Difference: 2014PresentationSkillsAndTeamwork (1 vs. 5)

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Presentation Skills and Teamwork, 2nd year after exam

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 Session3: your talks, at 10h-13h and 14-17, Thursday 5/6/2014, in MBLT.

 (Session4: reserve session for final talks, at 10h-13h, Wednesday 12/6/2013, in MBLT.)
Last year's agenda:
2013's agenda:
 Teams for 2014:

Green = Attended and signed in to both introductory sessions.

Revision 404 Jun 2014 - StephenGibson

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Presentation Skills and Teamwork, 2nd year after exam

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 Session2: discussion and review on Thursday 29/5/2014, at 10h in MBLT.

 Session3: your talks, at 10h-13h and 14-17, Thursday 5/6/2014, in MBLT.
Session4: final talks, at 10h-13h, Wednesday 12/6/2013, in MBLT.

(Session4: reserve session for final talks, at 10h-13h, Wednesday 12/6/2013, in MBLT.)

  Last year's agenda:

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Presentation Skills and Teamwork, 2nd year after exam

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Last year's teams - to be updated for 2014 shortly:
Teams for 2014:
  • TeamA: What you never knew about the Standard Model
    Maddelena Jennifer
    Abramov Andrey
    Boothman Victoria
    Patel Dillan
    Heck Jan
Green = Attended and signed in to both introductory sessions.

Orange = Attended and signed in to one introductory session, or e-mailed Dr Gibson.

  • TeamB: Physics of some sort... (TBC)
    Bellaby Peter
    Harris Toby
    Rajaeifar Niloofar
    Velasco Gomes Andrea
    Cukanovaite Elena
Black = Attended neither introductory session - it's not too late to join for the talks on Thursday 5th June - please contact your team mates!

  • TeamA: What you never knew about the Standard Model
    Maddelena Jennifer
    Abramov Andrey
    Boothman Victoria
    Patel Dillan
    Heck Jan
  • TeamC: Fusion
    Feddersen Theresa
    Thomas David
    Yau Yuet
    Mills Georgina
    Connolly John
  • TeamB: Physics of some sort... (TBC)
    Bellaby Peter
    Harris Toby
    Rajaeifar Niloofar
    Velasco Gomes Andrea
    Cukanovaite Elena
  • TeamD: Confectionary / microwaves?
    Barker Oliver
    Rishton Jeremy
    Theaker Adam
    Begg James
    Stewart Martin
  • TeamC: Fusion
    Feddersen Theresa
    Thomas David
    Yau Yuet
    Mills Georgina
    Connolly John
  • TeamE: Exoplanets - what are we missing?
    Bayley Joseph
    Sparks Matthew
    Essmaeilzadeh Nafiseh
    Allen Ryan
    Shaikh Sobya
  • TeamD: Confectionary / microwaves?
    Barker Oliver
    Rishton Jeremy
    Theaker Adam
    Begg James
    Stewart Martin
  • TeamF: Disasterous physics
    Parker William
    Martin Joshua
    Carlos-Sandberg Leo
    Burgess Paul
    Chung Siu
  • TeamE: Exoplanets - what are we missing?
    Bayley Joseph
    Sparks Matthew
    Essmaeilzadeh Nafiseh
    Allen Ryan
    Shaikh Sobya
  • TeamG: Iron Man Physics (AI / weapons / human flight / bio physics)
    Sibanda Zinzile
    Kemp Ashlea
    Hawes Jordan
    Simpson Max
    Brown Katherine
  • TeamF: Disasterous physics
    Parker William
    Martin Joshua
    Carlos-Sandberg Leo
    Burgess Paul
    Chung Siu
  • TeamH: Time
    Rajani Julia
    McCabe Alexander
    Luong To Zain
    Kashif Rabyah
    Edy Oliver
  • TeamG: Iron Man Physics (AI / weapons / human flight / bio physics)
    Sibanda Zinzile
    Kemp Ashlea
    Hawes Jordan
    Simpson Max
    Brown Katherine
  • TeamI: The Mighty Hubble
    Rajani Julia
    McCabe Alexander
    Luong To Zain
    Kashif Rabyah
    Edy Oliver
  • TeamI: The Mighty Hubble
    Rajani Julia
    McCabe Alexander
    Luong To Zain
    Kashif Rabyah
    Edy Oliver
  • TeamK: The life and time of stars
    Bashforth Sophie
    Zhang Angela
    May Timothy
    Bello Julian
    Leigh Thomas
  • TeamK: The life and time of stars
    Bashforth Sophie
    Zhang Angela
    May Timothy
    Bello Julian
    Leigh Thomas
  • TeamHJL: (merged teams H, J and L) : What's up with Gravity?
    Easton Alexander
    Wroblewski Kamil
    Yardley Tommy
    Douglas Geoffrey
    Garcia Irvine Rafael
    Aubrook Liam
    Palmer Charlie
    Forbes Alexander
    Hart Frederick
    Bugden Samuel
    Geary Michael
    Gyurov Petar
    Hadden David
    Magon Lipika
    Zoha Sanya
    Srivastava Pranjal
  • TeamHJL: (merged teams H, J and L) : What's up with Gravity?
    Easton Alexander
    Wroblewski Kamil
    Yardley Tommy
    Douglas Geoffrey
    Garcia Irvine Rafael
    Aubrook Liam
    Palmer Charlie
    Forbes Alexander
    Hart Frederick
    Bugden Samuel
    Geary Michael
    Gyurov Petar
    Hadden David
    Magon Lipika
    Zoha Sanya
    Srivastava Pranjal
 Due to the absence of some members Teams H, J and L have been merged.

