Difference: PH4110ResearchReview (1 vs. 18)

Revision 1825 May 2023 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial May 25th 2023 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year

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  As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible review titles/supervisors, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Alternatively, you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post-exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.
The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk
The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk


  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 9 am Monday 5th June, for allocation on Tuesday 6th.
On Tuesday 6th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover, and list at least one paper that is relevant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 9th June. This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
Below is an example of what is required by the 11th June:
Below is an example of what is required by the 9th June:

Example research review summary:

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  Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible research areas/ project titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found above. You can choose any topic for your project but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.
  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 9th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 9th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2023_Form.docx

PH4100 Major Project Poster Presentations:

2020 posters:

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1622551928" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" size="16192" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1622551936" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" size="16213" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1622559405" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx" size="4720180" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1685011823" name="Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" path="Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" size="17481" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1685016892" name="Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" path="Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" size="17440" user="phap023" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2023.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1685011841" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2023.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2023.pptx" size="4721685" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2023_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1685016085" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2023_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2023_Form.docx" size="16337" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2023_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1685016093" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2023_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2023_Form.docx" size="16307" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 1725 May 2023 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial June 2021 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year


POST EXAM Tutorial May 25th 2023 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year

START HERE: Panopto video link summarising the contents of this tutorial: here (Apologies for the sound quality, as well as the drilling that occurs periodically, panopto has added a loud ticking noise to the soundtrack which is more than annoying).

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post-exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx.Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post-exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2023.pptx. Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx

PH4110 Research Review

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible review titles/supervisors, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Alternatively, you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post-exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.

The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx
The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 9 am Monday 7th June, for allocation on Tuesday 8th.
On Tuesday 8th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover, and list at least one paper that is relevant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 11th June. This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 9 am Monday 5th June, for allocation on Tuesday 6th.
On Tuesday 6th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover, and list at least one paper that is relevant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 9th June. This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
  Below is an example of what is required by the 11th June:
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  Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible research areas/ project titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found above. You can choose any topic for your project but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.
  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 11th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 9th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx

PH4100 Major Project Poster Presentations:

2020 posters:

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1622551928" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" size="16192" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1622551936" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" size="16213" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1622559405" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx" size="4720180" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1685011823" name="Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" path="Draft_Title_list_2023__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" size="17481" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2023.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1685011841" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2023.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2023.pptx" size="4721685" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 1618 Jun 2021 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial June 2021 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year

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  Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN -based devices , Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).

Library Services Tutorials

Here are the links to the Library tutorials that were given at the start of June

Emma Burnett's session on search skills and interlibrary loans https://rhul.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=48639134-bbeb-4ddb-a15f-ad4000d7f529. Click or tap if you trust this link.">https://rhul.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=48639134-bbeb-4ddb-a15f-ad4000d7f529

Leanne Workman's https://rhul.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=186fa9a3-a943-4bda-814f-ad4100d73028. Click or tap if you trust this link.">the recording of the session on Referencing with Mendeley -

with the link to Eva Dann's https://rhul.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=270ee082-8c16-4aec-951c-ad40011414c3. Click or tap if you trust this link.">recording of how Mendeley works with LaTeX.


Searching for Papers

Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an interlibrary loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx

Writing the review article

It is recommended that you use Latex to write your review, most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that they conform to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
It is recommended that you use Latex to write your review, most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that they conform to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
  Two examples of excellent reviews from previous years can be found here:

Revision 1501 Jun 2021 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial June 2021 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year

START HERE: Panopto video link summarising the contents of this tutorial:
START HERE: Panopto video link summarising the contents of this tutorial: here (Apologies for the sound quality, as well as the drilling that occurs periodically, panopto has added a loud ticking noise to the soundtrack which is more than annoying).
PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post-exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx.Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx
PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post-exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx.Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx

