Difference: WebHome (1 vs. 6)

Revision 617 Jan 2019 - TomCraneAdmin

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%DASHBOARD{ section="banner" image="https://twiki.ph.rhul.ac.uk/twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDashboardImages/sakura-and-bee.jpg"
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<--===== OVERVIEW ============================================-->
%DASHBOARD{ section="box_start" title="Overview"

This web is intended as a showcase for this TWiki's new & bespoke features.

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 %DASHBOARD{ section="box_start" title="The Electronic LogBook" contentstyle="overflow: hidden;"
width="645" height="220"
 }% The electronic logbook is a TWiki app. which provides a convenient way to enter and display information which evolves over time. Each new item added is summarised on the logbook's main page via a link (Subject) to its own TWiki topic. That topic can contain text, tables, pictures or any other kind of content available on TWiki. Any number of separate logbooks can be incorporated into a TWiki web.

Revision 519 Oct 2017 - TomCraneAdmin

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%DASHBOARD{ section="banner" image="https://twiki.ph.rhul.ac.uk/twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDashboardImages/sakura-and-bee.jpg"
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  • ScrollBoxAddOn - Create attractive text scroll boxes, logo rolls and boxes with images that get replaced at regular intervals.
  • ShareMePlugin - Assist sharing your TWiki content via Social Media websites; Twitter, Facebook etc.
  • SkillsPlugin - Edit & present your skills, including on your public TWiki home page. If logged on see TWikiGuest.
  • SourceHighlightPlugin - Highlight and format code fragments, (C++,C,Flex,Java,Perl,PHP3,Prolog,Python).
  • TagMePlugin - Create & add Tags to TWiki topics. Available in most webs. You can conveniently tag topics with relevant tags and then search TWiki content by tag as a navigation aid.
  • TimeTablePlugin - Create a multi-coloured week-long (or more) timetable in a TWiki topic.
  • TWikiDrawPlugin - Illustrate TWiki topics using this simple embedded drawing application.

Revision 427 Jun 2017 - TomCraneAdmin

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%DASHBOARD{ section="banner"
  title="Welcome to the ShowCase web" titlestyle="color:#800000;" }%
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Edit this topic to customize this dashboard. Change the boxes (tiles) to fit the needs of your team.
<--===== WEB LINKS ============================================-->
ShowCase Web Links
  • Add useful links here
This web is intended as a showcase for this TWiki's new & bespoke features.
<--===== RECENT CHANGES ============================================-->
<--===== LogBook App ============================================-->
 %DASHBOARD{ section="box_start"
title="Recent Changes"
title="The Electronic LogBook"
  contentstyle="overflow: hidden;"
The electronic logbook is a TWiki app. which provides a convenient way to enter and display information which evolves over time. Each new item added is summarised on the logbook's main page via a link (Subject) to its own TWiki topic. That topic can contain text, tables, pictures or any other kind of content available on TWiki. Any number of separate logbooks can be incorporated into a TWiki web.
  • LogBookHelp - How to use the logbook
  • LogBooks - The main entry point to the logbooks in this web. It contains a list of (junk) logbooks in this web (created while developing this app.) I hope to provide some better demos in the future (TomCrane).
<--===== BOX 4 ============================================-->
<--===== LogBook App ============================================-->
 %DASHBOARD{ section="box_start"
title="Box 4"
title="Plugins & Addons"
  contentstyle="overflow: hidden;"
width="990" height="800"
Edit topic to customize
TWiki is an highly extensible technology and installing plugins/addons is the main route for adding new features to a TWiki. InstalledPlugins shows all plugins & addons currently installed on this TWiki. TWiki:Plugins.PluginPackage lists the many plugins & addons available to download and install from the central TWiki site. Please contact the TWiki admins at physicstwikiadmin@lists.rhul.ac.uk if you would like any additional plugins installed.

The following items demonstrate some recently installed plugins & addons on this TWiki.

