Difference: LHCandHiggsPapers (1 vs. 30)

Revision 3012 Dec 2024 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

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 A theoretical paper published in 2013, shortly after the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, reviewing the importance of Higgs-pair production processes for the measurement of the Higgs self-coupling at the LHC:
  • The measurement of the Higgs self-coupling at the LHC: theoretical status (JHEP04 (2013) 151)
Overview of theoretical and experimental status of the study of the Higgs self-coupling at colliders:
 Two theoretical papers published in 2016 and 2017, highlighting that single Higgs production processes at the LHC can also additionally be used to measure/constrain the Higgs self-coupling:
  • Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC (JHEP12 (2016) 080)
  • Trilinear Higgs coupling determination via single-Higgs differential measurements at the LHC (EPJ C77 (2017) 887)

Revision 2906 Dec 2024 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

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Some LHC experimental papers in more recent years:

  • Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from the combination of single-Higgs and double-Higgs production analyses performed with the ATLAS experiment (ATLAS-CONF-2019-04)
  • Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector (PL B800 (2020) 135103)
  • Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from single- and double-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at 13 TeV (PL B843 (2023) 137745)
  • Combination of Searches for Higgs Boson Pair Production in pp Collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector (Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (2024) 101801)

Revision 2828 Nov 2024 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 58 to 58
  • Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC (JHEP12 (2016) 080)
  • Trilinear Higgs coupling determination via single-Higgs differential measurements at the LHC (EPJ C77 (2017) 887)
Some experimental papers in more recent years:
Measurements of the Higgs self-coupling at future collider facilities:

Some LHC experimental papers in more recent years:

  • Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector (PL B800 (2020) 135103)
  • Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from single- and double-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at 13 TeV (PL B843 (2023) 137745)
Searches for di-Higgs production in specific final states:
Searches at the LHC for di-Higgs production in specific final states:
  • Search for Higgs boson pairs decaying to WW*WW*, WW*ττ, and ττττ in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (JHEP07 (2023) 095)
  • Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in final state with two bottom quarks and two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (PL B842 (2023) 137531)
  • Search for nonresonant pair production of highly energetic Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quarks (CMS experiment) (arXiV hep-ex 2205.06667)

Revision 2720 Oct 2024 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 71 to 71
 Some less technical articles:

Higgs Search Overview

Revision 2629 Sep 2023 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 70 to 70
  Some less technical articles:

Higgs Search Overview

Revision 2520 Sep 2023 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 29 to 29
  Electroweak symmetry breaking in historical perspective by Chris Quigg (Ann. Rev. Nucl. and Particle Science 65 (2015) 25-42.)
Unanswered questions in the electroweak theory by Chris Quigg (Ann. Rev. Nucl. and Particle Science 59 (2009) 505.)
 The Anatomy of Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking by A. Djouadi (encyclopedic!):
  • The Higgs boson in the Standard Model ( Volume I)
  • The Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model ( Volume II)

Revision 2420 Sep 2023 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 27 to 27

Higgs phenomenology

Electroweak symmetry breaking in historical perspective by Chris Quigg (Ann. Rev. Nucl. and Particle Science 65 (2015) 25-42.)
 The Anatomy of Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking by A. Djouadi (encyclopedic!):
  • The Higgs boson in the Standard Model ( Volume I)
  • The Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model ( Volume II)

Revision 2324 Jul 2023 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 42 to 42
  The journal Nature published, online on the 4th July 2022, a series of papers on what we know (and what we don't know) since the Higgs discovery ten years ago:
  • A detailed map of Higgs boson interactions by the ATLAS experiment ten years after the discovery (Nature 607 (2022) 52)
  • A portrait of the Higgs boson by the CMS experiment ten years after the discovery (Nature 607 (2022) 60)
  • A detailed map of Higgs boson interactions by the ATLAS experiment ten years after the discovery (Nature 607 (2022) 52)
  • A portrait of the Higgs boson by the CMS experiment ten years after the discovery (Nature 607 (2022) 60)

Higgs self-coupling

Revision 2224 Jul 2023 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 32 to 32
  • The Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model ( Volume II)

Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Particle Physics - lectures given at TASI 2011 by Laura Reina:

