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Presentation Skills and Teamwork, 2nd year after exam
Course material:
Session1 was on Tuesday 27/5/2014, at 10am in HLT2.
Session2: discussion and review on Thursday 29/5/2014, at 10h in MBLT.
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| Session3: your talks, at 10h-13h and 14-17, Thursday 5/6/2014, in MBLT.
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| (Session4: reserve session for final talks, at 10h-13h, Wednesday 12/6/2013, in MBLT.) |
< < | Last year's agenda: |
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| Teams for 2014:
Green = Attended and signed in to both introductory sessions.
Orange = Attended and signed in to one introductory session, or e-mailed Dr Gibson.
Black = Attended neither introductory session - it's not too late to join for the talks on Thursday 5th June - please contact your team mates!
- TeamA: What you never knew about the Standard Model
Maddelena | Jennifer | Abramov | Andrey | Boothman | Victoria | Patel | Dillan | Heck | Jan |
- TeamB: Physics of some sort... (TBC)
Bellaby | Peter | Harris | Toby | Rajaeifar | Niloofar | Velasco Gomes | Andrea | Cukanovaite | Elena |
- TeamC: Fusion
Feddersen | Theresa | Thomas | David | Yau | Yuet | Mills | Georgina | Connolly | John |
- TeamD: Confectionary / microwaves?
Barker | Oliver | Rishton | Jeremy | Theaker | Adam | Begg | James | Stewart | Martin |
- TeamE: Exoplanets - what are we missing?
Bayley | Joseph | Sparks | Matthew | Essmaeilzadeh | Nafiseh | Allen | Ryan | Shaikh | Sobya |
- TeamF: Disasterous physics
Parker | William | Martin | Joshua | Carlos-Sandberg | Leo | Burgess | Paul | Chung | Siu |
- TeamG: Iron Man Physics (AI / weapons / human flight / bio physics)
Sibanda | Zinzile | Kemp | Ashlea | Hawes | Jordan | Simpson | Max | Brown | Katherine |
- TeamI: The Mighty Hubble
Rajani | Julia | McCabe | Alexander | Luong | To Zain | Kashif | Rabyah | Edy | Oliver
- TeamK: The life and time of stars
Bashforth | Sophie | Zhang | Angela | May | Timothy | Bello | Julian | Leigh | Thomas |
- TeamHJL: (merged teams H, J and L) : What's up with Gravity?
Easton | Alexander | Wroblewski | Kamil | Yardley | Tommy | Douglas | Geoffrey | Garcia Irvine | Rafael | Aubrook | Liam | Palmer | Charlie | Forbes | Alexander | Hart | Frederick | Bugden | Samuel
| Geary | Michael | Gyurov | Petar | Hadden | David | Magon | Lipika | Zoha | Sanya | Srivastava | Pranjal |
Due to the absence of some members Teams H, J and L have been merged.
-- StephenGibson - 29 May 2014
attachment="PSaT2014_Intro_Gibson.pdf" attr="" comment="Introduction to presentation skills and teamwork" date="1401354016" name="PSaT2014_Intro_Gibson.pdf" path="PSaT2014_Intro_Gibson.pdf" size="5589713" user="uxap007" version="1" |
attachment="PSaT2014_PartII_Gibson.pdf" attr="" comment="Presentation skills part II" date="1401360944" name="PSaT2014_PartII_Gibson.pdf" path="PSaT2014_PartII_Gibson.pdf" size="16852442" user="uxap007" version="1" |