PH4110 Research Review

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="86787_Ryan_Carreck_Poster_Ryan_Carreck_621976_1901765753.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622551589" name="86787_Ryan_Carreck_Poster_Ryan_Carreck_621976_1901765753.pdf" path="86787_Ryan_Carreck_Poster_Ryan_Carreck_621976_1901765753.pdf" size="1444801" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1622551928" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" size="16192" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1622551936" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" size="16213" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1622559405" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2021.pptx" size="4720180" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 1401 Jun 2021 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial June 2020 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year


POST EXAM Tutorial June 2021 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year

START HERE: Panopto video link summarising the contents of this tutorial: https://rhul.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=c50fec8b-4450-4b44-923d-abd800bfe039
START HERE: Panopto video link summarising the contents of this tutorial:

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post-exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx.Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post-exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx.Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2020__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx

PH4110 Research Review

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible review titles/supervisors, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Alternatively, you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post-exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.

The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx
The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 19th June, for allocation on Tuesday 23rd.
On Tuesday 23rd June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relevant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 26h June. This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 9 am Monday 7th June, for allocation on Tuesday 8th.
On Tuesday 8th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover, and list at least one paper that is relevant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 11th June. This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
Below is an example of what is required by the 26th June:
Below is an example of what is required by the 11th June:

Example research review summary:

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 Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an interlibrary loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx

Writing the review article

It is recommended that you use Latex to write your review, most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that they conform to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
It is recommended that you use Latex to write your review, most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that they conform to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
  Two examples of excellent reviews from previous years can be found here:
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  Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible research areas/ project titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found above. You can choose any topic for your project but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.
  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 26th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 11th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx

PH4100 Major Project Poster Presentations:

2020 posters:

78026_Emily_Brookes_Poster_621976_765043653.pdf, 78030_Harry_Moore_MC_Graviton_Decay_Poster_621976_738697777.pdf, 83495_Abi_Hemming_poster_621976_1656518470.pdf, 85474_Abby_Ratford_Abby_Ratford_-_MP_poster_621976_1230893593.pdf, 85487_Mark_McCallum_Multi-Bunch_Processing_-_Cavity_BPMs_621976_1965066627.pdf, 85492_Frank_Elson_An_Analytical_and_Numerical_Analysis_of_the_One_Dimensional_and_Two_Dimensional_Ising_Model_-_Poster__1921140913.pdf, 85502_Farbod_Rassouli_Major_Project_Poster_Sayyed_Fabord_Rassouli_621976_1026746198.pdf, 86424_Rebecca_Allinson_PH4100_Poster_621976_2042153893.pdf, 86785_Martyn_Hickey_Major_Project_Poster_621976_1562809098.pdf, 86787_Ryan_Carreck_Poster_Ryan_Carreck_621976_1901765753.pdf, 86423_Johnny_Marletta_MProject_Poster_621976_2080077512.pdf

 2019 poster:

Adam_Tarrant_poster.pdf, A_Saba_poster.pdf, Albert_Baker_Poster.pdf, Albert_Trieu_Poster.pdf, Aled_Horner_poster.pdf, Alex_Liptak_Poster.pdf, Becky_Beeson_Poster.pdf, Caitlin_Walsh_poster.pdf, Catriona_McDonald_poster.pdf, Daniel_Pearson_Poster.pdf, Imtiaj_Khokon_Poster.pdf, Irfan_Khan_Poster.pdf, Jacob_Chambers_poster.pdf, James_Halson_Poster.pdf, Joshua_Bibby_poster.pdf, Karl_Brown_poster.pdf, Matthew_Smith_Poster.pdf, Molly_Liu_Poster_ShuchunLiu.pdf, Sarah_Hughes_poster.pdf, Sarah_Khalil_poster_notA0.pdf, SimonWilliams_Poster.pdf, Srinidhi_Rajagopalan_Poster.pdf, Stephanie_Biddlecombe_Poster.pdf, TerjeTheisen_poster.pdf, Thomas_Harvey_Poster.pdf, William_Cripps_poster.pdf.

