Difference: LucaFruzzaBscProject ( vs. 1)

Revision 118 Oct 2013 - LucaFruzza

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META TOPICPARENT name="Public.LucaFruzza"

Preliminary Project Aims

The ultimate goal of this Bsc project will be to measure fluxes and determine magnitudes of variable stars. While this is the overall objective it won't necessarily be a linear path, and other factors may have to be determined along the way.

Current project aims:

  • Get to grips with the equipment through non-topical practice sessions.
  • Begin observing a set of stars, making measurements of the same stars over a period of time.
  • Potentially develop a calibration of the telescope, which will require measurements over time & angle of sky.
  • Develop a compensation for air mass
Material needing review:
  • Photometry
  • Air Mass
  • Reddening
Refference Archive:

UG astronomy info page

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