name="PH3110BScProject" |
List of PH3110 BSc Projects on offer in 2024/25
<-- NB: At the moment the list below is still being updated for the 24/25 academic year -->
Each finalist BSc student will have to do one project in the Spring term. Each project lasts the whole term.
Below is the list of BSc projects on offer for supervision in academic year 24/25. Each of the items (A, B, C, ...) listed under each supervisor's name is a separate project.
Prof. Vladimir Antonov - Nanophysics
- Development of technology for harvesting solar power for house heating
In this project, you will l do an experimental assessment of a house heating system based on chemical energy storage. The project includes assembly and programming the experimental setup, measuring the heat exchange process, and modelling the heating system.
- Characterization of the semiconductor detector for the telecom wavelength applications
The project concerns the experimental study of the detector's operation developed at RHUL for telecom wavelength. You will assemble and program the experimental setup, measure the performance and model the detector's operation.
Dr Greg Ashton - Astrophysics – Priority given to BSc Astrophysics students
- Development of a table-top demonstration of a gravitational-wave detector
In this project you will develop a table-top demonstration of a network of gravitational-wave detectors. The primary focus will be to demonstrate how multiple detectors can identify the location of a source by using a Raspberry Pi attached to water-level sensors. This will involve the development of the circuitry to measure the signal and interfacing the electronics with a Python program to infer the source position. Students should be comfortable with the computing and data analysis elements of PH2150 and PH3010.
- Fuzzy inference and the application to gravitational-wave astronomy
In this project, you will learn how to apply computational Bayesian inference to analyse gravitational-wave signals. We will then develop a novel “fuzzy inference” algorithm that enables analyses to capture additional degrees of uncertainty in the signal and noise models. This will involve utilise the computing cluster, developing a python program for inference, adapting it to perform fuzzy inference, and visualising the improvements. Students should be comfortable with the computing and data analysis elements of PH2150 and PH3010.
- Projects related to data collection with the RHUL observatory and data analysis using python. See examples of projects from Glen Cowan, the exact nature of the project will be decided in coordination with the student but will involve the utilisation of the telescope and the development of analysis routines. Students should have taken PH2260, PH3900 and PH3920 (concurrent) and be comfortable with the computing and data analysis elements of PH2150 and PH3010.
All three projects are computing-based projects and require the use of python. Students should have undertaken PH3010 and PH2150. |
< < | Prof. Tracey Berry - Particle Physics
- Search for New Physics using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider
Learn how to identify known particles in the ATLAS detector and then investigate beyond the Standard Model particles/physics (such as new Z' bosons or gravitons) from studying their decay products (particles). This project involves writing code in C++/Python. Prior knowledge of C++/Python is useful, but not required.
| Prof. Veronique Boisvert - Studies related to Energy or Climate Science
- Investigation into the UK climate: is there evidence from climate change in the UK climate data collected by the MET Office?
This is a computing-based project (PH2150 is sufficient). Priority is given to students registered on (or officially auditing) PH3040.
- Investigation into the UK electricity grid: is it ready for carbon-free production?
This is a computing-based project (PH2150 is sufficient). Priority is given to students registered on (or officially auditing) PH3040.
Prof. Andrew Casey - Condensed Matter / Low Temperature Physics
- Condensed Matter / Low Temperature Physics
Prof. Glen Cowan - Astrophysics – Priority given to BSc Astrophysics students
Both of the projects below involve data collection with the observatory and data analysis using python. Students should have taken PH2260, PH3900 and PH3920 (concurrent) and be comfortable with the computing and data analysis elements of PH2150 and PH3010.
- Photometry of the White Dwarf 40 Eri B
The project will include:
- Observation of the 40 Eridani system with RVB filters.
- Characterization of the telescope and CCD camera, Statistical model of CCD output, Student's t model of Point Spread Function.
- Photometry of the White Dwarf 40 Eridani B (and companions A and C).
- Interpretation of measurements, including estimate of WD's temperature, luminosity, radius.
- Measurement of Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for open clusters
The project will include:
- Observation of an open cluster with RBV filters.
- Algorithm for background estimation and star finding.
- Photometry using either aperture method or PSF fit.
- Interpretation of the HR diagram (cluster age, main-sequence slope).
Prof. Stephen Gibson with Dr William Shields - Medical Accelerator Physics
Medical accelerator physics (Dr William Shields) The student(s) will have a choice of three accelerator physics simulation projects all of which have applications in accelerators for medicine. All students will be using the code BDSIM (beam delivery simulation), a Monte Carlo particle tracking tool developed at Royal Holloway. Some knowledge of accelerator physics and Unix/Linux command line experience is desirable, but not essential. Proficient python programming skills is a requirement.
