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Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc
LHC physics
Physics at the LHC
F Gianotti, Physics Reports 403-404 (2004) 379-399.
Collider Physics: LHC
F Gianotti
(not very recent, but includes good intro to SM Higgs search overview)
LHC physics: the first one--two year(s)
F Gianotti, ML Mangano
~/DOCUMENTS/ hep-ph-0504221.pdf
LHC: the accelerator and experiments
The following issue of the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) is dedicated to the LHC: machine, ATLAS, CMS, and all the other experiments: Journal of Instrumentation JINST 3 (2008)
Physics at the high energy frontier: the Large Hadron Collider project (Editors: George Kalmus, Robert Brown, David Evans, Valerie Gibson, Richard Nickerson). Proceedings of the Royal Society Discussion meeting held in May 2011, published in Philosophical Transactions A (including articles on the Physics, the SM, the detectors and the collider) - flyer - read articles online
Higgs phenomenology
Electroweak symmetry breaking in historical perspective by Chris Quigg (Ann. Rev. Nucl. and Particle Science 65 (2015) 25-42. )
Unanswered questions in the electroweak theory by Chris Quigg (Ann. Rev. Nucl. and Particle Science 59 (2009) 505. )
The Anatomy of Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking by A. Djouadi (encyclopedic!):
- The Higgs boson in the Standard Model ( Volume I
- The Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model ( Volume II
Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Particle Physics - lectures given at TASI 2011 by Laura Reina:
Electroweak symmetry breaking: to Higgs or not to Higgs
Academic training lectures (Video+Slides), January 2009:
Lecture #1 Lecture #2 Lecture #3
The Higgs boson 10 years after discovery
The journal Nature published, online on the 4th July 2022, a series of papers on what we know (and what we don't know) since the Higgs discovery ten years ago:
- The Higgs boson turns ten by G Salam, L-T Wang and G Zanderighi (Nature 607 (2022) 41
- A detailed map of Higgs boson interactions by the ATLAS experiment ten years after the discovery (Nature 607 (2022) 52
- A portrait of the Higgs boson by the CMS experiment ten years after the discovery (Nature 607 (2022) 60
Higgs self-coupling
A theoretical paper published in 2013, shortly after the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, reviewing the importance of Higgs-pair production processes for the measurement of the Higgs self-coupling at the LHC:
- The measurement of the Higgs self-coupling at the LHC: theoretical status (JHEP04 (2013) 151
> > | Overview of theoretical and experimental status of the study of the Higgs self-coupling at colliders: |
| Two theoretical papers published in 2016 and 2017, highlighting that single Higgs production processes at the LHC can also additionally be used to measure/constrain the Higgs self-coupling:
- Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC (JHEP12 (2016) 080
- Trilinear Higgs coupling determination via single-Higgs differential measurements at the LHC (EPJ C77 (2017) 887
Measurements of the Higgs self-coupling at future collider facilities:
Some LHC experimental papers in more recent years:
- Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from the combination of single-Higgs and double-Higgs production analyses performed with the ATLAS experiment (ATLAS-CONF-2019-04
- Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector (PL B800 (2020) 135103
- Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from single- and double-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at 13 TeV (PL B843 (2023) 137745
- Combination of Searches for Higgs Boson Pair Production in pp Collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector (Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (2024) 101801
Searches at the LHC for di-Higgs production in specific final states:
- Search for Higgs boson pairs decaying to WW*WW*, WW*ττ, and ττττ in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (JHEP07 (2023) 095
- Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in final state with two bottom quarks and two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (PL B842 (2023) 137531
- Search for nonresonant pair production of highly energetic Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quarks (CMS experiment) (arXiV hep-ex 2205.06667
- Search for Higgs Boson Pair Production in the Four b Quark Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at 13 TeV (CMS experiment) (PRL 129 (2022) 081802
Some less technical articles:
Higgs Search Overview
Have we found the Higgs boson yet? (2012)
P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL.
Invited talk at the Physics meeting of the NExT Institute, University of Sussex
Overview of recent developments in Higgs physics: experiments and theory (2010)
P Teixeira-Dias, RHUL.
Invited talk at the UK HEP Forum 2010
The Search for the Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future (2007)
Talk at the IoP HEPP annual meeting, 2007
P Teixeira-Dias
Higgs Search at LEP
Observation of an excess in the ALEPH search for the Standard Model Higgs boson (2001)
P Teixeira-Dias arXiv: hep-ex/0108001
The Standard Model Higgs boson search at LEP: combined results (2001)
P Teixeira-Dias arXiv: hep-ex/0108002
Higgs boson searches at LEP (2007)
P Teixeira-Dias arXiv:0804.4146 hep-ex
The Higgs particle in the standard model: Experimental results from LEP (2002)
P.A. McNamara, S.L. Wu (Wisconsin U., Madison)
Published in Rept.Prog.Phys.65:465-528,2002.
Higgs discovery and properties at LHC
Measurements of the properties of the resonance (2013):
- Evidence for the spin-0 nature of the Higgs boson using ATLAS data arXiv:1307.1432 hep-ex
- Measurements of Higgs production and couplings using diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC arXiv:1307.1427 hep-ex
- Study of the mass and spin-parity of the Higgs boson candidate via its decays to Z boson pairs arXiv:1212.6639 hep-ex
ATLAS and CMS discovery papers (July 2012):
The full list of published LHC Higgs papers can be found here: ATLAS list and
CMS list .
Higgs searches at the TeVatron and LHC
Searches for the Standard Model Higgs Boson with the ATLAS Detector (May 2012)
Ralf Bernhard (on behalf of The ATLAS Collab.), arXiv:1205.4629 hep-ex
Standard Model Higgs boson searches with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (Nov. 2011)
Aleandro Nisati (on behalf of the ATLAS Collab.), arXiv:1111.7132 hep-ex
Limits on the production of the Standard Model Higgs Boson in pp collisions at sqrt(s) =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector (2011)
The ATLAS Collab., arXiv:1106.2748 hep-ex
Searches for Higgs bosons at the LHC (2009)
M Delmastro (on behalf of ATLAS and CMS) arXiv:0909.0493 hep-ex
Combined SM Higgs Limits at the TeVatron (2009)
N Krumnack (on behalf of CDF + D0) arXiv:0910.3353 hep-ex
Prospects for Higgs searches with the ATLAS detector (2009)
E Richter-Was arXiv:0903.4198 hep-ex
Higgs searches at the LHC (2007)
A. de Roeck and G Polesello
C R Physique 8 (2007) 1078-1098. (Comptes Rendus de Physique)
Higgs boson searches at Hadron Colliders (TeVatron + LHC)
V Buscher and K Jakobs
International Journal of Modern Physics Letters A Vol. 20 (2005)
Higgs Physics at the LHC
G Unal, Acta Phys. Pol. B 38 (2007) 717-729
ATLAS experiment reports
ATLAS detector and physics performance ( ATLAS TDR , 1999)
(Chapter 19 is the Higgs searches chapter; the colour figures with the overall search potential are here.)
Expected performance of the ATLAS experiment - detector, trigger and physics (CSC book)
( CERN-OPEN-2008-020 or arXiv:0901.0512v1 (hep-ex) )
Prospects for the Search of a Standard Model Higgs Boson in ATLAS using Vector Boson Fusion
( SN-ATLAS-2003-024 ; published in EPJC.)
Higgs production cross-sections and branching ratios for the ATLAS Higgs working group
The ATLAS Monte Carlo project
( ATL-COM-SOFT-2008-024 ; to be submitted to JINST)
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