-- StephenGibson - 29 May 2014

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Presentation Skills and Teamwork, 2nd year after exam

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 Last year's teams - to be updated for 2014 shortly:
  • TeamA: (Merged with teams B, N, M): Modern Topics in Physics (including Nanophysics, Superconductivity)
    Max Rodgers
    Emily Rundle
    Deborah Pienaar
    Jaffar Ghafoor
    Sharad Patel
  • TeamB: Merged with teams A, N, M.
    Justin Ng
    Petros Skopelitis
    Benjamin Hirst
    Ahmed Mohamoud
    Joseph Mayger
  • TeamC: (Merged with TeamE): Quantum computing
    Joshua Albrecht
    Thomas Leigh
    Jaime van Oers
    Nicholas Harden
    Dipen Patel
  • TeamD: Medical physics (any topic, excluding EM radiation by TeamI)
    Elliot Muchamore
    Liam Aubrook
    Federica Raimondi
    Malkesh Agheda
    Belinda Stiles
  • TeamE: (Merged with TeamC)
    Shane McGillion
    Khalid Muhammad
    Gaiyang Lou
    Bianca Kirby
    Luca Fruzza
  • TeamF: Life in the Universe (ET phone home)
    Darsh Kodwani
    Hussam Hussain
    Stuart Keenan
    Liam Duffy
    Hamed Darvishian
  • TeamG: Going to Mars (feasibility of human trip / propulsion)
    Samuel Emery
    Nemos Thorpe
    James Farmer
    Loren Held
    Lawrence Thomas
  • TeamH: Misconceptions of physics in everyday life
    Jenna Howe
    Timothy Lehner
    Christophe Meyers
    Omid Siddiqui
    Holly Preece
  • TeamI: Use of EM radiation in medical science
    Nikki Shah
    Vijay Mahatma
    Adorcille Abat
    Patrick Trollope
    Ojal Grover
  • TeamJ: Interstellar Travel
    Ayyoub Maknassa
    Anna Pearson
    Hyung-Suk Choi
    Saeed Ascroft
    Charlotte Nedd
  • TeamK: Fusion Reactors & Stellar Fusion
    Amar Shah
    Rafael Garcia Irvine
    Thomas Vaughan
    Jean Duffy
    Nicholas Sumner
  • TeamL: Atomic bombs
    Stuart Walker
    Gabriel Brodowski
    Adriana Dias
    Elysia Sharma
    David Yeeles
  • TeamM: (merged with Team A, B, N)
    Abdullah Afzal
    Christopher Smith
    Konstantinos Georgantas
    Sai Leik
  • TeamN: (merged with Team A, B, M)
    Alexandre Imre
    Joseph Cooper
    Andrew Petrie
    Jamila Taaki
Due to the absence of some members:
  • TeamA: What you never knew about the Standard Model
    Maddelena Jennifer
    Abramov Andrey
    Boothman Victoria
    Patel Dillan
    Heck Jan

  • TeamB: Physics of some sort... (TBC)
    Bellaby Peter
    Harris Toby
    Rajaeifar Niloofar
    Velasco Gomes Andrea
    Cukanovaite Elena

  • TeamC: Fusion
    Feddersen Theresa
    Thomas David
    Yau Yuet
    Mills Georgina
    Connolly John

  • TeamD: Confectionary / microwaves?
    Barker Oliver
    Rishton Jeremy
    Theaker Adam
    Begg James
    Stewart Martin

  • TeamE: Exoplanets - what are we missing?
    Bayley Joseph
    Sparks Matthew
    Essmaeilzadeh Nafiseh
    Allen Ryan
    Shaikh Sobya

  • TeamF: Disasterous physics
    Parker William
    Martin Joshua
    Carlos-Sandberg Leo
    Burgess Paul
    Chung Siu

  • TeamG: Iron Man Physics (AI / weapons / human flight / bio physics)
    Sibanda Zinzile
    Kemp Ashlea
    Hawes Jordan
    Simpson Max
    Brown Katherine

  • TeamH: Time
    Rajani Julia
    McCabe Alexander
    Luong To Zain
    Kashif Rabyah
    Edy Oliver

