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Star Simulation Stot distributed using Pareto distribution Star evaluated in a box, so runs quicker Gaussian noise added to background in addition to Poisson...
Dark Frames: Exposure time (s) Image Mean (sigma)...
Fitting Curve Code cd Y: cd FourthYear MajorProject/ import f`./60s DarkFrame.FIT`) f0 f 0 d hist(d.flatten()...
Histogram of ADU pixel values counted from a dark frame taken with exposure time 1s and ccd temperature 15 degrees. A gaussian fit has been fitted to the histogram...
Star Field Simulation Attempted two things this week: Variations in brightness of star Statistical Fluctuations Stot was uniformly distributed over a chosen maximum...
Log of Observation 1: Academic Present: Prof S BoogertStudents Present: Rebekah Chafer, Luna BorellaWeather Conditions: Mostly clear, some cloudTime: 17:00...
Observation 1 We took two images of the double cluster: NGC869, NGC884, with two different cameras, with different fields of view. Star Simulation Main aim this...
Background Analysis Alpha persei image median plotted of 65x65 box centered around each pixel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101x101 201x201 . . . . . . . . . ....
Background 301x301 401x401 Star finder Star finder on simulated data Analysis of Observation 1 Observation 1 image is saturated. Other profile taken of same star...
Fixed error in the star simulation were getting pixel values way bigger than 65,000. This was because of the Stot distribution used. Last week, I used the scipy...
Added error bars to the Histogram Error bars are small We plotted the new hypothesis mean mean0 mu t , however since our data was all over the place we used the...
Star Matching Algorithm Original Image (simulated) Adjusted Image moved in x direction by 10 pixels: Star Matching Algorithm then matches stars to one another by using...
Academic Present: Dr Laurie NevayStudents Present: Luna Borella, Rebekah ChaferWeather Conditions: ClearTime: 22:40 1:50Targets: Betelgeuse Pleiades Cluster in...
Pleiades is too wide to get in one shot with normal telescope. Would take approximately 25 tiles to get whole cluster. Therefore, the plan is to use the smaller telescope...
Observation Took multiple photos of Pleiades in small field of view in different filters. Then moved to a wider field of view, no filter. Aiming to use this for HR...
Error estimate Using star fitting of a single star e.g Found Flux plotted hist Blue filter Green Filter Red filter: Star Matching Red UnmatchedGreen Matched Zoomed...
Error estimate Blue filter Green Filter: Removing Stars due to proximity #radius apart, not sigma. LunaBorella 08 Feb 2018
Error estimate Green Filter HR Diagram LunaBorella 13 Feb 2018
Finding the best radius of the aperture circle. Simulated a star with 2D Gaussian with a sigma of 2 pixels, with no background. Then, I gradually increased the radius...
Error estimate Main squence fitting Using the magnitude distance equation, where the offset for the first 2 are 6.3 and the offset for the third is 6 we find a distance...
Functions to open FIT files, make histograms and fit a Gaussian. Code is untested. from import fits import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt...
import numpy as np import random as r import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import fits import math as m import scipy as sc #from scipy.stats import...
from import fits from scipy.optimize import curve fit import glob from photutils import CircularAperture BLACK 0 def OpenImageHist(filename):...
Number of topics: 26