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Blog AddOn A simple weblog application. See .BlogAddOn for an introduction and installation instructions. This topic is meant for administrators and serves as introduction...
If you`re looking to learn Geant4 (Geometry Tracking) software, then the materials of a recent workshop are online. Slides are and the tutorials are http://geant...
Friday 5th July 2013 Yesterday marked the first anniversary of the announcement of the discovery of the Higgs particle at CERN. One year ago the ATLAS and CMS experiments...
This year sees the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference held in Shanghai over 4 and half days. TomAumeyr and LaurieNevay visited to present recent results...
Last week, Richard Eggleston and myself attended the Invisibles13 summer school. This summer school, held in the beautiful city of Durham between the 10th and 15th...
In the John Adams Institute we have developed a lot of simulation capability in and simulation of beam lines and this work was started by our former head of group...
Sweepstake for this year`s Physics Nobel Prize The Physics Nobel Prize winners will be announced on October 8th. Try to guess the winners. Rules: 1) entrants pay...
One of the requirements of being a PhD student in the particle physics department at most UK institutions is that the students must attend a two week summer school...
First blog post to the Centre for Particle Physics Blog. This is blog for the entire group to write and contribute to. The posts can be Interesting ideas in particle...
Starting on Sunday September 14th I attended the five day international workshop on top quark physics: in Durbach, Germany. Last year I was chairing the local organizing...
Number of topics: 11