Difference: WebHome (1 vs. 155)

Revision 15528 Nov 2019 - TomCraneAdmin

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1252950421" name="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" path="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" size="15548" stream="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" user="Public.PedroTeixeiraDias" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Ref_1_4642_001.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1283505723" name="Ref_1_4642_001.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2009-2010\PhD applications\Application Forms\Rice_Simon_100700519\Ref 1 4642_001.pdf" size="686614" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2009-2010\PhD applications\Application Forms\Rice_Simon_100700519\Ref 1 4642_001.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1300449446" name="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" size="150465" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1301056009" name="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" size="2826039" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1305798128" name="Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" size="5371541" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1310634058" name="Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" size="4598797" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"

Revision 15416 Oct 2015 - TomCraneAdmin

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.



CENTRE FOR PARTICLE PHYSICS Postgraduate opportunities.

 Centre for Particle Physics Blog

Research activities

Revision 15304 Nov 2014 - PavelKarataev

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.


Link to public page.



  Centre for Particle Physics Blog

Revision 15231 Oct 2014 - PavelKarataev

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Link to public page.

Link to public page.

  Centre for Particle Physics Blog

Revision 15110 Dec 2013 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1301056009" name="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" size="2826039" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1305798128" name="Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" size="5371541" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1310634058" name="Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" size="4598797" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
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Revision 15011 Oct 2013 - TomCraneAdmin

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

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  Centre for Particle Physics Blog
NEW Gardner videoconference room booking calendar

Research activities

Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing

Revision 14904 Oct 2013 - TomCraneAdmin

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 14804 Oct 2013 - TomCraneAdmin

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Line: 7 to 7
  Centre for Particle Physics Blog
NEW Gardner videoconference room booking calendar

Research activities

Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing

Revision 14730 Aug 2013 - PedroTeixeiraDias

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Link to public page.

CPP blog
Centre for Particle Physics Blog

Research activities

Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing
Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing
  The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Revision 14620 May 2013 - TomCraneAdmin

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Link to public page.

CPP blog
CPP blog

Research activities

Revision 14520 May 2013 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Link to public page.

CPP blog

Research activities

Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing
Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing
  The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Revision 14408 May 2013 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

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 Link to public page.

Research activities

Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing
Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing
  The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Centre for Particle Physics News

Public information


Group Calendar

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  • Set MYTITLE = - Centre for Particle Physics Royal Holloway
  • Set MYDESCR =
  • Set MYKEYS =

PP/Public Web Utilities

Revision 14314 Mar 2013 - TomCraneAdmin

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

 This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
 Link to public page.

Research activities

Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing
Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Data acquisition electronics Grid computing
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • NExT Workshop: TOOLS 2010 (Winchester, 29 June-2 July 2010).
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  • New Phenomenology group in the Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL (Jan 2009).

Public information

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Group Calendar


Revision 14219 Oct 2012 - webmanip_5fw2sw_2esh

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The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
 future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Revision 14115 Oct 2012 - webmanip_5fw2sw_2esh

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Research activities

Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics
Atlas experiment Standard Model of particle physics
 Feynman diagram - Higgs production AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics
Data acquisition electronics
Data acquisition electronics
 Grid computing

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Centre for Particle Physics News

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Public information


Revision 14015 Oct 2012 - webmanip_5foldt2nt_2esh

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1250679389" name="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" path="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" size="141824" stream="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="2"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" attr="h" comment="" date="1299585995" name="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" size="17865" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
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Revision 13914 Oct 2012 - PietroGiampa

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 13818 May 2012 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
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Revision 13721 Mar 2012 - SimonGeorge

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
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Revision 13627 Feb 2012 - GrahameBlair

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 13530 Sep 2011 - TraceyBerry

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 13428 Sep 2011 - CarmelaFroggatt

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 13314 Jul 2011 - CarmelaFroggatt

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1300449446" name="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" size="150465" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1301056009" name="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" size="2826039" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1305798128" name="Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" size="5371541" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Ovgun_Ali_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1310634058" name="Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" size="4598797" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Sulaiman_Media_Application.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"

Revision 13210 Jun 2011 - RobertAinsworth

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
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Revision 13119 May 2011 - CarmelaFroggatt

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" attr="h" comment="" date="1299585995" name="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" size="17865" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1300449446" name="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" size="150465" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1301056009" name="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" size="2826039" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
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Revision 13005 Apr 2011 - CarmelaFroggatt

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Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 12925 Mar 2011 - CarmelaFroggatt

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 83 to 83

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AccessPipe1.JPG" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914305" name="AccessPipe1.JPG" path="AccessPipe1.JPG" size="59306" stream="AccessPipe1.JPG" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" attr="h" comment="" date="1299585995" name="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" size="17865" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1300449446" name="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" size="150465" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1301056009" name="Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" size="2826039" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Maitagorry_Schade_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"

