Difference: JournalClub (1 vs. 10)

Revision 1017 Jun 2022 - SamWaterhouse

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RHUL Journal Club

Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!

Line: 9 to 9
  • The speaker will be chosen such that everyone will have had an opportunity to lead the club before resetting.
  • The speaker should then decide on what paper the group will read, and send it around via e-mail no later than Monday. They should also add the paper to the Journal Log at the bottom of this page along with their name and include a link to this TWiki in the e-mail.
  • Presently we will stick to Particle Physics papers (of any variety, experimental/theory, collaboration).
  • At the meeting, the speaker will lead the Journal Club and give a short overview of the paper, opening the discussion and controlling debates.
  • At the meeting, the speaker will lead the session and give a short overview of the paper, open the discussion and control the debates.

Mailing List

Send all e-mails regarding the Journal Club to: hepdis@pp.rhul.ac.uk

This way ATLAS members and Theorists alike will get the e-mail, as well as anyone else who may be interested.

Send all e-mails regarding the Journal Club to: ppatlas-group@lists.rhul.ac.uk

Volunteer Speakers

Line: 36 to 33
Journal Club Session Speaker Chosen Paper Comment
31/10/12 - 07/11/12 Daniel Hayden First evidence of CP violation in Charm Decays http://arxiv.org/pdf/1112.0938v2.pdf
25/01/13 - 13/02/13 Nikolas Kauer Inadequacy of zero-width approximation for a light Higgs boson signal http://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.4803.pdf
16/11/12 - 30/11/12 Name Three Paper Three -
16/11/12 - 30/11/12 Nikolas Kauer Inadequacy of zero-width approximation for a light Higgs boson signal http://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.4803.pdf
25/01/13 - 13/02/13 Name Three Paper Three -

Revision 931 Mar 2022 - SamWaterhouse

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RHUL Journal Club


RHUL Journal Club

  Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!


  • Held Bi-Weekly in the Gardener Room, on a day and at a time TBC for ~1 hour.
  • A random speaker will be chosen from the list of Volunteer Speakers on the Friday (A speaker will not be chosen twice in any given rotation).
  • The chosen speaker for that Journal Club should then decide on what paper the group will read, and send it around via e-mail no later than Monday. They should also add the paper to the Journal Log at the bottom of this page along with their name, and include a link to this twiki in the e-mail.
  • Presently we will stick to Particle Physics Papers (of any variety, experimental/theory, collaboration), but later may branch out into other areas of interest.
  • At the following meeting the chosen speaker will lead the Journal Club, giving a short overview, opening discussion of the paper, and controlling debates.
  • Held fortnightly in the 264 Conference Room and on Zoom, on a day and at a time TBC for ~1 hour.
  • The speaker will be chosen such that everyone will have had an opportunity to lead the club before resetting.
  • The speaker should then decide on what paper the group will read, and send it around via e-mail no later than Monday. They should also add the paper to the Journal Log at the bottom of this page along with their name and include a link to this TWiki in the e-mail.
  • Presently we will stick to Particle Physics papers (of any variety, experimental/theory, collaboration).
  • At the meeting, the speaker will lead the Journal Club and give a short overview of the paper, opening the discussion and controlling debates.

Mailing List

Line: 19 to 19

Volunteer Speakers

This is a current list of Volunteer Speakers, please feel free to Add/Remove yourself from the list.
This is a current list of Volunteer Speakers, please feel free to add/remove yourself from the list:
Dan Hayden
Pedro Teixeira Dias
Ian Connelly
Josh Thomas Wilsker
  • Sam Waterhouse
  • Enzo Canonero
  • Levi Evans
  • Pedro Teixeira-Dias

Journal Log


Journal Log

Journal Club Session Speaker Chosen Paper Comment (URL)

Journal Log (Archive)

Journal Club Session Speaker Chosen Paper Comment
31/10/12 - 07/11/12 Daniel Hayden First evidence of CP violation in Charm Decays http://arxiv.org/pdf/1112.0938v2.pdf
25/01/13 - 13/02/13 Nikolas Kauer Inadequacy of zero-width approximation for a light Higgs boson signal http://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.4803.pdf
16/11/12 - 30/11/12 Name Three Paper Three -

Possible Papers

Title Link / Description
Observation of CP violation in charm decays at LHCb https://indico.in2p3.fr/getFile.py/access?contribId=133&sessionId=3&resId=0&materialId=paper&confId=6004
The Discovery of the Tau, 1975-1977: A Tale of Three Papers Gary J. Feldman (1993)
Top Discovery (CDF) http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v74/i14/p2626_1
Top Discovery (D0) http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v74/i13/p2422_1
Measurement of the Mass of the Tau Lepton PRL Volume 69, Number 21, 23 November 1992
Inadequacy of zero-width approximation for a light Higgs boson signal arXiv:1206.4803v2 [hep-ph]
Mind over matter: The Intellectual Content of Experimental Physics Author: V.L. Telegdi
Measurement of the mass of the Tau-lepton and an upper limit on the mass difference between Tau+ and Tau- arXiv:hep-ex/0511038v1
The Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment Physica Scripta. Vol. T22, 111-118, 1988.
The Muon g-2 Experiment BNL

Revision 825 Jan 2013 - DanielHayden

Line: 1 to 1

RHUL Journal Club

Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!