Electroweak symmetry breaking: to Higgs or not to Higgs
Academic training lectures (Video+Slides), January 2009:
Lecture #1 Lecture #2 Lecture #3

The Higgs boson 10 years after discovery

The journal Nature published, online on the 4th July 2022, a series of papers on what we know (and what we don't know) since the Higgs discovery ten years ago:


Higgs self-coupling

Revision 2124 Jul 2023 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 27 to 27

Higgs phenomenology

The Anatomy of Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking (encyclopedic!)
The Anatomy of Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking by A. Djouadi (encyclopedic!):
  • The Higgs boson in the Standard Model ( Volume I)
  • The Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model ( Volume II)

by A. Djouadi
Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Particle Physics - lectures given at TASI 2011 by Laura Reina:
Electroweak symmetry breaking: to Higgs or not to Higgs
Academic training lectures (Video+Slides), January 2009:
Line: 54 to 56
  • Search for Higgs boson pairs decaying to WW*WW*, WW*ττ, and ττττ in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (JHEP07 (2023) 095)
  • Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in final state with two bottom quarks and two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (PL B842 (2023) 137531)
  • Search for nonresonant pair production of highly energetic Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quarks (CMS experiment) (arXiV hep-ex 2205.06667)
  • _Title_(a)
  • _Title_(a)
  • Search for Higgs Boson Pair Production in the Four b Quark Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (PRL 129 (2022) 081802)
  Some less technical articles:

Revision 2024 Jul 2023 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 49 to 49
 Some experimental papers in more recent years:
  • Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector (PL B800 (2020) 135103)
  • Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from single- and double-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at 13 TeV (PL B843 (2023) 137745)
Searches for di-Higgs production in specific final states:
  • Search for Higgs boson pairs decaying to WW*WW*, WW*ττ, and ττττ in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (JHEP07 (2023) 095)
  • Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in final state with two bottom quarks and two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (PL B842 (2023) 137531)
  • Search for nonresonant pair production of highly energetic Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quarks (CMS experiment) (arXiV hep-ex 2205.06667)
  • _Title_(a)
  • _Title_(a)

Some less technical articles:

Revision 1924 Jul 2023 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 36 to 36
Academic training lectures (Video+Slides), January 2009:
Lecture #1 Lecture #2 Lecture #3

Higgs self-coupling

A theoretical paper published in 2013, shortly after the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, reviewing the importance of Higgs-pair production processes for the measurement of the Higgs self-coupling at the LHC:

  • The measurement of the Higgs self-coupling at the LHC: theoretical status (JHEP04 (2013) 151)

Two theoretical papers published in 2016 and 2017, highlighting that single Higgs production processes at the LHC can also additionally be used to measure/constrain the Higgs self-coupling:

  • Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC (JHEP12 (2016) 080)
  • Trilinear Higgs coupling determination via single-Higgs differential measurements at the LHC (EPJ C77 (2017) 887)

Some experimental papers in more recent years:

  • Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector (PL B800 (2020) 135103)
  • Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from single- and double-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at 13 TeV (PL B843 (2023) 137745)
  • _Title_(a)

Some less technical articles:


Higgs Search Overview

Have we found the Higgs boson yet? (2012)
P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL.

Invited talk at the Physics meeting of the NExT Institute, University of Sussex
Invited talk at the Physics meeting of the NExT Institute, University of Sussex
  Overview of recent developments in Higgs physics: experiments and theory (2010)
P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL.
Invited talk at the UK HEP Forum 2010
Invited talk at the UK HEP Forum 2010
  The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future (2007)
Talk at the IoP HEPP annual meeting, 2007

Revision 1811 Jul 2013 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 67 to 67
Published in Rept.Prog.Phys.65:465-528,2002.

Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC


Higgs discovery and properties at LHC

Measurements of the properties of the resonance (2013):

  • Evidence for the spin-0 nature of the Higgs boson using ATLAS data arXiv:1307.1432 hep-ex
  • Measurements of Higgs production and couplings using diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC arXiv:1307.1427 hep-ex
  • Study of the mass and spin-parity of the Higgs boson candidate via its decays to Z boson pairs arXiv:1212.6639 hep-ex
  ATLAS and CMS discovery papers (July 2012):
  • Observation of a New Particle in the Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC Phys. Lett. B716 (2012) 1-29.