Revision 12818 Mar 2011 - CarmelaFroggatt

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 84 to 84

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AccessPipe1.JPG" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914305" name="AccessPipe1.JPG" path="AccessPipe1.JPG" size="59306" stream="AccessPipe1.JPG" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="004873sml.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914477" name="004873sml.jpg" path="004873sml.jpg" size="10093" stream="004873sml.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="datagrid_hires.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207915495" name="datagrid_hires.jpg" path="datagrid_hires.jpg" size="108739" stream="datagrid_hires.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Ref_1_4642_001.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1283505723" name="Ref_1_4642_001.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2009-2010\PhD applications\Application Forms\Rice_Simon_100700519\Ref 1 4642_001.pdf" size="686614" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2009-2010\PhD applications\Application Forms\Rice_Simon_100700519\Ref 1 4642_001.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" attr="h" comment="" date="1299585995" name="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" size="17865" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1300449446" name="Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" size="150465" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Bhatti_Asif_CV.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"

Revision 12708 Mar 2011 - CarmelaFroggatt

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 95 to 93
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1252945000" name="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" path="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" size="3498" stream="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1252950421" name="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" path="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" size="15548" stream="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Ref_1_4642_001.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1283505723" name="Ref_1_4642_001.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2009-2010\PhD applications\Application Forms\Rice_Simon_100700519\Ref 1 4642_001.pdf" size="686614" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2009-2010\PhD applications\Application Forms\Rice_Simon_100700519\Ref 1 4642_001.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" attr="h" comment="" date="1299585995" name="Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" size="17865" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2010-2011\PhD Applications\PhD application documents 2010-2011\Alatabi_Saleh_CV.docx" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"

Revision 12616 Feb 2011 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 12528 Jan 2011 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 54 to 54
Instant SSL Certificate Secure Site
Instant SSL Certificate Secured


Public web functions: WebLinks

Revision 12428 Oct 2010 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

Revision 12311 Oct 2010 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 12203 Sep 2010 - CarmelaFroggatt

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 87 to 89
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1250679389" name="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" path="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" size="141824" stream="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1252945000" name="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" path="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" size="3498" stream="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1252950421" name="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" path="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" size="15548" stream="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Ref_1_4642_001.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1283505723" name="Ref_1_4642_001.pdf" path="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2009-2010\PhD applications\Application Forms\Rice_Simon_100700519\Ref 1 4642_001.pdf" size="686614" stream="N:\Admin\Students - Postgraduate\2009-2010\PhD applications\Application Forms\Rice_Simon_100700519\Ref 1 4642_001.pdf" user="Public.CarmelaFroggatt" version="1"

Revision 12102 Sep 2010 - PavelKarataev

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • New PhD opportunity available with the John Adams Group! Please see this link for further information. (15th July 2010)

Revision 12009 Aug 2010 - StephenWest

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 22 to 22

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • New PhD opportunity available with the John Adams Group! Please see this link for further information. (15th July 2010)
  • Although our STFC-funded postgraduate studentships have now been filled, there is still the possibility of one fully funded PhD position in Theoretical Particle Physics; strong candidates are encouraged to contact us.

Revision 11915 Jul 2010 - StephenMolloy

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • New PhD opportunity available with the John Adams Group! Please see this link for further information. (15th July 2010)
  • Although our STFC-funded postgraduate studentships have now been filled, there is still the possibility of one fully funded PhD position in Theoretical Particle Physics; strong candidates are encouraged to contact us.
  • NExT Workshop: TOOLS 2010 (Winchester, 29 June-2 July 2010).
  • NExT Institute meeting at RHUL (12 May 2010).

Revision 11802 Jul 2010 - ClairePorter

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 36 to 36

Revision 11711 May 2010 - NikolasKauer

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • Although our STFC-funded postgraduate studentships have now been filled, there is still the possibility of one fully funded PhD position in Particle Physics theory; strong candidates are encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please get in touch. For more details read on...
  • Although our STFC-funded postgraduate studentships have now been filled, there is still the possibility of one fully funded PhD position in Theoretical Particle Physics; strong candidates are encouraged to contact us.

Revision 11604 May 2010 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • Although our STFC-funded postgraduate studentships have now been filled, there is still the possibility of one fully funded PhD position in our Particle Physics theory group; strong candidates are encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please get in touch. For more details read on...
  • Although our STFC-funded postgraduate studentships have now been filled, there is still the possibility of one fully funded PhD position in Particle Physics theory; strong candidates are encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please get in touch. For more details read on...