Line: 27 to 27
Journal Club Session Speaker Chosen Paper Comment
31/10/12 - 07/11/12 Daniel Hayden First evidence of CP violation in Charm Decays http://arxiv.org/pdf/1112.0938v2.pdf
07/12/12 - 19/12/12 Nikolas Kauer Inadequacy of zero-width approximation for a light Higgs boson signal http://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.4803.pdf
25/01/13 - 13/02/13 Nikolas Kauer Inadequacy of zero-width approximation for a light Higgs boson signal http://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.4803.pdf
16/11/12 - 30/11/12 Name Three Paper Three -

Possible Papers

Revision 707 Dec 2012 - DanielHayden

Line: 1 to 1

RHUL Journal Club

Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!

Line: 27 to 27
Journal Club Session Speaker Chosen Paper Comment
31/10/12 - 07/11/12 Daniel Hayden First evidence of CP violation in Charm Decays http://arxiv.org/pdf/1112.0938v2.pdf
02/11/12 - 16/11/12 Name Two Paper Two -
07/12/12 - 19/12/12 Nikolas Kauer Inadequacy of zero-width approximation for a light Higgs boson signal http://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.4803.pdf
16/11/12 - 30/11/12 Name Three Paper Three -

Possible Papers

Revision 630 Oct 2012 - DanielHayden

Line: 1 to 1

RHUL Journal Club

Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!

Line: 26 to 26

Journal Log

Journal Club Session Speaker Chosen Paper Comment
19/10/12 - 02/11/12 Name One Paper One -
31/10/12 - 07/11/12 Daniel Hayden First evidence of CP violation in Charm Decays http://arxiv.org/pdf/1112.0938v2.pdf
02/11/12 - 16/11/12 Name Two Paper Two -
16/11/12 - 30/11/12 Name Three Paper Three -

Revision 529 Oct 2012 - DanielHayden

Line: 1 to 1

RHUL Journal Club

Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!

Line: 30 to 30
02/11/12 - 16/11/12 Name Two Paper Two -
16/11/12 - 30/11/12 Name Three Paper Three -

Possible Papers

Title Link / Description
Observation of CP violation in charm decays at LHCb https://indico.in2p3.fr/getFile.py/access?contribId=133&sessionId=3&resId=0&materialId=paper&confId=6004
The Discovery of the Tau, 1975-1977: A Tale of Three Papers Gary J. Feldman (1993)
Top Discovery (CDF) http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v74/i14/p2626_1
Top Discovery (D0) http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v74/i13/p2422_1
Measurement of the Mass of the Tau Lepton PRL Volume 69, Number 21, 23 November 1992
Inadequacy of zero-width approximation for a light Higgs boson signal arXiv:1206.4803v2 [hep-ph]
Mind over matter: The Intellectual Content of Experimental Physics Author: V.L. Telegdi
Measurement of the mass of the Tau-lepton and an upper limit on the mass difference between Tau+ and Tau- arXiv:hep-ex/0511038v1
The Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment Physica Scripta. Vol. T22, 111-118, 1988.
The Muon g-2 Experiment BNL

Revision 417 Oct 2012 - TimBrooks

Line: 1 to 1

RHUL Journal Club

 Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!


Line: 33 to 29
19/10/12 - 02/11/12 Name One Paper One -
02/11/12 - 16/11/12 Name Two Paper Two -
16/11/12 - 30/11/12 Name Three Paper Three -

Revision 317 Oct 2012 - TomCraneAdmin

Line: 1 to 1

RHUL Journal Club

  Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!

Revision 217 Oct 2012 - TimBrooks

Line: 1 to 1

RHUL Journal Club

 Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!


Line: 21 to 24
  This is a current list of Volunteer Speakers, please feel free to Add/Remove yourself from the list.
Dan Hayden
Pedro Teixeira Dias
Ian Connelly
Josh Thomas Wilsker
Dan Hayden
Pedro Teixeira Dias
Ian Connelly
Josh Thomas Wilsker

Journal Log

Revision 117 Oct 2012 - DanielHayden

Line: 1 to 1

RHUL Journal Club

Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club!


  • Held Bi-Weekly in the Gardener Room, on a day and at a time TBC for ~1 hour.
  • A random speaker will be chosen from the list of Volunteer Speakers on the Friday (A speaker will not be chosen twice in any given rotation).
  • The chosen speaker for that Journal Club should then decide on what paper the group will read, and send it around via e-mail no later than Monday. They should also add the paper to the Journal Log at the bottom of this page along with their name, and include a link to this twiki in the e-mail.
  • Presently we will stick to Particle Physics Papers (of any variety, experimental/theory, collaboration), but later may branch out into other areas of interest.
  • At the following meeting the chosen speaker will lead the Journal Club, giving a short overview, opening discussion of the paper, and controlling debates.

Mailing List

Send all e-mails regarding the Journal Club to: hepdis@pp.rhul.ac.uk

This way ATLAS members and Theorists alike will get the e-mail, as well as anyone else who may be interested.

Volunteer Speakers

This is a current list of Volunteer Speakers, please feel free to Add/Remove yourself from the list.

Dan Hayden
Pedro Teixeira Dias
Ian Connelly
Josh Thomas Wilsker

Journal Log

Journal Club Session Speaker Chosen Paper Comment
19/10/12 - 02/11/12 Name One Paper One -
02/11/12 - 16/11/12 Name Two Paper Two -
16/11/12 - 30/11/12 Name Three Paper Three -
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