Backlinks to PythonOptics in PP/JAI Web (Search all webs)
Laserwire Introduction The aim of the Laser Based Beam Diagnostics (LBBD) Collaboration was to study the feasibility of laser based diagnostics tools for a future...
Advanced diffraction propagation Optical component misalignment Thick lens issues Non gaussian beams
Basic design Base classes 1 Placement 1 Material 1 Volume (Placement, Material) 1 Elements (Volume, extent) 1 Source (source of light) 1 System...
Diffraction calculations A practical quide to Diffraction calculations with all the information required to perform a calculation with a suitable programming language...
Examples Simple lenses Prism Telescopes Laser propagation Dispersion
Fourier Optics `Diffraction calculations ` Aims An ability to simulate any optical system Compile a library of optical functions Gain an understanding...
Laser (gABCD propagation)
Ray tracing Optics in 3D Snell`s law In 1 d \begin{equation } n 1 \sin(\theta 1) n 2 \sin(\theta 2) \end{equation } Reflection law \begin{equation } \theta...
Beam line simulation BDSIM Accelerator Beamline simulation tool BDSIM is a Geant4 extension toolkit for beamline simulations. This is used to study beam loss through...
Number of topics: 11