Revision 11513 Apr 2010 - StephenMolloy

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • Although our STFC-funded postgraduate studentships have now been filled, there is still the possibility of one fully funded PhD position in our Particle Physics theory group; strong candidates are encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please get in touch. For more details read on...
  • Although our STFC-funded postgraduate studentships have now been filled, there is still the possibility of one fully funded PhD position in our Particle Physics theory group; strong candidates are encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please get in touch. For more details read on...

Revision 11412 Apr 2010 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • Although all STFC funded postgraduate studentships have been filled, there may still be opportunities for outstanding applicants for a PhD position with the phenomenology group. If you are interested, please get in touch.
  • Although our STFC-funded postgraduate studentships have now been filled, there is still the possibility of one fully funded PhD position in our Particle Physics theory group; strong candidates are encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please get in touch. For more details read on...

Revision 11311 Apr 2010 - NikolasKauer

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 22 to 22

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • Although all STFC funded postgraduate studentships have been filled, there may still be opportunities for outstanding applicants for a PhD position with the phenomenology group. If you are interested, please get in touch.
  • NExT Workshop: TOOLS 2010 (Winchester, 29 June-2 July 2010)
  • NExT Workshop: TOOLS 2010 (Winchester, 29 June-2 July 2010).
  • NExT Institute meeting at RHUL (12 May 2010).

Revision 11208 Apr 2010 - StephenMolloy

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • Applications are now open for PhD studentships in particle physics (experiment/theory) or accelerator physics, for entry in October 2010. Deadline for receipt of applications has passed, although applications for remaining places may still be accepted. Interested? Read more...
  • Although all STFC funded postgraduate studentships have been filled, there may still be opportunities for outstanding applicants for a PhD position with the phenomenology group. If you are interested, please get in touch.
  • NExT Workshop: TOOLS 2010 (Winchester, 29 June-2 July 2010)
  • Newton cluster comes home (Feb 2010)
  • Our next Particle Physics Masterclass will be held on 21st and 22nd April 2010 (Jan 2010).

Revision 11119 Mar 2010 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 24 to 24
  • Applications are now open for PhD studentships in particle physics (experiment/theory) or accelerator physics, for entry in October 2010. Deadline for receipt of applications has passed, although applications for remaining places may still be accepted. Interested? Read more...
  • NExT Workshop: TOOLS 2010 (Winchester, 29 June-2 July 2010)
  • Newton cluster comes home (Feb 2010)
  • We are advertising two post-doctoral research positions in accelerator physics. More details can be found here. (Jan 2010)

Revision 11018 Mar 2010 - NikolasKauer

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 22 to 22

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • Applications are now open for PhD studentships in particle physics (experiment/theory) or accelerator physics, for entry in October 2010. Deadline for receipt of applications has passed, although applications for remaining places may still be accepted. Interested? Read more...
  • NExT Workshop: TOOLS 2010 (Winchester, 29 June-2 July 2010)
  • Newton cluster comes home (Feb 2010)
  • We are advertising two post-doctoral research positions in accelerator physics. More details can be found here. (Jan 2010)
  • Our next Particle Physics Masterclass will be held on 21st and 22nd April 2010 (Jan 2010).

Revision 10904 Mar 2010 - StephenMolloy

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • Applications are now open for PhD studentships in particle physics (experiment/theory) or accelerator physics, for entry in October 2010. Deadline for receipt of applications - 1st March, 2010. Interested? Read more...
  • Applications are now open for PhD studentships in particle physics (experiment/theory) or accelerator physics, for entry in October 2010. Deadline for receipt of applications has passed, although applications for remaining places may still be accepted. Interested? Read more...
  • Newton cluster comes home (Feb 2010)
  • We are advertising two post-doctoral research positions in accelerator physics. More details can be found here. (Jan 2010)
  • Our next Particle Physics Masterclass will be held on 21st and 22nd April 2010 (Jan 2010).

Revision 10819 Feb 2010 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 87 to 87
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1250679389" name="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" path="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" size="141824" stream="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1252945000" name="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" path="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" size="3498" stream="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1252950421" name="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" path="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" size="15548" stream="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="091028_Master_PG_Poster_green.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1264522491" name="091028_Master_PG_Poster_green.pdf" path="091028_Master_PG Poster_green.pdf" size="1333036" stream="091028_Master_PG Poster_green.pdf" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PGOpenDay10.ppt" attr="h" comment="" date="1264525246" name="PGOpenDay10.ppt" path="PGOpenDay10.ppt" size="6213120" stream="PGOpenDay10.ppt" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"