The full list of published LHC Higgs papers can be found here: ATLAS list and CMS list.


Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC

 Searches for the Standard Model Higgs Boson with the ATLAS Detector (May 2012)
Ralf Bernhard (on behalf of The ATLAS Collab.), arXiv:1205.4629 hep-ex

Revision 1705 Jun 2013 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 38 to 38

Higgs Search Overview

Have we found the Higgs boson yet? (2012)
P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL. Invited talk at the Physics meeting of the NExT Institute, University of Sussex

Overview of recent developments in Higgs physics: experiments and theory (2010)
P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL. Invited talk at the UK HEP Forum 2010

 The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future (2007)
Talk at the IoP HEPP annual meeting, 2007
P Teixeira-Dias
Line: 78 to 86
 Limits on the production of the Standard Model Higgs Boson in pp collisions at sqrt(s) =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector (2011)
The ATLAS Collab., arXiv:1106.2748 hep-ex
Overview of recent developments in Higgs physics: experiments and theory (2010)
P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL. Invited talk at the UK HEP Forum 2010
 Searches for Higgs bosons at the LHC (2009)
M Delmastro (on behalf of ATLAS and CMS) arXiv:0909.0493 hep-ex

Revision 1615 Oct 2012 - webmanip_5foldt2nt_2esh

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

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 The ATLAS Monte Carlo project
(ATL-COM-SOFT-2008-024; to be submitted to JINST)
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" attr="h" comment="" date="1224863965" name="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" path="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" size="478311" stream="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" attr="h" comment="Invited talk given at the Annual PP IoP meeting (2007)" date="1340964283" name="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" path="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" size="10848805" stream="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" attr="h" comment="" date="1224863965" name="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" path="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" size="478311" stream="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" user="Public.PedroTeixeiraDias" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" attr="h" comment="Invited talk given at the Annual PP IoP meeting (2007)" date="1340964283" name="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" path="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" size="10848805" stream="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" user="Public.PedroTeixeiraDias" version="1"

Revision 1512 Oct 2012 - PedroTD

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 61 to 61

Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC

ATLAS and CMS discovery papers (July 2012):

The full list of published LHC Higgs papers can be found here: ATLAS list and CMS list.

 Searches for the Standard Model Higgs Boson with the ATLAS Detector (May 2012)
Ralf Bernhard (on behalf of The ATLAS Collab.), arXiv:1205.4629 hep-ex

Revision 1429 Jun 2012 - PedroTD

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 28 to 28

Higgs phenomenology

The Anatomy of Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking (encyclopedic!)


The Higgs boson in the Standard Model (Volume I)
The Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model (Volume II)
A Djouadi
~/DOCUMENTS/Djouadi_Vol1.pdf, Djouadi_Vol2.pdf
  • The Higgs boson in the Standard Model (Volume I)
  • The Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model (Volume II)

by A. Djouadi
Electroweak symmetry breaking: to Higgs or not to Higgs
Academic training lectures (Video+Slides), January 2009:
Line: 40 to 39

Higgs Search Overview

The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future (2007)


Talk at the IoP HEPP annual meeting, 2007

Talk at the IoP HEPP annual meeting, 2007
P Teixeira-Dias


Higgs Search at LEP

Line: 119 to 117
 (ATL-COM-SOFT-2008-024; to be submitted to JINST)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" attr="h" comment="" date="1224863965" name="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" path="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" size="478311" stream="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" attr="h" comment="Invited talk given at the Annual PP IoP meeting (2007)" date="1340964283" name="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" path="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" size="10848805" stream="PTD_Higgs_IoP2007.pdf" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"

Revision 1328 Jun 2012 - PedroTD

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 63 to 63

Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC

Searches for the Standard Model Higgs Boson with the ATLAS Detector (May 2012)
Ralf Bernhard (on behalf of The ATLAS Collab.), arXiv:1205.4629 hep-ex