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1591960417" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx" size="15987" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1591960433" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx" size="15915" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1591965113" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx" size="4715205" user="phap023" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1622546381" name="Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" path="Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" size="18009" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1622551920" name="Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" path="Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" size="18521" user="phap023" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="78026_Emily_Brookes_Poster_621976_765043653.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622546604" name="78026_Emily_Brookes_Poster_621976_765043653.pdf" path="78026_Emily_Brookes_Poster_621976_765043653.pdf" size="986258" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="78030_Harry_Moore_MC_Graviton_Decay_Poster_621976_738697777.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622546617" name="78030_Harry_Moore_MC_Graviton_Decay_Poster_621976_738697777.pdf" path="78030_Harry_Moore_MC_Graviton_Decay_Poster_621976_738697777.pdf" size="5426842" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="83495_Abi_Hemming_poster_621976_1656518470.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622546633" name="83495_Abi_Hemming_poster_621976_1656518470.pdf" path="83495_Abi_Hemming_poster_621976_1656518470.pdf" size="940769" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="85474_Abby_Ratford_Abby_Ratford_-_MP_poster_621976_1230893593.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622546645" name="85474_Abby_Ratford_Abby_Ratford_-_MP_poster_621976_1230893593.pdf" path="85474_Abby_Ratford_Abby_Ratford_-_MP_poster_621976_1230893593.pdf" size="811141" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="85487_Mark_McCallum_Multi-Bunch_Processing_-_Cavity_BPMs_621976_1965066627.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622551535" name="85487_Mark_McCallum_Multi-Bunch_Processing_-_Cavity_BPMs_621976_1965066627.pdf" path="85487_Mark_McCallum_Multi-Bunch_Processing_-_Cavity_BPMs_621976_1965066627.pdf" size="993513" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="85492_Frank_Elson_An_Analytical_and_Numerical_Analysis_of_the_One_Dimensional_and_Two_Dimensional_Ising_Model_-_Poster__1921140913.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622551542" name="85492_Frank_Elson_An_Analytical_and_Numerical_Analysis_of_the_One_Dimensional_and_Two_Dimensional_Ising_Model_-_Poster__1921140913.pdf" path="85492_Frank_Elson_An_Analytical_and_Numerical_Analysis_of_the_One_Dimensional_and_Two_Dimensional_Ising_Model_-_Poster__1921140913.pdf" size="781875" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="85502_Farbod_Rassouli_Major_Project_Poster_Sayyed_Fabord_Rassouli_621976_1026746198.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622551551" name="85502_Farbod_Rassouli_Major_Project_Poster_Sayyed_Fabord_Rassouli_621976_1026746198.pdf" path="85502_Farbod_Rassouli_Major_Project_Poster_Sayyed_Fabord_Rassouli_621976_1026746198.pdf" size="417268" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="86423_Johnny_Marletta_MProject_Poster_621976_2080077512.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622551565" name="86423_Johnny_Marletta_MProject_Poster_621976_2080077512.pdf" path="86423_Johnny_Marletta_MProject_Poster_621976_2080077512.pdf" size="1067093" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="86424_Rebecca_Allinson_PH4100_Poster_621976_2042153893.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622551572" name="86424_Rebecca_Allinson_PH4100_Poster_621976_2042153893.pdf" path="86424_Rebecca_Allinson_PH4100_Poster_621976_2042153893.pdf" size="2841068" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="86785_Martyn_Hickey_Major_Project_Poster_621976_1562809098.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622551581" name="86785_Martyn_Hickey_Major_Project_Poster_621976_1562809098.pdf" path="86785_Martyn_Hickey_Major_Project_Poster_621976_1562809098.pdf" size="1101550" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="86787_Ryan_Carreck_Poster_Ryan_Carreck_621976_1901765753.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622551589" name="86787_Ryan_Carreck_Poster_Ryan_Carreck_621976_1901765753.pdf" path="86787_Ryan_Carreck_Poster_Ryan_Carreck_621976_1901765753.pdf" size="1444801" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1622551928" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2021_Form.docx" size="16192" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1622551936" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2021_Form.docx" size="16213" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 1301 Jun 2021 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial June 2020 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1591960417" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx" size="15987" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1591960433" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx" size="15915" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1591965113" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx" size="4715205" user="phap023" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1622546381" name="Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" path="Title_list_2021__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles.xlsx" size="18009" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="78026_Emily_Brookes_Poster_621976_765043653.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622546604" name="78026_Emily_Brookes_Poster_621976_765043653.pdf" path="78026_Emily_Brookes_Poster_621976_765043653.pdf" size="986258" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="78030_Harry_Moore_MC_Graviton_Decay_Poster_621976_738697777.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622546617" name="78030_Harry_Moore_MC_Graviton_Decay_Poster_621976_738697777.pdf" path="78030_Harry_Moore_MC_Graviton_Decay_Poster_621976_738697777.pdf" size="5426842" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="83495_Abi_Hemming_poster_621976_1656518470.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622546633" name="83495_Abi_Hemming_poster_621976_1656518470.pdf" path="83495_Abi_Hemming_poster_621976_1656518470.pdf" size="940769" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="85474_Abby_Ratford_Abby_Ratford_-_MP_poster_621976_1230893593.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1622546645" name="85474_Abby_Ratford_Abby_Ratford_-_MP_poster_621976_1230893593.pdf" path="85474_Abby_Ratford_Abby_Ratford_-_MP_poster_621976_1230893593.pdf" size="811141" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 1212 Jun 2020 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial June 20203rd year MSci students going into 4th year)


