s M2. Overlap Integral Fits done using 20130210 1637/fit...
20130212 Function for Vertical Alignment Currently there is not fitting function for the vertical alignment scans using the OTR screen. This could be calculated using...
20130214 Effect of Ebeam Rotation During Quad Scan Without coupling correction it is possible and likely that the beam will be coupled coming into the laser wire focusing...
20130215 Friday Report 2013 02 15 extlw.pdf: 2013 02 15 extlw.pdf
20130217 Laserwire PLIC Detector As a possible way of measuring background a secondary PLIC detector was made. This was done quite quickly and there wasn`t sufficient...
20130220 Laser Tuning RGA Tuning Green Output Don`t have attenuator so can`t measure output energy. Going by the `crack` though, I`d say about 200mJ, maybe even...
20130221 Shift NOTE for this shift the new laser wire plic monitor will be in the data as tekm1 and tekm2. m1 is the peak voltage from the pmt negative....
20130224 Chamber Scale Cross Check A cross check of the encoders for the chamber has never been done. They are industry standard and were supplied calibrated, but...
20130228 Laser Energy Meter Comparison SLink energy meter arrived back from recalibration. Also, it`s externally triggered so it should be better. However, last...
20130225 Laser Pointing Stability Recorded 10 buffers of 64 images using tapercam at VIP to ascertain the laser pointing stability. Analysed data using new labview...
20130225 Nonlinear Scan Optimisation all files save in extlw/sim/20130225 nl scan/ Nonlinear scans often produce a fit uncertainty for sigma of about 0.1um....
20130225 Quad Scan Analysis Previous quad scans took a lot of time and don`t provide the clearest picture. During the previous quad scan on shift on the...
20130225 Shift After tuning and startup our shift will begin. Ends Tuesday 9am. Assume 8 hours 1.5hrs load optics (new ones?) background minimisation...
20130228 Shift Plan Set detector attenuation to 9dB as normal Save a set file Load optics Minimise background Dispersion measurement...
New filters FW Position Filter Wavelength, nm Filter Bandwidth 1 empty empty 2 500 40 3 500 25...
Magnification factor for different lenses CVI LAO 120 30 DLB 30 120 PM \ DLB 30 100 PM SLB 30 100 PY2 \...
Plan Focus scan Rotation scan Lens vertical scan Iris scan Quad Scan Filter scan Different binning Different lens side...
Start 19.00 load set file : set13mar05 0839.dat SLB 30 100 PY2 binning 3x3 otrm1x 4.5 otrm1y 3.8 Focus scan start: 8.5, stop: 9.5, step...
Raw data in extlw dat\otr\20130312 Camera linearity 1x1 Binning 3x1 Binning 3x2 Binning 3x3 Binning
20130412 Horizontal Fitting Horizontal laser wire scans were often non Gaussian and although it was known that they were not strictly Gaussian, they were in the past...
20130923 Horizontal Model Comparison As discussed before there are two possibilities for analysing the horizontal scans either a Gaussian model or using the overlap...
Laser Normalisation for Fitting Compare the effect of background subtraction and laser energy normalisation for fitting. Neither the accuracy or precision of the laser...
20131004 Search for Smallest Scan Now with updated dual analysis and proper analysis of the horizontal size it is much better to look through the data again from February...
ATF2 Laser wire Manual Laser Characterisation M2 measurement .wcf files analysed by labview vi and dataray activeX interface to driver python script...
ATF2 LW Optical transition radiation monitor
OTR Data Acquisition General or EDM .... to be completed... EPICS PVs Note, you must have sourced lwprofile to get any of these PVs on extlw lxs1 PV...
OTR Hardware PI M 410.2S Stage range 100mm. PI Mercury C663 Single Axis Controller http://www.physikinstrumente.com/en/products/prdetail.php?sortnr 900550 JAI...
OTR LabBook 20130303 Post IP Changes 20130304 Calibration 20130312 Camera Linearity 20130422 Post IP Changes Shifts 20130304 Shift...
Photos (for HW reference and PR) Laserwire hut Transport line Interaction region
Seed Tuning Layout Figure 1: Seed from above with IR (red) and pump (green) beams overlayed. Figure 2: Schematic of the seed laser. Cleaning This laser is particularly...
ATF2 LW Simulation Electron beam Laser beam Compton Compton scattered photons were generated using BDSIM from a 1.28 GeV electron beam colliding at 90 degrees to...
Software Platform Windows firefox acroread cygwin labview V acroread mint workbench dataray Gentech power meter VS2010Express...
ATF2 LW System Checklist / Cold Start Pre Shift Checklist Laser on Checked frequency of Linac RF (1.4GHz) updated our source Laser locked Best...
ATF2 Laser timing Basic ATF timing parameters \begin{eqnarray } f {RF} 357\;{\rm MHz} \\ \Delta t {RF} 2.8011204481792714\;{\rm ns...
To do list 2013 01 09 Hardware Home all actuators HW epics trigger for lw data sync align laser upstairs downstairs install new telescope lenses...
Cross check monitor Pilot experiment (April May 2009)
Cross check monitor Pilot experiment (April May 2009)
Laserwire Introduction The aim of the Laser Based Beam Diagnostics (LBBD) Collaboration was to study the feasibility of laser based diagnostics tools for a future...
JAI Logo Presentation Template Powerpoint Template JAI templates.pptx Logo Variants Copy directly from this page or use attachment links at the bottom Blue...
Number of topics: 73

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