- Option 1: Modelling permanent magnets for capturing proton beams
LhARA, the Laser hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications, is a proposed radiobiology research facility that will use novel acceleration methods to generate beams of protons for a wide range of energies. LhARA are keen to explore permanent magnet quadrupoles to optimise the capturing the divergent proton beams at an energy of 15 MeV. In this project, the student will simulate particle transport and optimise the magnets to achieve the best capture performance possible.
- Option 2: Simulating ion-acoustic dosimetry
The LhARA collaboration are developing a new technology for in-vivo dosimetry based on the ion-acoustic principle. In proton therapy, beams deposit their energy at the Bragg peak on a short time scale. This process causes a rapid thermal expansion effect that causes a pressure wave to be generated. By placing transducers around the target volume, it should be possible to record the pressure wave signals and reconstruct the dose location. In this project, the student will simulate either ion-acoustic signals with carbon ions, or characterisation of signals for a variety of beam parameters. The project will include simulating dose delivery in BDSIM as well as using the MATLAB code k-Wave.
- Option 3: Demonstrating momentum cooling of proton beams for radiobiology
Beams in particle accelerators have a spread of particle momenta around a nominal value. Energy selection systems typically remove these off momentum particles, however a recent system instead cools the beam with a wedge-shaped degrader. Whilst LhARA will nominally operate at 15 MeV for radiobiology research, the generated beam covers a much wider spectrum including energies up to around a factor of 2 higher. In this project, the student will explore the simulation of such a setup in the LhARA beam line. They will establish if the higher energy particles can be degraded to 15 MeV without significantly impacting the nominal energy protons, potentially increasing LhARA’s deliverable dose rate.
Prof. Jon Goff - Condensed Matter Physics
- Battery materials for electric vehicles
The introduction of electric vehicles and renewable sources of energy has led to increased demand for batteries that are rechargeable, safer, and composed of earth-abundant elements. This project investigates how the structures of new materials for electrodes and solid-state electrolytes affect electrochemical performance. In this lab-based project, you will study powder samples using the Bruker D8 Discover and single crystals using the Oxford Diffraction Xcalibur X-Ray Diffractometers, and you will model your data with the instrumental data analysis software.
- Structures of superconducting qubits
Thin films are essential components in quantum technologies, and understanding their structures is key to optimising device performance. Using the Bruker D8 Discover X-Ray Diffractometer we are able to determine the structures, thicknesses and interfacial roughnesses of the thin films, as well as their epitaxial relationship with the substrate. In this lab-based project you will perform a variety of x-ray experiments including high-resolution x-ray diffraction, x-ray reflectivity and grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction on a thin-film sample used in the fabrication of superconducting qubits, and you will model your data with the instrumental data analysis software.
Dr Vanessa Graber - Astrophysics – Priority given to BSc Astrophysics students
- Clustering the neutron star population with unsupervised machine learning
Neutron stars are compact astronomical objects that form in the supernova explosions of massive stars. To date, we know around 3,500 neutron stars which are observable through the emission of radio, gamma-ray and X-ray light, and show a remarkable (but so far unexplained) diversity. For this project, you will use Python to apply and compare modern clustering techniques to analyse preprocessed observational data from the so-called ATNF Pulsar Catalogue to perform unsupervised machine learning on the currently known population of neutron stars. This will allow you to identify different classes of neutron stars that make up the zoo of these diverse compact objects.
Dr Andrew Ho - Condensed Matter Theory
Non-equilibrium dynamics and thermalisation in simple quantum systems
- Quantum time evolution and thermalisation in a single quantum spin-1/2 coupled to a larger quantum bath
This is a theoretical project involving mainly computer simulation of quantum time evolution for a bunch of spin-1/2’s coupled with neighbours via an exchange coupling. The questions to be addressed can involve one or more of: what does the short time evolution look like? what conditions are needed for some particular initial state to achieve thermalisation in this quantum system + bath set up? What is the timescale and form of the relaxation to equilibrium? If the system does not relax to equilibrium to eg. a Boltzmann distribution, what does it do? The project builds on material from Quantum mechanics (especially spin-1/2), PH2610 Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics. Some exposure to one of Mathematica, Python, C++, etc is expected. Reference: Genway et al., Physical Review Letters 105, 260402 (2010); Physical Review Letters 111, 130408 (2013).
- Epidemic modelling via the physics of the kinetics of Crystallization
In non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, it is well known that quite different phenomenon like forest fires, epidemic spreading, and crystallization, etc can have surprisingly similar modelling in terms of coupled differential equations of "particles" or "agents". In this computational project, we will try to see if Covid-19 infection in various countries at various times could be modelled using some simple physical models. Prerequisites: some exposure to one of Mathematica, Python, C++, etc.