Revision 10719 Feb 2010 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • Newton cluster comes home (Feb10)
  • We are advertising two post-doctoral research positions in accelerator physics. More details can be found here.(Jan10)
  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. Here is a short overview of the possible projects. Online Application. Deadline for receipt of applications - 1st March, 2010 (Jan 10).
  • Our next Particle Physics Masterclass will be held on 21st and 22nd April 2010 (Jan 10).
  • Applications are now open for PhD studentships in particle physics (experiment/theory) or accelerator physics, for entry in October 2010. Deadline for receipt of applications - 1st March, 2010. Interested? Read more...
  • Newton cluster comes home (Feb 2010)
  • We are advertising two post-doctoral research positions in accelerator physics. More details can be found here. (Jan 2010)
  • Our next Particle Physics Masterclass will be held on 21st and 22nd April 2010 (Jan 2010).
  • New Phenomenology group in the Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL (Jan09).
  • New Phenomenology group in the Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL (Jan 2009).

Public information

Revision 10619 Feb 2010 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We are advertising two post-doctoral research positions in accelerator physics. More details can be found here.
  • Newton cluster comes home (Feb10)
  • We are advertising two post-doctoral research positions in accelerator physics. More details can be found here.(Jan10)
  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. Here is a short overview of the possible projects. Online Application. Deadline for receipt of applications - 1st March, 2010 (Jan 10).
  • Our next Particle Physics Masterclass will be held on 21st and 22nd April 2010 (Jan 10).
  • The Large Hadron Collider is back in action! (25Nov09)

Revision 10519 Feb 2010 - StephenMolloy

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 22 to 22

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We are advertising two post-doctoral research positions in accelerator physics. More details can be found here.
  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. Here is a short overview of the possible projects. Online Application. Deadline for receipt of applications - 1st March, 2010 (Jan 10).

Revision 10411 Feb 2010 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We are advertising two post-doctoral research positions in accelerator physics. More details can be found here.
  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. Here is a short overview of the possible projects. Online Application. (Jan 10).
  • Our next Particle Physics Masterclass will be held on 21st and 22nd April 2010 (Jan 10).
  • The Large Hadron Collider is back in action! (25Nov09)

Revision 10301 Feb 2010 - StephenWest

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. Here is a short overview of the possible projects. (Jan 10).

Revision 10227 Jan 2010 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. Here is a short overview of the possible projects. (Jan 10).
  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. Here is a short overview of the possible projects. (Jan 10).

Revision 10126 Jan 2010 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. (Jan 10).
  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. Here is a short overview of the possible projects. (Jan 10).
Line: 81 to 85
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1250679389" name="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" path="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" size="141824" stream="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1252945000" name="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" path="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" size="3498" stream="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1252950421" name="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" path="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" size="15548" stream="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="091028_Master_PG_Poster_green.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1264522491" name="091028_Master_PG_Poster_green.pdf" path="091028_Master_PG Poster_green.pdf" size="1333036" stream="091028_Master_PG Poster_green.pdf" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PGOpenDay10.ppt" attr="h" comment="" date="1264525246" name="PGOpenDay10.ppt" path="PGOpenDay10.ppt" size="6213120" stream="PGOpenDay10.ppt" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"

Revision 10026 Jan 2010 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We welcome applications for Phd studentships in particle physics, accelerator physics and phenomenology, for entry in October 2010. (Jan 10).
  • Our next Particle Physics Masterclass will be held on 21st and 22nd April 2010 (Jan 10).
  • New Phenomenology group in the Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL (Jan09)
  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
  • RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup (Sep08)
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute (Apr08)
  • Our 'Newton' Grid cluster is on line and ready to process LHC data with 960kSI2k (400 CPU cores) and 300TB storage (Apr08)
  • New Phenomenology group in the Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL (Jan09).

Public information

Revision 9928 Dec 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 20 to 20
 future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Vacancy - Senior Lectureship/Readership in Experimental Particle Physics.

Closing date for Applications: 16th November 2009. More details

Vacancies - PhD studentship

Update (September 2009)

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for a studentship to carry out research towards the PhD degree in Accelerator Physics, for entry in October 2009. Read more...


Centre for Particle Physics News

Revision 9817 Dec 2009 - DeniseDenman

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 9725 Nov 2009 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 33 to 33
 The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for a studentship to carry out research towards the PhD degree in Accelerator Physics, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News


Revision 9604 Nov 2009 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 20 to 20
 future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Vacancy - Senior Lectureship/Readership in Experimental Particle Physics.


Vacancy - Senior Lectureship/Readership in Experimental Particle Physics.

  Closing date for Applications: 16th November 2009. More details
Line: 33 to 33
 The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for a studentship to carry out research towards the PhD degree in Accelerator Physics, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

Line: 45 to 46

Group Calendar

Revision 9502 Nov 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 23 to 23

Vacancy - Senior Lectureship/Readership in Experimental Particle Physics.

