Difference: WebLeftBar ( vs. 1)

Revision 109 May 2007 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1


This topic uses the FlexWebPlugin to emulate the PatternSkin's default WebLeftBar. The motivation is to arbitrarily set the order the webs are rendered, which the CM CM/Public Main PP PP/Public Public ShowCase Students Students/PostGraduates Students/UnderGraduates TWiki TWiki macro cannot do.

The desired order for listing webs is; Public DeptAdmin TWiki

Note: Explicitly specifying a web, eg. DeptAdmin in the webs="" list argument to FLEXLISTWEB{}% causes it to appear at the specified place in the list regardless of that web's permissions. Of course if VIEW access is not present for the user/TWikiGuest, he/she will be unable to access it.

The original CM CM/Public Main PP PP/Public Public ShowCase Students Students/PostGraduates Students/UnderGraduates TWiki code is as follows;

See also twiki/data/TWiki/WebLeftBarWebsList.txt.orig

T.Crane, Wed Sep 12 19:17:18 BST 2012.


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