  • TeamI: The Mighty Hubble
    Rajani Julia
    McCabe Alexander
    Luong To Zain
    Kashif Rabyah
    Edy Oliver
  • Teams C and E have been merged.
  • Teams M and N have been merged.
  • TeamK: The life and time of stars
    Bashforth Sophie
    Zhang Angela
    May Timothy
    Bello Julian
    Leigh Thomas
  • TeamHJL: (merged teams H, J and L) : What's up with Gravity?
    Easton Alexander
    Wroblewski Kamil
    Yardley Tommy
    Douglas Geoffrey
    Garcia Irvine Rafael
    Aubrook Liam
    Palmer Charlie
    Forbes Alexander
    Hart Frederick
    Bugden Samuel
    Geary Michael
    Gyurov Petar
    Hadden David
    Magon Lipika
    Zoha Sanya
    Srivastava Pranjal
Due to the absence of some members Teams H, J and L have been merged.
  -- StephenGibson - 29 May 2014

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PSaT2014_Intro_Gibson.pdf" attr="" comment="Introduction to presentation skills and teamwork" date="1401354016" name="PSaT2014_Intro_Gibson.pdf" path="PSaT2014_Intro_Gibson.pdf" size="5589713" user="uxap007" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PSaT2014_PartII_Gibson.pdf" attr="" comment="Presentation skills part II" date="1401360944" name="PSaT2014_PartII_Gibson.pdf" path="PSaT2014_PartII_Gibson.pdf" size="16852442" user="uxap007" version="1"

Revision 129 May 2014 - StephenGibson

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Presentation Skills and Teamwork, 2nd year after exam

Course material:

Session1 was on Tuesday 27/5/2014, at 10am in HLT2.

Session2: discussion and review on Thursday 29/5/2014, at 10h in MBLT.

Session3: your talks, at 10h-13h and 14-17, Thursday 5/6/2014, in MBLT.

Session4: final talks, at 10h-13h, Wednesday 12/6/2013, in MBLT.

Last year's agenda:

Last year's teams - to be updated for 2014 shortly:

  • TeamA: (Merged with teams B, N, M): Modern Topics in Physics (including Nanophysics, Superconductivity)
    Max Rodgers
    Emily Rundle
    Deborah Pienaar
    Jaffar Ghafoor
    Sharad Patel
  • TeamB: Merged with teams A, N, M.
    Justin Ng
    Petros Skopelitis
    Benjamin Hirst
    Ahmed Mohamoud
    Joseph Mayger
  • TeamC: (Merged with TeamE): Quantum computing
    Joshua Albrecht
    Thomas Leigh
    Jaime van Oers
    Nicholas Harden
    Dipen Patel
  • TeamD: Medical physics (any topic, excluding EM radiation by TeamI)
    Elliot Muchamore
    Liam Aubrook
    Federica Raimondi
    Malkesh Agheda
    Belinda Stiles
  • TeamE: (Merged with TeamC)
    Shane McGillion
    Khalid Muhammad
    Gaiyang Lou
    Bianca Kirby
    Luca Fruzza
  • TeamF: Life in the Universe (ET phone home)
    Darsh Kodwani
    Hussam Hussain
    Stuart Keenan
    Liam Duffy
    Hamed Darvishian
  • TeamG: Going to Mars (feasibility of human trip / propulsion)
    Samuel Emery
    Nemos Thorpe
    James Farmer
    Loren Held
    Lawrence Thomas
  • TeamH: Misconceptions of physics in everyday life
    Jenna Howe
    Timothy Lehner
    Christophe Meyers
    Omid Siddiqui
    Holly Preece
  • TeamI: Use of EM radiation in medical science
    Nikki Shah
    Vijay Mahatma
    Adorcille Abat
    Patrick Trollope
    Ojal Grover
  • TeamJ: Interstellar Travel
    Ayyoub Maknassa
    Anna Pearson
    Hyung-Suk Choi
    Saeed Ascroft
    Charlotte Nedd
  • TeamK: Fusion Reactors & Stellar Fusion
    Amar Shah
    Rafael Garcia Irvine
    Thomas Vaughan
    Jean Duffy
    Nicholas Sumner
  • TeamL: Atomic bombs
    Stuart Walker
    Gabriel Brodowski
    Adriana Dias
    Elysia Sharma
    David Yeeles
  • TeamM: (merged with Team A, B, N)
    Abdullah Afzal
    Christopher Smith
    Konstantinos Georgantas
    Sai Leik
  • TeamN: (merged with Team A, B, M)
    Alexandre Imre
    Joseph Cooper
    Andrew Petrie
    Jamila Taaki
Due to the absence of some members:

  • Teams C and E have been merged.
  • Teams M and N have been merged.

-- StephenGibson - 29 May 2014

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PSaT2014_Intro_Gibson.pdf" attr="" comment="Introduction to presentation skills and teamwork" date="1401354016" name="PSaT2014_Intro_Gibson.pdf" path="PSaT2014_Intro_Gibson.pdf" size="5589713" user="uxap007" version="1"
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