Closing date for Applications: 16th November 2009.

Probable date for interviews: 2nd December 2009. More details
More details

Vacancies - PhD studentship

Revision 9428 Sep 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 23 to 23

Vacancy - Senior Lectureship/Readership in Experimental Particle Physics.

Closing date for Applications: 16th November 2009.

Probable date for interviews: early December 2009. More details
Probable date for interviews: 2nd December 2009. More details

Vacancies - PhD studentship

Revision 9314 Sep 2009 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 6 to 6

Research activities

Atlas experiment
Data acquisition electronics
 Standard Model of particle physics
Feynman diagram - Higgs production
 AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics
Data acquisition electronics
 Grid computing
Line: 91 to 92
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1226011454" name="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" path="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" size="752166" stream="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CERN_CA_Signing.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1248175216" name="CERN_CA_Signing.doc" path="CERN CA Signing.doc" size="495616" stream="CERN CA Signing.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1250679389" name="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" path="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" size="141824" stream="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1252945000" name="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" path="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" size="3498" stream="higgsgraph_height75.jpg" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1252950421" name="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" path="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" size="15548" stream="higgsgraph_heigth75.png" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"

Revision 9214 Sep 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 44 to 44

Revision 9107 Sep 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 22 to 22

Vacancy - Senior Lectureship/Readership in Experimental Particle Physics.

Closing date for Applications: 16th November 2009.

Probable date for interviews: 10th December 2009. More details
Probable date for interviews: early December 2009. More details

Vacancies - PhD studentships


Vacancies - PhD studentship

Update (August 2009)
Update (September 2009)
The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...
The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for a studentship to carry out research towards the PhD degree in Accelerator Physics, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • A collaborative agreement has been signed between the John Adams Institute and CERN in July 2009. More details and photos.

Revision 9026 Aug 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Vacancy - Senior Lectureship/Readership in Experimental Particle Physics.

Closing date for Applications: 16th November 2009. More details
Closing date for Applications: 16th November 2009. Probable date for interviews: 10th December 2009. More details

Vacancies - PhD studentships

Revision 8919 Aug 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Vacancy - Senior Lectureship/Readership in Experimental Particle Physics.

Closing date for Applications: 9th November 2009. More details
Closing date for Applications: 16th November 2009. More details

Vacancies - PhD studentships

Line: 91 to 88
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="datagrid_hires.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207915495" name="datagrid_hires.jpg" path="datagrid_hires.jpg" size="108739" stream="datagrid_hires.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1226011454" name="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" path="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" size="752166" stream="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CERN_CA_Signing.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1248175216" name="CERN_CA_Signing.doc" path="CERN CA Signing.doc" size="495616" stream="CERN CA Signing.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1250170097" name="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" path="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" size="141824" stream="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1250679389" name="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" path="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" size="141824" stream="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="2"

Revision 8813 Aug 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19
 future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Vacancy - Senior Lectureship/Readership in Experimental Particle Physics.

Closing date for Applications: 9th November 2009. More details


Vacancies - PhD studentships

Update (July 2009)
Update (August 2009)
  The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...
Line: 84 to 91
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="datagrid_hires.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207915495" name="datagrid_hires.jpg" path="datagrid_hires.jpg" size="108739" stream="datagrid_hires.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1226011454" name="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" path="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" size="752166" stream="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CERN_CA_Signing.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1248175216" name="CERN_CA_Signing.doc" path="CERN CA Signing.doc" size="495616" stream="CERN CA Signing.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1250170097" name="X0809-1724_Senior_Lecturer_Reader_in_Experimental_Particle_Physics.doc" path="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" size="141824" stream="X0809-1724 Senior Lecturer Reader in Experimental Particle Physics.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"

Revision 8721 Jul 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 26 to 26
 The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • A collaborative agreement has been signed between the John Adams Institute and CERN in July 2009. More details and photos.
Line: 82 to 83
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="004873sml.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914477" name="004873sml.jpg" path="004873sml.jpg" size="10093" stream="004873sml.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="datagrid_hires.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207915495" name="datagrid_hires.jpg" path="datagrid_hires.jpg" size="108739" stream="datagrid_hires.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1226011454" name="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" path="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" size="752166" stream="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CERN_CA_Signing.doc" attr="h" comment="" date="1248175216" name="CERN_CA_Signing.doc" path="CERN CA Signing.doc" size="495616" stream="CERN CA Signing.doc" user="Public.GrahameBlair" version="1"

Revision 8616 Jul 2009 - DeniseDenman

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 37 to 37

Revision 8502 Jul 2009 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Vacancies - PhD studentships

