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Connect to camera (remote desktop connection Maxim DL 5 Camera control Check setup connect Set cooler temperature 20 wrt ambient... Cool camera to 20 wrt ambient Maxim DL 5 Camera control setup connect Thorlabs APTUser Home moving Complete Cadmium... Cool camera to 20 wrt ambient Maxim DL 5 Camera control setup connect Thorlabs APTUser Home moving Complete Cadmium...
Extracted the data from the image taken to python Coded a program to find all the peaks(including the background/small peaks) and their location JamesAngthopo...
Hot pixel removal Median filter test on the Cd spectrum image at 1.50mm with size 4: Top images are pre filter, bottom are post filter. Spectrums...
Start 1:30 pm Camera cooled to 5C Switch to He lamp APTUser Homed Complete spectrum scan of Helium Switch to Na lamp Complete spectrum...
Start 1:30 pm Camera cooled to 5C Switch to He lamp APTUser Homed Complete spectrum scan of Helium Switch to Na lamp Complete spectrum...
Start 9:00 am Switch to high Mercury lamp Complete spectrum scan of high Mercury Images in ranges 04.50 06.00 and 07.00 08.00 require exposure times...
Start 9:00 am Switch to high Mercury lamp Complete spectrum scan of high Mercury Images in ranges 04.50 06.00 and 07.00 08.00 require exposure times...
Predominantly experimental week; took spectrum images for 4 remaining lamps Started aligning mirrors and focusing laser onto fibre end Peak Finder Plot...
First alignment of laser using mirrors IC Capture 2.4 Used attenuator to reduce intensity on ImagingSource camera Second alignment Connected fibres...
Improved peak location Second derivative of the data is used over the first derivative as the peak locations are easier to locate via Python using a cut off...
APT user MaxIm DL Pro 5 Cooled camera to 5C He Lamp Distance scan of He at 04.80 mm and 0.1 s exposure time JamesAngthopo 02 Nov 2016
Peak Algorithm Found peak using second derivative of data. Double differential used as it enables us to find some hidden peaks. Picked a cut off point for...
Maxim DL 5 on both computers Left PC: Camera 1: 5C, Camera 2: 15C Right PC: Camera 1: 15C, Camera 2: 15C Focused camera on He line at 04.80mm...
Rotated lens in spectrometer 180 degrees Focused laser light on to camera Focused Cadmium 06.80mm on to camera Use paper to increase micrometer displacement...
Predominantly experimental week Observed Vega and Beta Lyrae taking a spectrum scan of each Another attempt at calibrating the spectrometer Calibrating...
14:00 start camera 10C Maxim DL 5, Thorlabs APT Focusing on Cd at 3.60mm Focal length scan Rotation angle scan Switch to He lamp...
Focusing the camera Focused the camera by changing focal length between lens and camera. Cut off value: %$ 0.06$%, for all values x range: %$x 2 x...
Finding optimal grating placement Maxim DL 5, APT User Cooled camera to 10C He lamp For towards with centred grating, brightest line chosen at...
Calibrating During the week, correct grating position was found and grating was stuck down Sigma of the Gaussian fit to the peak as a function of the lens...
Pxiel to wavelength Used equation, \begin{equation} \lambda \sum {n 1}^{n}C n(p \alpha m)^n \end{equationENDLATEX% Cut off point 0.05, %$x(i \Delta...
Start 15:00 Helium scan Cadmium scan High Mercury scan Low Mercury scan Sodium scan Andrey Came in at 18:00 IC Capture, Maxim...
Pixel to Wavelength mapping Equation used: \begin{equation} \lambda(m,p) \sum {n 0}^{N} C n((p p 0) \alpha(m m 0))^n \end{equation} %$\alpha$% is an unknown...
Start at 18:00, present Will, James, Laurie, Andrey IC Capture, Maxim DL 5 Cameras cooled to 10C Aligned scope to Rigel Tested intensity of the...
Conversion to wavelength Function to convert pixel values to wavelength uses the equation: \begin{equation} \lambda(m,p) C 0 C 1(p p 0) D 1(m m 0) E 1(p p...
Conversion from pixel to wavelength Same equation used: cut off value 0.05 %$\frac{\Delta y}{2j} y(i j) y(i j), j 1$% %$\Delta x 2$% for...
Error propagation Assumed the photoelectrons distribution is a p.d.f therefore assumed error on the number of photoelectrons to be \begin{equation} \sigma...
Chi Squared Original %$\chi^2$% used: \begin{equation} \chi^2 \sum {i 1}^{N} \frac{(y i f(x i; \bar{\theta}))^2}{\sigma i^2} \end{equation} Amended...
Error propagation Part spec.pdf: A section of the report Equation to convert from wavelength to pixels: \begin{equation} p \frac{ b\pm\sqrt{(b)^2 4ac}...
Error bars A gaussian function fitted over the test lamp`s data. Using the amended %$\chi^2$% equation, error on the lamp`s data found. This is due to Poisson...
He line centred at 4.20 mm micrometer setting Focus distance 21.3mm Rotation focus 1.0mm to 6.0mm, intervals of 0.2mm Rotation at 3.5mm for focusing...
%$\sigma 0$% Error %$\chi^2$% equation used \begin{equation} \chi^2 \sum {i 1}^{N}\frac{y i f(x i;\vec{\theta})}{\sigma i^2 \sigma 0^2} \end{equation}...
WillBurrows 08 Mar 2017 RMS RMS He Images
2015 Projects Photometry Spectroscopy 2016 Projects Photometry Spectroscopy 2017 Projects 2018 Projects Photometry 2019 Projects...
Number of topics: 37

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