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Dan`s Guide to Visiting CERN Living in Geneva Important General Tips! Money Exchange What ever you are tempted to do, DO NOT exchange money with Travelex or any...
var gaJsHost ((`https:` document.location.protocol) ? `https://ssl.` : `http://www.`); document.write(unescape(`%3Cscript src `` gaJsHost `google analytics...
Data Samples Samples Cross Sections We maintain a list of Samples and all relevant information on Page How To Make a MC Production Request To Start Overview...
Data 2011 Unskimmed NTUP EGAMMA of all 2011 Data by Run: /scratch3/hayden/D3PD/Rel16/PeriodAB /scratch3/hayden/D3PD/Rel16/PeriodD /scratch3/hayden/D3PD/Rel16/PeriodE...
var gaq gaq ; gaq.push( ` setAccount`, `UA 12760040 4` ); gaq.push( ` trackPageview` ); (function() { var ga document.createElement(`script`...
Interesting Papers Page CERN W/Z Papers note for the measurement of the production cross section of Wenu and Zee at sqrt(s) 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector...
ACR Shifts Date Hours Desk Cumulative Shifts Completed 23/11/09 15:00 23:00 DAQ 1 Yes 01/02/10 23:00 07:00 DAQ 2 Yes 02/02/10 23:00 07:00 DAQ 3 Yes 26/02/10 15:...
Papers Publications Page My Publications note for the measurement of the production cross section of Wenu and Zee at sqrt(s) 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector...
var gaJsHost ((`https:` document.location.protocol) ? `https://ssl.` : `http://www.`); document.write(unescape(`%3Cscript src `` gaJsHost `google analytics...
RHUL Centre for Particle Physics: Group members The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics includes the experimental particle physics group, the phenomenology group and...
RHUL Journal Club Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club! Details Held fortnightly in the 264 Conference Room and on Zoom, on a day and at a time TBC for ~1 hour....
MembersGroup Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP .TwikiAdministrator, .MembersGroupMember, .StewartBoogert, .AndrzejMisiejuk, .BarryGreen...
List of RHUL Physics Department TWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can...
Tracey Berry Webpage Teaching PH1420 (see Moodle) Year 1 Lab Demonstrator PH3010 Lab on ALEPH Physics Administrative responsibilities IOP Project...
The ATLAS Trigger Students and staff from RHUL are involved in a wide range of work on the ATLAS Trigger, from developing software to select electrons in a few milliseconds...
Statistics for PP/Public Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 16