Update (April 2009)
Update (July 2009)
  The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Revision 8401 Jul 2009 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
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Settings just to customise this page

  • Set STYLESIDEBAR = off
  • Set MYTITLE = - Centre for Particle Physics Royal Holloway
  • Set MYDESCR =
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PP/Public Web Utilities

Revision 8330 Jun 2009 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 8224 Jun 2009 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 61 to 61

Revision 8108 Jun 2009 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 26 to 26
 The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • New Phenomenology group in the Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL (Jan09)
  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
  • RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup (Sep08)

Revision 8020 Apr 2009 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 26 to 26
 The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • New Phenomenology group in the Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL (Jan09)
  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
  • RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup (Sep08)

Revision 7904 Apr 2009 - NikolasKauer

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 15 to 15

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. A new Phenomenology group has started. We are also involved in Grid computing.
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. Research in particle physics theory and phenomenology with focus on the search for new physics at the LHC and the study of dark matter in the universe is carried out in the Phenomenology group. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Vacancies - PhD studentships

Line: 26 to 26
 The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • New Phenomenology group in the Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL (Jan09)
  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
  • RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup (Sep08)
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute (Apr08)

Revision 7803 Apr 2009 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 20 to 20

Vacancies - PhD studentships

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...
Update (April 2009)

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is still recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...


Centre for Particle Physics News

Revision 7724 Mar 2009 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 20 to 20

Vacancies - PhD studentships

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Applications should be submitted by the end of 13 March 2009. Read more...
The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

Line: 71 to 71

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AccessPipe1.JPG" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914305" name="AccessPipe1.JPG" path="AccessPipe1.JPG" size="59306" stream="AccessPipe1.JPG" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="004873sml.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914477" name="004873sml.jpg" path="004873sml.jpg" size="10093" stream="004873sml.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"

Revision 7623 Feb 2009 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 7522 Feb 2009 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AccessPipe1.JPG" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914305" name="AccessPipe1.JPG" path="AccessPipe1.JPG" size="59306" stream="AccessPipe1.JPG" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"

Revision 7413 Feb 2009 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 7312 Feb 2009 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 34 to 34

Revision 7206 Feb 2009 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19
 future detector systems. A new Phenomenology group has started. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Recruitment: PhD students

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree. Applications are sought, preferably before the end of March 2009, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Vacancies - PhD studentships

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree, for entry in October 2009. Applications should be submitted by the end of 13 March 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

Revision 7105 Feb 2009 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 7003 Feb 2009 - NikolasKauer

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 16 to 16
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
future detector systems. A new Phenomenology group has started. We are also involved in Grid computing.
future detector systems. A new Phenomenology group has started. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Recruitment: PhD students

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree. Applications are sought, preferably before the end of March 2009, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
  • RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup (Sep08)
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute (Apr08)

Revision 6903 Feb 2009 - DiegoBellini

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 16 to 16
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
future detector systems. A new Phenomenology group has started. We are also involved in Grid computing.
future detector systems. A new Phenomenology group has started. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Recruitment: PhD students

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree. Applications are sought, preferably before the end of March 2009, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
  • RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup (Sep08)
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute (Apr08)

Revision 6829 Jan 2009 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 6719 Jan 2009 - MikeGreen

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19
 future detector systems. A new Phenomenology group has started. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Recruitment: New Chair in Experimental Particle Physics

RHUL is seeking an exceptional individual as a new Chair in Experimental Particle Physics. More details can be found here. Closing date for applications is 12th January 2009.

Recruitment: PhD students

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree. Applications are sought, preferably before the end of March 2009, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Revision 6616 Dec 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 16 to 16
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.
future detector systems. A new Phenomenology group has started. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Recruitment: New Chair in Experimental Particle Physics

Line: 28 to 28
 The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree. Applications are sought, preferably before the end of March 2009, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
  • RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup (Sep08)
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute (Apr08)

Revision 6501 Dec 2008 - MikeGreen

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 27 to 27

Recruitment: PhD students

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree. Applications are sought, preferably before the end of March 2009, for entry in October 2009. Read more...
RHUL Physics Post-Graduate opportunities Open Day: Wed 26 Nov, 13.00-17.00 More information

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
  • RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup (Sep08)

Revision 6401 Dec 2008 - MikeGreen

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 32 to 32

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
  • RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup (Sep08)
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute (Apr08)
  • Our 'Newton' Grid cluster is on line and ready to process LHC data with 960kSI2k (400 CPU cores) and 300TB storage (Apr08)

Revision 6327 Nov 2008 - GrahameBlair

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19
 future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Recruitment: New Chair in Experimental Particle Physics

RHUL is seeking an exceptional individual as a new Chair in Experimental Particle Physics. More details can be found here. Closing date for applications is 12th January 2009.