  • BatchUploadPluginInfo - Upload and display a zip-file of pictures in a TWiki topic.
  • BeautifierPlugin - Highlight and format source code fragments, (bash,C++,C#,Corba,CSS,HTML,IDL,Java,Lua,Makefile,Perl,PHP3,PL/SQL,Python,Scheme,TCL,HTML,Visual,Verilog,VHDL,XML).
  • BibliographyPlugin - Cite a bibliography in one topic and get an automatically created references list.
  • BibtexPlugin - Embed BibTeX entries in a TWiki page.
  • ChartPlugin - Helps you visualise data in TWiki tables as charts.
  • DatabasePluginInfo - Access an SQL database system from within a TWiki topic.
  • EmbedPDFPluginInfo - Embed PDF files in a TWiki topic.
  • ExcelImportExportPluginInfo - Upload an Excel spreadsheet file to a TWiki topic as a table and download a TWiki table as an Excel spreadsheet file.
  • FamFamFamContrib - 4 sets of icons to use in TWiki pages.
  • FlowchartPlugin - Create a flowchart in a TWiki topic. See FlowchartPluginExample.
  • FormPlugin - Lets you create simple and advanced web forms for data entry.
  • GaugePlugin - Create gauges in TWiki topics, eg. as progress indicators. See GaugePluginTests.
  • GeoLookupPlugin - Obtain the geographical location of an IP address.
  • ImageGalleryPluginInfo - Display a set of images in any TWiki topic.
  • ImagePlugin - Control the display and alignment of images in a TWiki topic.
  • LightboxPlugin - Single-click to quickly toggle between a thumbnail & full size image within a TWiki page.
  • LocalTimePlugin - Show the current date and time of a particular city/timezone.
  • ObjectPlugin - Embed multi-media objects (Flash, QuickTime, Microsoft WMV etc. players) into TWiki topics.
  • PopUpCalculatorAddOn - A web based pop-up scientific calculator.
  • QRCodePlugin - Create & render QR codes QR Code in a TWiki topic.
  • RackPlannerPlugin - Visualise a 19" rack (eg. server farm) as a TWiki table.
  • RemoteFileAttachPlugin - Programmatically download and attach remote files to topics (only one attachment per topic allowed).
  • ScrollBoxAddOn - Create attractive text scroll boxes, logo rolls and boxes with images that get replaced at regular intervals.
  • ShareMePlugin - Assist sharing your TWiki content via Social Media websites; Twitter, Facebook etc.
  • SkillsPlugin - Edit & present your skills, including on your public TWiki home page. If logged on see TWikiGuest.
  • SourceHighlightPlugin - Highlight and format code fragments, (C++,C,Flex,Java,Perl,PHP3,Prolog,Python).
  • TagMePlugin - Create & add Tags to TWiki topics. Available in most webs. You can conveniently tag topics with relevant tags and then search TWiki content by tag as a navigation aid.
  • TimeTablePlugin - Create a multi-coloured week-long (or more) timetable in a TWiki topic.
  • TWikiDrawPlugin - Illustrate TWiki topics using this simple embedded drawing application.
  • VotePlugin - Run an election/referendum in a TWiki topic.
Info Indicates a locally produced demo (TomCrane).
<--===== BOX 5 ============================================-->
<--===== RECENT CHANGES ============================================-->
 %DASHBOARD{ section="box_start"
title="Box 5"
title="Recent Changes"
  contentstyle="overflow: hidden;" }%
Edit topic to customize
<--===== WEB UTILITIES ============================================-->

Revision 329 Dec 2012 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1
Modified to exclude LogBook Entry topics , eg. LogBookCreationtestEntry0001 from the search below as these files are very numerous and will probably confuse the users.
Note:  This topic file is in TWiki (SYSTEMWEB) so, be sure to save a copy when upgrading the TWiki software.
T.Crane, Mon Dec 24 23:18:13 GMT 2012.

Welcome to the ShowCase web

Replace this text with a short description on how this web is used.

  • Add links to useful topics in this web
  • ...
  • ...

ShowCase Web Utilities

Welcome to the ShowCase web
<--===== OVERVIEW ============================================-->
Edit this topic to customize this dashboard. Change the boxes (tiles) to fit the needs of your team.

<--===== WEB LINKS ============================================-->
ShowCase Web Links
  • Add useful links here

<--===== RECENT CHANGES ============================================-->
<--===== BOX 4 ============================================-->
Box 4
Edit topic to customize

<--===== BOX 5 ============================================-->
Box 5
Edit topic to customize

<--===== WEB UTILITIES ============================================-->
ShowCase Web Utilities

<--===== END ============================================-->

Revision 206 May 2010 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1
Modified to exclude LogBook Entry topics , eg. LogBookCreationtestEntry0001 from the search below as these files are very numerous and will probably confuse the users.
Note:  This topic file is in TWiki (SYSTEMWEB) so, be sure to save a copy when upgrading the TWiki software.
T.Crane, Mon Dec 24 23:18:13 GMT 2012.


Welcome to the ShowCase web


Available Information

  • ...
Replace this text with a short description on how this web is used.

  • Add links to useful topics in this web
  • ...
  • ...

ShowCase Web Utilities


Revision 128 Mar 2005 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

Welcome to the ShowCase web

Available Information

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

ShowCase Web Utilities

This site is powered by the TWiki collaboration platform Powered by PerlCopyright © 2008-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
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