Dr Gregoire Ithier - Condensed Matter Quantum Devices
- Simulating the dynamics of a system of interacting identical quantum particles
The aim of the project is to study how an equilibrium distribution can emerge from the unitary quantum evolution of a closed system made of identical particles (e.g. fermions). From an initial out-of-equilibrium state, the objective is to integrate numerically the Schrödinger equation and calculate predictions for physical observables such as particle occupation numbers. At large times, the possibility of a stationary state will be studied and any mismatch with the theoretical prediction (Fermi-Dirac distribution in the case of fermions) will be investigated. This project requires a good ability in python programming.
Dr Asher Kaboth - Particle Physics
- Modelling Dark Matter density distribution in galaxy rotation curves
The student will investigate how the observed rotation of stars around the centre of a galaxy gives evidence for the existence of Dark Matter.
Dr Pavel Karataev - Accelerator Physics
- Advanced simulations of electromagnetic processes in condensed media at ultra-relativistic energies
- Design and experimental test of efficient electromagnetic materials (complex structures and metamaterials) for applications in charged particle accelerators
- Development of a miniature pyroelectric accelerator
Dr Nikolas Kauer - Theoretical Particle Physics
- Higgs Boson Decay: Phenomenology and Theory
This project explores the phenomenological and theoretical structure of Higgs boson decays in the Standard Model (SM). The project requires very good mathematical and programming skills and the ability to carry out basic Feynman diagram calculations. In the phenomenology part of the project you will study the dependence of the partial decay widths and total decay width of the SM Higgs boson on its mass, and analyse the corresponding branching ratios. In the theory part of the project, you will get experience with making theoretical predictions for partial Higgs decay widths. More specifically, you will derive the formula for the H → W- W+ decay mode. Time permitting the scope of the project can be expanded.
Dr Justyn Maund - Astrophysics – Priority given to BSc Astrophysics students
- The Shapes of Supernovae
Supernovae are the explosive deaths of certain types of stars. To probe the nature of the explosion we can look at their shapes, but all modern SNe are too distant to be imaged directly. In this project we will look at polarimetric observations of a SN to measure the degree of polarisation and infer the shape of the explosion. The project will use archival imaging data from the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope and will require knowledge of aperture photometry. All data analysis will be conducted using python.
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- The lightcurves of transients discovered by the Einstein Probe
The explosion of a massive star, at the end of its life, is heralded by shock breakout in which high-T emission, in particular in X-rays, is produced. The recently launched Einstein Probe has been a game-changer in the field, producing discoveries of new transients that have been followed up with ground-based optical telescopes. In this project, you will work with photometric observations of recently discovered transients, acquired with the Liverpool Telescope, to measure the earliest evolution of the explosion of a massive star. This project will require knowledge of aperture photometry and all data analysis will be conducted using python.
Prof. Philip Meeson - Quantum Devices/Low Temperature Physics
Possible projects include:
- Extreme sensitivity motion detection system for a Cavendish-type gravity measurement: can we learn something from LIGO?
- Exploring the stability cone of a driven mechanical oscillator (as an analogue of non-linear effects in superconducting resonators)
(see, e.g. https://youtu.be/5oGYCxkgnHQ )
- A precision measurement system for gyroscopic motion, analysing the effects of precession, nutation, asymmetry and loss
- Developing vector calculus visualisation tools, python for div, grad, curl, the Helmholtz decomposition theorem, and all that
Projects A, B, C will require experimental design, construction (with the help of our technical staff), data acquisition, modelling and python data analysis. Project D is code-based.
Dr James Nicholls - Nanophysics
Simulations of two-dimensional electron gases (2 projects). In both projects there is working code to solve simple problems; the student needs to understand the underlying maths and physics and then extend the code to more complicated problems. Output from the FlexPDE package can be plotted and further interpreted using Python.
- Solve Laplace's equations subject to the appropriate boundary conditions, to visualise the current flow and calculate the resistance of an arbitrarily shaped 2D conductor with Ohmic contacts on its perimeter. Simulations will be performed using the finite element modelling package FlexPDE, and are applicable to experimental studies of 2D electron gases in semiconductors and graphene. This project is computer-based and builds on ideas in Electromagnetism and Solid State Physics.
- The ability to get rid of excess heat in quantum devices is important for device operation. A related project to option A above, again using FlexPDE, is to numerically solve the 2D heat equation to obtain the electron temperature T(x,y) in a heated 2D nanostructure. Using the software to solve problems with analytical solutions will give confidence to tackle more complicated situations, where the electrons are cooled by both the lattice (by emitting acoustic phonons) and the Ohmic contacts. The resulting heat maps will be used to understand recent measurements of the Nernst effect.
Dr Xavier Rojas - Condensed Matter / Low Temperature Physics
- Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogy (lab-based)
A recent discovery shows that a droplet bouncing at the surface of a vibrating fluid bath could interact with its own wave field in such a way that it exhibits quantum-like behaviour. While these features were previously thought to be exclusive to the microscopic world, they can now be observed using this quantum analog system (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIyTZDHuarQ ). This lab-based project involves mounting a low-cost apparatus to realise the experiment, studying the bouncing of droplets using photo/video imaging, and finding the range of parameters to study quantum-like features.
- Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogy (computer-based)
A recent discovery shows that a droplet bouncing at the surface of a vibrating fluid bath could interact with its own wave field in such a way that it exhibits quantum-like behaviour. While these features were previously thought to be exclusive to the microscopic world, they can now be observed using this quantum analog system (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIyTZDHuarQ ). This computer-based project involves the analysis of bouncing droplets’ motion using coding and/or a tracking software.
- Exploration of Nanosensing with Quantum Optomechanics (Theoretical or Experimental)
This project dives into the use of microwave cavity optomechanics to create highly sensitive nanosensors using mechanical membranes coupled to a microwave cavity. You will characterise this setup, exploring its potential in quantum sensing, biosensing, mass detection, and more. Ultimately, you will design a modified cavity to reach higher frequencies and enhanced performance.
- Aims:
- Learn the fundamentals of cavity optomechanics and its sensing applications.
- Characterise the system’s coupling rate and noise floor using equipment
- Design a proposal to improve the sensitivity and operational frequency.
- Skills Gained:
- Optomechanics for sensing, noise spectral analysis, design thinking for high-sensitivity applications
- Prerequisites:
- Basic knowledge of electromagnetics and Python for data analysis.
Dr Giovanni Sordi - Condensed Matter Theory, Computational Physics
- The Ising model: a gateway to phase transitions and critical phenomena
This is a project in theoretical and computational physics. The Ising model is the archetype of systems that exhibit a phase transition and has inspired generations of physicists. This theory project approaches the statistical mechanics and computational physics of the Ising model. This project requires a good understanding of statistical mechanics, and enthusiasm for mathematics and computation. Attending PH3210, PH3710, and a C++ course is strongly recommended.
- Numerical study of percolation on a square lattice
This is a computational physics project. Percolation is a central problem in statistical mechanics. This computational project explores numerical algorithms (Hoshen-Kopelman, Newman-Ziff) for studying site percolation on a square lattice. This is a challenging project, requiring a good understanding of statistical mechanics, and strong enthusiasm for mathematics and computation. Attending PH3210, PH3710, and a C++ course is strongly recommended.
Dr Alessio Spurio Mancini - Astrophysics – Priority given to BSc Astrophysics students
- Improving our cosmological model: a machine learning perspective
This is a project in theoretical and computational physics. Ongoing and future large-scale astronomical surveys aim to probe the nature of gravity on cosmological scales, in order to provide a better picture of our cosmological model by pinning down the nature of key components of our Universe like dark energy and dark matter. Providing numerical predictions for competing cosmological models is becoming increasingly more computationally intensive as we explore ever more sophisticated cosmological models. Artificial Intelligence can be used to accelerate these theoretical predictions and ultimately test these theories against observations. This project will explore approaches to compute key cosmological predictions with machine learning techniques. The project will involve the use of our computing cluster. It requires excellent Python programming skills and PH2150 is a requirement.
Prof. Pedro Teixeira-Dias - Particle Physics, Computational Physics
- Time evolution of quantum-mechanical wave packets in 1D
The aim of this project is to write a computer program that calculates the time-evolution of a quantum-mechanical particle in one dimension, for different choices of potential. The student will use wave packets to describe a non-relativistic particle of non-zero mass m and momentum p. The program will be used to prepare snapshots of the probability density for the particle, as a function of time. Using the program the student will then demonstrate some of the following: dispersion of the wave packet, scattering at a potential step, tunnelling through a barrier, etc. This project builds on material from the 2nd year Quantum Mechanics course.
- Numerical simulation of a fission chain reaction in a nuclear pile
The aim of this project is to write a computer program to implement a numerical simulation of a fission chain reaction in a 2D nuclear pile. A real nuclear pile -- in order to be able to sustain a nuclear chain reaction with a steady release of energy -- must include different components: fissionable fuel, a neutron moderating material, and "control rods" for neutron absorption. A basic output of the program will be the energy released as a function of time. Once the program has been written the student will be able to use it as a tool to investigate: what are the conditions required for achieving a steady-state energy release; how the dimensions of the pile affect its energy output; how the density, or geometric configuration, of the pile components affects the performance of the pile, etc.
Both projects require writing a computer program from scratch. Therefore, computer-programming skills are a pre-requisite for both projects.
Prof. Stephen West - Theoretical Particle Physics
- General Relativity: Particle Motion Near Black Holes
The project involves the calculation of the equations of motion of particles moving in the gravitational fields of black holes. It will analyse what happens when two particles collide as they fall into a black hole, in particular, we will investigate the centre of mass energy of the collision. The general relativity module (PH3910) is a co-requisite for this project.
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