POST EXAM Tutorial June 2020 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2019.pptx. Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx
START HERE: Panopto video link summarising the contents of this tutorial: https://rhul.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=c50fec8b-4450-4b44-923d-abd800bfe039

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post-exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx.Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2020__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx


PH4110 Research Review

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible review titles/supervisors, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Alternatively you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post-exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.
As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible review titles/supervisors, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Alternatively, you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post-exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.
The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx
The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 7th June, for allocation on Monday 10th.
On Monday 10th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 14th June (last day of term). This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 19th June, for allocation on Tuesday 23rd.
On Tuesday 23rd June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relevant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 26h June. This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
Below is an example of what is required by the 14th June:
Below is an example of what is required by the 26th June:

Example research review summary:

Title: GaN in application to high-efficiency light sources.

Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production.
Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production.
Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices , Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).
Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN -based devices , Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).

Searching for Papers


Searching for Papers

Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx

Writing the review article

Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an interlibrary loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx

Writing the review article

It is recommended that you use Latex to write your review, most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that they conform to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
It is recommended that you use Latex to write your review, most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that they conform to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
Two examples of excellent reviews from previous years can be found here:
Two examples of excellent reviews from previous years can be found here:
Dark Matter Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf
Dark Matter Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf
Quantum Optics Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf
Quantum Optics Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf
Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf
Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf

PH4100 Major Project

Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible research areas/ project titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found above. You can choose any topic for your project but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.

  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 14th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2019_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 26th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx

PH4100 Major Project Poster Presentations:

2019 poster:

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TerjeTheisen_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660225" name="TerjeTheisen_poster.pdf" path="TerjeTheisen_poster.pdf" size="3163952" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Thomas_Harvey_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660248" name="Thomas_Harvey_Poster.pdf" path="Thomas_Harvey_Poster.pdf" size="548281" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="William_Cripps_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660257" name="William_Cripps_poster.pdf" path="William_Cripps_poster.pdf" size="1043472" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2020__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1591960039" name="Title_list_2020__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" path="Title_list_2020__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" size="17667" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1591960417" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2020_Form.docx" size="15987" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1591960433" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2020_Form.docx" size="15915" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1591965113" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2020.pptx" size="4715205" user="phap023" version="2"

Revision 1112 Jun 2020 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial June 2019 (3rd year MSci students going into 4th year)


POST EXAM Tutorial June 20203rd year MSci students going into 4th year)

  PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2019.pptx. Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx

PH4110 Research Review

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible review titles/supervisor, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Altenatively you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.
As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible review titles/supervisors, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Alternatively you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post-exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.
The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx
The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 7th June, for allocation on Monday 10th.
On Monday 10th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 14th June (last day of term). This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
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  Example research review summary:
Title: GaN in application to high efficiency light sources.
Title: GaN in application to high-efficiency light sources.
  Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production.
Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN -based devices ,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).
Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices , Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).

