Backlinks to LHC in PP/Public Web (Search all webs)
The ATLAS experiment photos/detsite/detsite surface.html photos/fulldetector/events.html The Large Hadron Collider...
var gaq gaq ; gaq.push( ` setAccount`, `UA 12760040 4` ); gaq.push( ` trackPageview` ); (function() { var ga document.createElement(`script`...
Studies toward a detector for future accelerators At RHUL, as a complement to the work done in JAI, we are involved in detector studies for future accelerators. More...
Large Hadron Collider: latest news! (2pm 10 September, 2008) Earlier today a major milestone was crossed in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN: a proton beam was...
Grid computing at RHUL 72157603489608766/ Access to massive computing...
Group publications Publications in 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007. 2010 Search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation in Narrow Upsilon Decays. By The BABAR Collaboration...
Particle Physics Seminars 2008 2009 Seminars are held on Wednesdays at 15:30 in room T125 unless indicated otherwise. Full list of recent and upcoming seminars...
Particle Physic Seminars 2007 2008 Seminars are held on Wednesdays at 15:30 in room T125 unless indicated otherwise. Full list of recent and upcoming seminars is...
This year sees the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference held in Shanghai over 4 and half days. TomAumeyr and LaurieNevay visited to present recent results...
Last week, Richard Eggleston and myself attended the Invisibles13 summer school. This summer school, held in the beautiful city of Durham between the 10th and 15th...
John Adams Institute The John Adams Institute for Science is a joint venture between the Physics department at Royal Holloway and the Nuclear and Particle Physics...
Nirav Joshi (Page is under construction) Welcome to the my world of engineering and science. Since April 2009, I am working with the JAI RHUL as a Marie Curie...
Joshuha Thomas Wilsker`s Homepage Hello and welcome to my homepage. I am currently a PHD student in the particle physics group at Royal Holloway College, University...
RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup The official start date of the LHC is 10th September 2008. It will be covered live on Radio 4 and a webcast from CERN. Particle...
Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc LHC physics Physics at the LHC F Gianotti, Physics Reports 403 404 (2004) 379 399. ~/DOCUMENTS/FGianotti...
Large Hadron Collider back in Action! Tuesday 24 November 2009 #8211; Physicists at RHUL are excited about the restart of the operation of the largest scientific...
Large Hadron Collider: latest news! (2pm 10 September, 2008) Earlier today a major milestone was crossed, in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN: a proton beam was...
Neil Cooper Smith`s page Welcome to my page. I am a third year Trash.PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Pedro Teixeira Dias, working on ATLAS. My current focus...
Neil Cooper Smith`s page Welcome to my page. I am a third year Trash.PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Pedro Teixeira Dias, working on ATLAS. My current focus...
Newton cluster comes home After two years hosted by Imperial College, our `Newton` Grid computing cluster has finally been relocated to Royal Holloway`s new state...
NExT Physics Meeting at Royal Holloway (12 May 2010) 33 participants from RAL, Southampton, Sussex and Royal Holloway Agenda 10:30 Coffee (Tolansky T118, Bldg....
Nirav Joshi (Page is under construction) Welcome to the my world of engineering and science. Since April 2009, I am working with the JAI RHUL as a Marie Curie...
PH4100 Major Project (for projects before 2010) Information regarding 4th year projects based on ATLFAST ntuples. See my Log Book 11, page 10, for useful notes for...
PH4100 Major Project Information regarding 4th year projects based on ATLFAST ntuples. (See my Log Book 11, page 10, for useful notes for the project kick off meetings...
PH4100 MSci Major Projects ATLAS ttH (H bb) Introduction This project is based on the analysis of simulated data of proton proton collisions in the ATLAS particle...
PH4100 MSci Project Simulated event samples General comments All samples for this project are simulated at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV and with the 2017 configuration...
PH4100 MSci Project Simulated event samples General comments All samples for this project are simulated at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV and correspond to...
Pedro Teixeira Dias Name: Pedro TD Office: W260 Phone: 44 (1784) 443453 Position: Reader in Particle Physics My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view...
Pedro Teixeira Dias Name: Pedro TD Office: W260 Phone: 44 (1784) 443453 Position: Reader in Particle Physics My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view...
Pedro`s trunk of papers Useful links to Particle Physics papers, reviews, preprints, manuals, etc Reviews Physics at the high energy frontier: the Large...
Trash.PhD opportunities in Particle Physics (Experiment and Theory) and Accelerator Physics at RHUL The Centre for Particle Physics at Holloway, University...
ATLAS Physics Studies at RHUL Higgs Searches We are working on the detection and measurement of the properties of light Higgs boson signals predicted in the...
REF2014 Impact Case `Engaging the public with current research in Particle Physics` RHUL Centre for Particle Physics list of relevant outreach events in the period...
Particle Physics Seminars 2009 2010 Welcome to Royal Holloway, the University of London`s Particle Physics Group seminars page! Particle Physics Seminars are held...
M. Stephan Tietz MPhil student between October 2009 and July 2012 Supervisor/Adviser: Nikolas Kauer Contact:
Dr Stephen M. West Departmental Webpage Lecturer/ web/NExT web.htm NExT Institute fellow in particle physics jointly...
Summer Bursaries 2009 Information about the Summer Bursaries was circulated earlier by SummerBursariesEmail email to all interested parties. A limited no. of bursaries...
Starting on Sunday September 14th I attended the five day international workshop on top quark physics: in Durbach, Germany. Last year I was chairing the local organizing...
Discussion Summary for Theory Experiment Interplay at the LHC Workshop: .ThExpLHC My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki...
Tim Brooks Third Year PhD Student Supervised by Cowan My Links web space at RHUL My research Slides for talks Datasets I`m using My Event...
Tim Brooks Third Year PhD Student Supervised by Cowan My Links web space at RHUL My research Slides for talks Datasets I`m using My Event...
The ATLAS Trigger Students and staff from RHUL are involved in a wide range of work on the ATLAS Trigger, from developing software to select electrons in a few milliseconds...
Centre for Particle Physics This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Department at Holloway, University of London. It contains...
Statistics for PP/Public Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Wednesday 28 October 2009 from 11:00 to 18:00 at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ( Pickavance Theatre ) chaired by: Claire Shepherd Themistocleous 11:00...
Number of topics: 45