Backlinks to GridPP in all Webs (Search PP/Public Web only)
Directions and other useful information for visitors to GridPP24 at RHUL Back to site. Travel to RHUL Royal Holloway is situated about 20 miles south west of London...
Local Food Drink Guide Guide to local places for food and drink, reviewed by members of the particle physics group. General links advisor: pubs and restaurants...
Newton cluster comes home After two years hosted by Imperial College, our `Newton` Grid computing cluster has finally been relocated to Royal Holloway`s new state...
Recent Papers RHUL academic authors ATLAS Expected Performance of the ATLAS Experiment Detector, Trigger and Physics (ATLAS CSC book) To be submitted soon...
Centre for Particle Physics This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Department at Holloway, University of London. It contains...
Statistics for PP/Public Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 6