Standard Model Higgs boson searches with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (Nov. 2011)
Aleandro Nisati (on behalf of the ATLAS Collab.), arXiv:1111.7132 hep-ex

 Limits on the production of the Standard Model Higgs Boson in pp collisions at sqrt(s) =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector (2011)
The ATLAS Collab., arXiv:1106.2748 hep-ex

Revision 1209 May 2012 - PedroTD

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 21 to 21

LHC: the accelerator and experiments

The following issue of the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) is dedicated to the LHC: machine, ATLAS, CMS, and all the other experiments:
The following issue of the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) is dedicated to the LHC: machine, ATLAS, CMS, and all the other experiments: Journal of Instrumentation JINST 3 (2008)
Journal of Instrumentation JINST 3 (2008)
Physics at the high energy frontier: the Large Hadron Collider project (Editors: George Kalmus, Robert Brown, David Evans, Valerie Gibson, Richard Nickerson). Proceedings of the Royal Society Discussion meeting held in May 2011, published in Philosophical Transactions A (including articles on the Physics, the SM, the detectors and the collider) - flyer - read articles online

Higgs phenomenology

Revision 1116 Jun 2011 - PedroTD

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 63 to 63

Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC

Limits on the production of the Standard Model Higgs Boson in pp collisions at sqrt(s) =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector (2011)
The ATLAS Collab., arXiv:1106.2748 hep-ex
 Overview of recent developments in Higgs physics: experiments and theory (2010)
P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL. Invited talk at the UK HEP Forum 2010

Revision 1008 Jun 2011 - PedroTD

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 64 to 64

Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC

Overview of recent developments in Higgs physics: experiments and theory (2010)


P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL
Invited talk at the UK HEP Forum 2010

P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL. Invited talk at the UK HEP Forum 2010
  Searches for Higgs bosons at the LHC (2009)

M Delmastro (on behalf of ATLAS and CMS) arXiv:0909.0493 hep-ex

M Delmastro (on behalf of ATLAS and CMS) arXiv:0909.0493 hep-ex
  Combined SM Higgs Limits at the TeVatron (2009)
N Krumnack (on behalf of CDF + D0) arXiv:0910.3353 hep-ex

Revision 907 Jun 2011 - PedroTD

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 39 to 39

Higgs Search Overview

The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future
The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future (2007)
Talk at the IoP HEPP annual meeting, 2007
P Teixeira-Dias
Line: 56 to 56
P Teixeira-Dias arXiv:0804.4146 hep-ex
The Higgs particle in the standard model: Experimental results from LEP
The Higgs particle in the standard model: Experimental results from LEP (2002)
P.A. McNamara, S.L. Wu (Wisconsin U., Madison)
Published in Rept.Prog.Phys.65:465-528,2002.

Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC

Combined SM Higgs Limits at the TeVatron
N Krumnack (on behalf of CDF + D0)
arXiv:0910.3353 hep-ex
Overview of recent developments in Higgs physics: experiments and theory (2010)
P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL
Invited talk at the UK HEP Forum 2010
Higgs searches at the LHC
Searches for Higgs bosons at the LHC (2009)
M Delmastro (on behalf of ATLAS and CMS) arXiv:0909.0493 hep-ex

Combined SM Higgs Limits at the TeVatron (2009)
N Krumnack (on behalf of CDF + D0) arXiv:0910.3353 hep-ex

Prospects for Higgs searches with the ATLAS detector (2009)
E Richter-Was arXiv:0903.4198 hep-ex

Higgs searches at the LHC (2007)

A. de Roeck and G Polesello
C R Physique 8 (2007) 1078-1098. (Comptes Rendus de Physique)

Revision 826 Oct 2009 - PedroTD

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 46 to 46

Higgs Search at LEP

Higgs boson searches at LEP
P Teixeira-Dias
arXiv:0804.4146 [hep-ex] and references therein (see also my list of pubs in the web)
Observation of an excess in the ALEPH search for the Standard Model Higgs boson (2001)
P Teixeira-Dias arXiv: hep-ex/0108001

The Standard Model Higgs boson search at LEP: combined results (2001)
P Teixeira-Dias arXiv: hep-ex/0108002