Recruitment: PhD students

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree. Applications are sought, preferably before the end of March 2009, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Revision 6206 Nov 2008 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 22 to 22

Recruitment: PhD students

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree. Applications are sought, preferably before the end of March 2009, for entry in October 2009. Read more...
RHUL Physics Post-Graduate opportunities Open Day: Wed 26 Nov, 13.00-17.00 More information

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AccessPipe1.JPG" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914305" name="AccessPipe1.JPG" path="AccessPipe1.JPG" size="59306" stream="AccessPipe1.JPG" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="004873sml.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914477" name="004873sml.jpg" path="004873sml.jpg" size="10093" stream="004873sml.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="datagrid_hires.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207915495" name="datagrid_hires.jpg" path="datagrid_hires.jpg" size="108739" stream="datagrid_hires.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1226011454" name="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" path="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" size="752166" stream="PGOpenDay_RHUL_081126.pdf" user="Public.PedroTD" version="1"

Revision 6107 Oct 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 40 to 40

Group Calendar

Revision 6030 Sep 2008 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19
 future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Centre for Particle Physics News


Recruitment: PhD students

The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics is now recruiting applicants for studentships to carry out research towards the PhD degree. Applications are sought, preferably before the end of March 2009, for entry in October 2009. Read more...

Centre for Particle Physics News


Revision 5910 Sep 2008 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

 Atlas experiment Data acquisition electronics Standard Model of particle physics AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Grid computing

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Centre for Particle Physics News

  • LHC latest news: first events registered by ATLAS! (2pm - 10 September, 2008)

Revision 5809 Sep 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

atlasOct2005small.jpg ROB-in SMnice.gif AccessPipe1.JPG 004873sml.jpg datagrid_hires.jpg
Atlas experiment Data acquisition electronics Standard Model of particle physics AccessPipe1 Laser beam diagnostics Grid computing

Revision 5705 Sep 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 26 to 26

Public information

  • Are you a student or teacher? see here

Group Calendar

Revision 5604 Sep 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

 ROB-in SMnice.gif AccessPipe1.JPG

Revision 5503 Sep 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19

Centre for Particle Physics News


Public information

Revision 5427 Aug 2008 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 20 to 20

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We have 1 STFC funded Ph.D position on ATLAS still available, more information here
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute
  • Our 'Newton' Grid cluster is on line and ready to process LHC data with 960kSI2k (400 CPU cores) and 300TB storage.

Revision 5307 Aug 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We have 1 STFC funded Ph.D position on ATLAS still available, more information here
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute
  • Our 'Newton' Grid cluster is on line and ready to process LHC data with 960kSI2k (400 CPU cores) and 300TB storage.

Revision 5223 Jun 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 33 to 33

Group Calendar

Revision 5120 Jun 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 21 to 21

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We have 1 STFC funded Ph.D position on ATLAS still available, more information here
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute
  • Our 'Newton' Grid cluster is on line and ready to process LHC data with 960kSI2k (500 CPU cores) and 300TB storage.
  • Our 'Newton' Grid cluster is on line and ready to process LHC data with 960kSI2k (400 CPU cores) and 300TB storage.

Public information

Revision 5020 Jun 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 20 to 20

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We have 1 STFC funded Ph.D position on ATLAS still available, more information here
  • John Adams Institute advisory board visit 28/29th April
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute
  • Our 'Newton' Grid cluster is on line and ready to process LHC data with 960kSI2k (500 CPU cores) and 300TB storage.

Public information

Revision 4919 Jun 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 33 to 33

Group Calendar

Revision 4819 Jun 2008 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group


Centre for Particle Physics

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 4710 Jun 2008 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We have 1 STFC funded Ph.D position on ATLAS still available, more information here
  • We have 1 STFC funded Ph.D position on ATLAS still available, more information here
  • John Adams Institute advisory board visit 28/29th April
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute

Revision 4610 Jun 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • We have 1 STFC funded Ph.D position on ATLAS still available, more information here
  • John Adams Institute advisory board visit 28/29th April
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute

Revision 4527 May 2008 - DiegoBellini

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 35 to 35

Group Calendar


Revision 4422 May 2008 - AntonellaDeSanto

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 4302 May 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 14 to 14

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar detector. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar experiment. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
 future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.
Line: 28 to 28

Revision 4202 May 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • John Adams Institute advisory board visit 28/29th April
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute

Public information

Revision 4117 Apr 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 14 to 14

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar detector. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar detector. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
 future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.
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Public web functions: WebLinks

