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ATF2 C/S band VME/software systems User`s guide (upto date 11/06/27) EDM User`s guide Hardware systems (being updated) Software systems (upto date...
Tune calibration tone CBAND : /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmLog 20101206 145644.dat SBAND : /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmLog 20101206 145823.dat Cal tone log...
Jitter subtracted BPM calibration Standard calibration for QF7FF recorded in parallel to bpmAllLog 20101130 072844.dat Fixed origin fit IQ phase 1....
Quadrupole Effects The graphs below show the simulated effects of quadrupole strength on a single bpm calibration in x. The beam jitter has been set to 10microns position...
Calibrations on 14th December 2010 ATF save file : set10dec14 0821.dat QD2AFF Mover : 12, 815, 6 QD2AFF : 12.412 A Old cal...
Quadrupole Strength Analysis The data for the graph below can be found in the ATF2/Bpm shift log from yesterday. several calibrations at the same quadrupole strength...
IP region BPM calibration Tuning and calibration of IP region BPM Action File PREIP Fs y cal bpmFsBumpCalibration...
Static Calibration From files logged since Monday. The red line marks a single log of 100 pulses . The first plot is a plot of the average t0 for each...
IP Bpm Simulations Results of logging BPMs near the final doublet. The bpm indices are: BPM index QD2AFF 33 SF1FF 34 QF1FF...
BPM temperature monitoring (not electronics) Installed 3 BPM temperature monitors PVs atf mw100 2:data.CH16 downstream atf mw100 2:data.CH17 middle...
Updates Included main t0 phase correction t0 at tune time (bpm:calt0) Does not appear to depend on trigger time now S bands still have problem with...
IP region BPM calibration (20110202) 20110201 101847 bpmLogAlldata bpmAllLog 20110201 101324.dat 500.0 20110201 102423 bpmLogAlldata bpmAllLog 20110201 101901.dat...
QM16FF direction Old IQ rot Old scale x 0.2393 120.46 y 0.0897 165.69 Recalibrated direction...
Gain Measurements 1st Attempt Procedure The signal generator is connected to the input of the electronics box and the output is connected to the HP spectrum analyser...
Improvements made by Boogert, not how to improve Boogert! 1. Check S band windows computer 2. Shift all code over to atfopr 3. Sort out run scripts...
MainDisplay 2011 06 14.jpg: Waveforms 2011 06 14.jpg:
Waveforms 2011 06 15.jpg:
SBandControl 2011 06 17.jpg:
Data files 100 pulses for all WF, 1000 for individual BPMs (QD10X, IPA) /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog 20110618 192457.dat.gz /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmLog...
Fixed cal tone signal, wire shaken loose on CAL 5W amplifier, see picture below Waveforms 2011 06 19 CalTone.jpg: Cal tone measurement, after checking power...
Todo Tune (dipole and monopole) Mover calibration Large range mover calibration 1 mm Unify python and c algorithm Extrapolation...
In tunnel 2.850 GHz 10.0 dBm (source injected at BPM, through short patch cable) BPM Before (db) After (dB) REF 14.9...
S band signal cables Inject 10 dBm BPM Before (db) After (dB) REF 14.9 3.2 SF1FFx 14.4...
Leaving notes ATF2 meeting talk, for reference 20110623/atf2 bpm 20110622.ppt atf2 bpm...
BPM cavity temperature system EPICS CA ADDR LIST atf lxs2.atf local:5084 ff bpm temp1:chans (array) atfopr@atf user ~ $ cainfo ff bpm temp1:chans ff bpm...
To Do List BPMs selected for repeat calibration BPM Comment MQD10X Bump calibrated BPM MQM16FF Mover calibrated good resolution MQD10BFF...
Archive Loader Class used to load archived Bpm data initialised using ArchiveLoad(filename ``) If the filename is left empty, the most recent archived file (that is...
Temperature array generator List of the BPM temperature cloned to other BPMs. Source Target REF1X REFC1`...
code run script ( calculation script ( New PVs pv description atf2:xpos 11 45 BPMs x positions atf2:ypos...
Calibration Tone Signal Stability The variation in the calibration tone amplitude along the beamline is plotted below. A 3 cut has been applied Variation in...
Testing the Timing of the Merged SL and CBPM Data Index Name Type 8 MQF13X Stripline 9 MQD14X Stripline 13 MQD12X Cavity...
BPM log Tuned cavities from QM10X to QM20X All cavities on BPM to do list are too saturated 20111020 212714 bpmTune bpmLog 20111020 212701.dat.gz QD10X...
Temperature study. QD10X was tuned at 00:38:30 on 19:10:11 local time. Cavities from QD10X to QD19X and REFC1 were tuned between 21:20 to 21:50 on 20/...
Calibration Tone Commissioning for S bands and MFB2FF MFB2FF Stability S band Stability
Jitter Subtraction in Tuned BPMs using Strip Lines Beam motion seemed to move around a lot and the jitter was subtracted to around the 5 m level until QD18X where...
Comparing the Stripline and Cavity BPMs with Beam 24/10/2011 Tuned cavities means better correlations Y is also clearer this time. Testing...
QD18Xx Time Temperature Frequency Tune File Name 20111025 202443 25.1 0....
ATF2/BPM Shift 26/10/2011 Resolution and jitter plots including strip line BPMs Screen shot 2011 10 25 at 14.38.26.png: New MFB2FF MFB2FF NanoBpm...
bpmConfig.txt bpmConfig ipSis.txt Removed 4 cables. REFC2 : lsis9:waveform1 REFC3 : lsis9:waveform2 TILT : lsis10:waveform4 Unknown : lsis...