Higgs boson searches at LEP (2007)
P Teixeira-Dias arXiv:0804.4146 hep-ex


The Higgs particle in the standard model: Experimental results from LEP

Line: 59 to 63

Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC

Combined SM Higgs Limits at the TeVatron
N Krumnack (on behalf of CDF + D0)
arXiv:0910.3353 hep-ex
 Higgs searches at the LHC
A. de Roeck and G Polesello
C R Physique 8 (2007) 1078-1098. (Comptes Rendus de Physique)

Revision 703 Feb 2009 - PedroTD

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 33 to 33
A Djouadi
~/DOCUMENTS/Djouadi_Vol1.pdf, Djouadi_Vol2.pdf

Electroweak symmetry breaking: to Higgs or not to Higgs
Academic training lectures (Video+Slides), January 2009:
Lecture #1 Lecture #2 Lecture #3

Higgs Search Overview

The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future

Revision 608 Jan 2009 - PedroTD

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 76 to 76
 (Chapter 19 is the Higgs searches chapter; the colour figures with the overall search potential are here.)

Expected performance of the ATLAS experiment - detector, trigger and physics (CSC book)

(arXiv:0901.0512v1 (hep-ex))
(CERN-OPEN-2008-020 or arXiv:0901.0512v1 (hep-ex))
  Prospects for the Search of a Standard Model Higgs Boson in ATLAS using Vector Boson Fusion

Revision 507 Jan 2009 - PedroTD

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 75 to 75
(Chapter 19 is the Higgs searches chapter; the colour figures with the overall search potential are here.)
ATLAS physics performance (CSC book, 2008)
Expected performance of the ATLAS experiment - detector, trigger and physics (CSC book)
(arXiv:0901.0512v1 (hep-ex))
  Prospects for the Search of a Standard Model Higgs Boson in ATLAS using Vector Boson Fusion

Revision 404 Jan 2009 - PedroTD

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

Line: 84 to 84
 Higgs production cross-sections and branching ratios for the ATLAS Higgs working group
The ATLAS Monte Carlo project
(ATL-COM-SOFT-2008-024; to be submitted to JINST)
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" attr="h" comment="" date="1224863965" name="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" path="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" size="478311" stream="Chapter21_ColourFigures.ps" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"

Revision 328 Oct 2008 - PedroTD

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META TOPICPARENT name="PH4100MajorProjectPTD"

Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

(This file is ~/TEACHING/ListOfPapers_Y4.txt)

LHC physics


"Physics at the LHC"
F Gianotti
Physics Reports 403-404 (2004) 379-399.

"Collider Physics: LHC" 
F Gianotti
(not very recent, but includes good intro to SM Higgs search overview) 

"LHC physics: the first one--two year(s)"
F Gianotti, ML Mangano
Physics at the LHC
F Gianotti, Physics Reports 403-404 (2004) 379-399.

Collider Physics: LHC
F Gianotti
(not very recent, but includes good intro to SM Higgs search overview)

LHC physics: the first one--two year(s)
F Gianotti, ML Mangano


LHC: the accelerator and experiments

Line: 32 to 27

Higgs phenomenology


SM Higgs (Volume I) and MSSM Higgs (Volume II) encyclopedia.
A Djouadi
~/DOCUMENTS/Djouadi_Vol1.pdf, Djouadi_Vol2.pdf
The Anatomy of Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking (encyclopedic!)
The Higgs boson in the Standard Model (Volume I)
The Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model (Volume II)
A Djouadi
~/DOCUMENTS/Djouadi_Vol1.pdf, Djouadi_Vol2.pdf

Higgs Search Overview


"The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future"
Talk at the IoP HEPP annual meeting, 2007
P Teixeira-Dias
The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future
Talk at the IoP HEPP annual meeting, 2007
P Teixeira-Dias

Higgs Search at LEP


"Higgs boson searches at LEP"
P Teixeira-Dias
arXiv:0804.4146 [hep-ex] and references therein 
Higgs boson searches at LEP
P Teixeira-Dias
arXiv:0804.4146 [hep-ex] and references therein
 (see also my list of pubs in the web)
http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.4146 ~/DOCUMENTS/hep-ex-0804.4146v1.pdf

P.A. McNamara, S.L. Wu (Wisconsin U., Madison) "The Higgs particle in the standard model: Experimental results from LEP. Published in Rept.Prog.Phys.65:465-528,2002. ~/DOCUMENTS/r20401.pdf
The Higgs particle in the standard model: Experimental results from LEP
P.A. McNamara, S.L. Wu (Wisconsin U., Madison)
Published in Rept.Prog.Phys.65:465-528,2002.

Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC


Higgs searches in ATLAS (ATLAS TDR Chapter 19, 1999)

Higgs searches in ATLAS (CSC Higgs Chapter, 2008)

"Higgs searches at the LHC"
A. de Roeck and G Polesello
C R Physiocque 8 (2007) 1078-1098. [Comptes Rendus de Physique]

"Higgs boson searches at Hadron Colliders" [TeVatron + LHC]
V Buscher and K Jakobs
International Journal of Modern Physics Letters A Vol. 20 (2005)

"Higgs Physics at the LHC"
G Unal
Acta Phys. Pol. B 38 (2007) 717-729

Higgs searches at the LHC
A. de Roeck and G Polesello
C R Physique 8 (2007) 1078-1098. (Comptes Rendus de Physique)

Higgs boson searches at Hadron Colliders (TeVatron + LHC)
V Buscher and K Jakobs
International Journal of Modern Physics Letters A Vol. 20 (2005)

Higgs Physics at the LHC
G Unal, Acta Phys. Pol. B 38 (2007) 717-729


ATLAS experiment reports

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 (SN-ATLAS-2003-024; published in EPJC.)

Higgs production cross-sections and branching ratios for the ATLAS Higgs working group



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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

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ATLAS experiment reports

ATLAS detector and physics performance (ATLAS TDR, 1999)
(Chapter 19 is the Higgs searches chapter; the colour figures with the overall search potential are here.)

ATLAS physics performance (CSC book, 2008)

Prospects for the Search of a Standard Model Higgs Boson in ATLAS using Vector Boson Fusion
(SN-ATLAS-2003-024; published in EPJC.)

Higgs production cross-sections and branching ratios for the ATLAS Higgs working group

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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc

(This file is ~/TEACHING/ListOfPapers_Y4.txt)

LHC physics

"Physics at the LHC"
F Gianotti
Physics Reports 403-404 (2004) 379-399.

"Collider Physics: LHC" 
F Gianotti
(not very recent, but includes good intro to SM Higgs search overview) 

"LHC physics: the first one--two year(s)"
F Gianotti, ML Mangano

LHC: the accelerator and experiments

The following issue of the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) is dedicated to the LHC: machine, ATLAS, CMS, and all the other experiments:

Journal of Instrumentation JINST 3 (2008)

Higgs phenomenology

SM Higgs (Volume I) and MSSM Higgs (Volume II) encyclopedia.
A Djouadi
~/DOCUMENTS/Djouadi_Vol1.pdf, Djouadi_Vol2.pdf

Higgs Search Overview

"The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future"
Talk at the IoP HEPP annual meeting, 2007
P Teixeira-Dias

Higgs Search at LEP

"Higgs boson searches at LEP"
P Teixeira-Dias
arXiv:0804.4146 [hep-ex] and references therein 
(see also my list of pubs in the web)

P.A. McNamara, S.L. Wu (Wisconsin U., Madison)
"The Higgs particle in the standard model: Experimental results from LEP.
Published in Rept.Prog.Phys.65:465-528,2002.

Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC

Higgs searches in ATLAS (ATLAS TDR Chapter 19, 1999)

Higgs searches in ATLAS (CSC Higgs Chapter, 2008)

"Higgs searches at the LHC"
A. de Roeck and G Polesello
C R Physiocque 8 (2007) 1078-1098. [Comptes Rendus de Physique]

"Higgs boson searches at Hadron Colliders" [TeVatron + LHC]
V Buscher and K Jakobs
International Journal of Modern Physics Letters A Vol. 20 (2005)

"Higgs Physics at the LHC"
G Unal
Acta Phys. Pol. B 38 (2007) 717-729

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