-- StewartBoogert - 31 Jan 2008

Revision 4014 Apr 2008 - ClareQuarman

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 6 to 6

Research activities


 SMnice.gif AccessPipe1.JPG 004873sml.jpg

Revision 3912 Apr 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 19 to 19

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NEXT institute
  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NExT institute

Public information

Revision 3811 Apr 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

atlasOct2005small.jpg ROB-in SMnice.gif AccessPipe1.JPG 004873sml.jpg datagrid_hires.jpg
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar detector. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Centre for Particle Physics News

  • The Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL now part of the NEXT institute

Public information

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AccessPipe1.JPG" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914305" name="AccessPipe1.JPG" path="AccessPipe1.JPG" size="59306" stream="AccessPipe1.JPG" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="004873sml.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207914477" name="004873sml.jpg" path="004873sml.jpg" size="10093" stream="004873sml.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="datagrid_hires.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1207915495" name="datagrid_hires.jpg" path="datagrid_hires.jpg" size="108739" stream="datagrid_hires.jpg" user="Public.VeroniqueBoisvert" version="1"

Revision 3707 Apr 2008 - ClareQuarman

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Physics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

Revision 3603 Apr 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider as well as on the BaBar detector. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as R&D for
 future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Revision 3531 Mar 2008 - JasnaDragic

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 22 to 22

Group Calendar


Revision 3429 Mar 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 22 to 22

Group Calendar




Revision 3328 Mar 2008 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 16 to 16

Revision 3228 Mar 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 16 to 16

Group Calendar

Revision 3127 Mar 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 20 to 20

Group Calendar


Revision 3027 Mar 2008 - TwikiAdministrator

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
 future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Revision 2926 Mar 2008 - JasnaDragic

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the Atlas experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
 future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Revision 2826 Mar 2008 - JasnaDragic

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 2726 Mar 2008 - PedroTD

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the Atlas detector at the Large Hadron Collider. There is research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the Atlas experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators is carried out in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
 future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Revision 2618 Mar 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 6 to 6

Research activities

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the Atlas detector at the Large Hadron Collider. There is research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
future detector systems.
future detector systems. We are also involved in Grid computing.

Public information

Revision 2513 Mar 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 17 to 17

Group Calendar

Revision 2411 Mar 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 2307 Mar 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the Atlas detector at the Large Hadron Collider. There is research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the Atlas detector at the Large Hadron Collider. There is research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for
 future detector systems.
Line: 15 to 15

Group Calendar

Revision 2206 Mar 2008 - JasnaDragic

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 2106 Mar 2008 - JasnaDragic

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 2006 Mar 2008 - JasnaDragic

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 1906 Mar 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 1806 Mar 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 16 to 16

Group Calendar

Revision 1729 Feb 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 16 to 16

Group Calendar


Revision 1625 Feb 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 22 to 22
  -- StewartBoogert - 31 Jan 2008

Revision 1521 Feb 2008 - VeroniqueBoisvert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 11 to 11

Public information


Revision 1415 Feb 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 15 to 15

Revision 1313 Feb 2008 - DiegoBellini

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 15 to 15

Revision 1211 Feb 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Revision 1110 Feb 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 11 to 11

Public information


Revision 1008 Feb 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on Atlas at the Large Hadron Collider.
The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on the Atlas detector at the Large Hadron Collider. There is research on the accelerator technologies required to build future accelerators in the John Adams Institute as well as research and development for future detector systems.

Public information

Revision 907 Feb 2008 - SimonGeorge

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 13 to 13

-- StewartBoogert - 31 Jan 2008


Revision 801 Feb 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.
Line: 13 to 13

Revision 731 Jan 2008 - StewartBoogert

Line: 1 to 1

Welcome to the PP/Public web


Royal Holloway Particle Physics group

This is the home page of the Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway. It contains information about the centre's activities, research materials, helpful guides on computing, visiting high energy laboratories, getting started with the grid. A practical guide to doing high energy or accelerator physics at Royal Holloway.

Research activities

The research at Royal Holloway focuses on fundamental questions in physics today. We have a substantial group working on Atlas at the Large Hadron Collider.

Available Information

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

Public information

-- StewartBoogert - 31 Jan 2008


PP/Public Web Utilities

Revision 628 Mar 2005 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

Welcome to the PP/Public web

Available Information

Revision 528 Mar 2005 - TWikiContributor

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Welcome to the home of RHUL Physics Department TWiki.PP/Public. This is a web-based collaboration area for ...

Welcome to the PP/Public web


Available Information

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PP/Public Web Utilities



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Revision 414 Apr 2002 - PeterThoeny

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Revision 307 Apr 2002 - PeterThoeny

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Revision 224 Nov 2001 - PeterThoeny

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Revision 108 Aug 2001 - PeterThoeny

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