IpBpm tunes Filter width 0.1 DDC delay 5 for vertical BPM Direction Frequency Decay Sample time File...
Normal BPM system SVD debugging and control Integrate temperatures into normal bpmLog Add clear bpm status buttons to granular BPM control Add...
Drawings for installation PDF format Dimenstions: Cavity BPM structure01.pdf mounting surface : Cavity Surface A.pdf Holder plates: holding plates...
The results from October analysed using the latest code gives these results. There are a few more outliers because I found a bug in my code that was hiding some before...
Standard bump calibration (5 steps, 500 um, 20 pulses) BPM X File name Y File Name...
To do list for Multibunch analysis get schedule for font or anyother multi bunch operation. add frequency finding module. Mark bpms with good resolution...
Quick temperature check bpmTemps 20111129 013901.dat bpmWfAllLog 20111129 013901.dat.gz bpmTemps 20111129 045135.dat bpmWfAllLog 20111129 045135.dat.gz...
Shift 2011/11/29 Parameter Value t0 30.9 SDIODE Amp 2300 REFS1 Amp 6000 CDIODE Amp 900 S band diode logging 500 pulses of CDIODE...
Calibration Run BPM Accounting All calibration constants so far this running period BpmCalibrationDecember2011.xlsx Environment Parameter Value...
Calibration Statistics Calibrations from 29/11/2011 06/12/2011 Calibrations to be Cut or Repeated Have to be careful about making cuts, because in some...
Scope Installation. Scope is been installed in rack FFPS13 as per discussion on skype. I took Yong Im`s opinion. She told me to keep scope on the table far...
Statistics Separated into X and Y and with Gaussian Fits
To Do List Calibrations To be done on the first ATF2 shift (Wednesday day): high resolution BPMs (QM16FF, QM15FF, QM14FF and QD10BFF) FB2FF...
FS Bump Calibration Statistics All bump calibrations taken during first calibration shift Shift 2011/11/28 There were two files for each BPM to which the conventional...
Calibrations No orbit steering before calibration so many pulses were saturated BPM Scale iqra JS Scale JS iqra svd scale svd iqra filename orbit...
Cable loss measurement Source offset, connected source via BPM cable to power meter Frequency (MHz) %$P {set}$% (dBm) %$P {out}$% (dBm) 6500...
Saturation Analysis. All BPM Waveform should be recorded. File name No Bunch Bunch Spacing (ns) Number of Pulses Comments...
Hardware Changes, December 2011 FB2FF Installed hybrid and used one port per channel to make use of integrated filter Type File name...
Environment 0.6 x 10^10 Laser intensity 6% Saturation Analysis. All BPM Waveform should be recorded. File name No Bunch...
IP Region Tuning and Calibration Reference Cavities BPM Tune REFIPX bpmLog 20111214 043325.dat.gz REFIPY1 bpmLog 20111214 043437.dat.gz REFIPY...
Saturation Analysis. All BPM Waveform should be recorded. File name No Bunch Bunch Spacing (ns) Number of Pulses Comments...
S Band Calibrations BPM Scale iqrot JS Scale JS iqrot SVD Scale SVD iqrot file orbit Comments SF1FFx 1164 0.974 471.1 1.099...
Stripline system integration There are really 12 stripline BPMs 1 MQF1X SLAC 2 MQD2X SLAC 3 MQF3X SLAC 4 MQF4X SLAC 5 MQD5X...
2012/04/09 Calibration shift Tuned all BPMs Trained Laurie, Laura, Jackie, Naito and Kubo in BPM operations SVD calibration (static log 50, cal step...
UK BPM test Data directory : /atf/data/cbpm/raw/ Charge : 0.3 x10^10 dir start end steps pulses file name y 250 250 5...
April Calibration Stability Histograms of calibration data taken by S. Boogert, April 2012. Position scales are stable within one percent with no cuts applied...
Calibration Tone Correlation of December 2011 Data The results from the SVD based calibrations are similar in stability to the calibration tone There is...
Calibration and tune shift Young Im Kim, Jochem Snuverink, Stewart Boogert logbook Added waveform log to BPM svd mover calibration Swapped SD0FFx signal...
Shift present: Alexey, Jochem, Young Im, Stewart...
01:00 Started shift ATF logbook: present: Alexey, Jochem, Young Im stability data taken: bpmAllLog...
Cavity BPM Shift present: Stewart, Jochem, Young Im ATF logbook: 10:00 shift started tunnel access to...
Cavity BPM Shift present: Stewart, Jochem, Young Im ATF logbook: 01:00 shift started recalibration (ATF2 orbit...
ATF2 twiki Present: Young Im, Stewart, Jochem Plan: Wakefield study with bellow setup (
ATF2 twiki Present: Young Im, Stewart, Jochem Plan: Wakefield study with new ref setup (1 ref. cavity) BPM...
Present: Young Im, Jochem, Stewart ATF Twiki: Notes New feedback correctors ZH4X, ZH5X, ZV2X, ZV4X...
Present: Young Im, Stewart, Jochem ATF logbook: Recalibrate a few BPMs with different magnet strength (current...
Number of topics: 75
BPM papers: M. Slater, Cavity BPM System Tests for the ILC Energy Spectrometer Yoichi. I, Development of a high resolution cavity beam position monitor...
Number of topics: 1