Searching for Papers

Line: 30 to 29
 Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx

Writing the review article

It is recommended that you use Latex to write your review, most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that they confirm to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
It is recommended that you use Latex to write your review, most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that they conform to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
  Two examples of excellent reviews from previous years can be found here:

Revision 1004 Jun 2019 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial June 2019 (3rd year MSci students going into 4th year)

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  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 14th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2019_Form.docx

PH4100 Major Project Poster Presentations:

2019 poster:

Adam_Tarrant_poster.pdf, A_Saba_poster.pdf, Albert_Baker_Poster.pdf, Albert_Trieu_Poster.pdf, Aled_Horner_poster.pdf, Alex_Liptak_Poster.pdf, Becky_Beeson_Poster.pdf, Caitlin_Walsh_poster.pdf, Catriona_McDonald_poster.pdf, Daniel_Pearson_Poster.pdf, Imtiaj_Khokon_Poster.pdf, Irfan_Khan_Poster.pdf, Jacob_Chambers_poster.pdf, James_Halson_Poster.pdf, Joshua_Bibby_poster.pdf, Karl_Brown_poster.pdf, Matthew_Smith_Poster.pdf, Molly_Liu_Poster_ShuchunLiu.pdf, Sarah_Hughes_poster.pdf, Sarah_Khalil_poster_notA0.pdf, SimonWilliams_Poster.pdf, Srinidhi_Rajagopalan_Poster.pdf, Stephanie_Biddlecombe_Poster.pdf, TerjeTheisen_poster.pdf, Thomas_Harvey_Poster.pdf, William_Cripps_poster.pdf.

 A selection of poster presentations from previous years: 100769192_Harrison_Ritchie-Yates_Poster.pdf voted best 2017, 100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf 100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf PH4100_Ilya_Antonov.pdf voted the best by students 2016 PH4100_Aaron_Andrews.pdf PH4100_Alice_Wayne.pdf PH4100_AnishaVadher.pdf PH4100_Cameron_Dilley.pdf PH4100_Elizabeth_Shiers.pdf PH4100_Hannah_Wakeling_.pdf PH4100_James_Angthopo.pdf PH4100_James_Norris.pdf PH4100_Josh_Albrecht.pdf PH4100_Josh_Reid.pdf PH4100_Laura_Bevilacqua.pdf PH4100_MariaFlaviaCicala.pdf PH4100_Mike_Hayes.pdf PH4100_Nicole_George.pdf PH4100_Nikhil_Patel.pdf PH4100_Samuil_Petrov.pdf PH4100_Sercan_Arslan.pdf PH4100_Shankar_Ganesh.pdf PH4100_Vicky_Boothman.pdf PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf PH4100_Zhe_Xian_Koong.pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Article_Search.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1464611940" name="Article_Search.docx" path="Article_Search.docx" size="653762" user="phap023" version="2"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1527579089" name="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" path="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" size="1175693" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1527581650" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" size="82940" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="article_search.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1559640753" name="article_search.docx" path="article_search.docx" size="653664" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1559648824" name="Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" path="Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" size="17899" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1559659342" name="Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" path="Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" size="17692" user="phap023" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1559650269" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx" size="15182" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2019_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1559650359" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2019_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2019_Form.docx" size="15146" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2019.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1559652508" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2019.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2019.pptx" size="6111287" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Adam_Tarrant_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660028" name="Adam_Tarrant_poster.pdf" path="Adam_Tarrant_poster.pdf" size="3027535" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="A_Saba_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660040" name="A_Saba_poster.pdf" path="A_Saba_poster.pdf" size="40570423" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Albert_Baker_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660047" name="Albert_Baker_Poster.pdf" path="Albert_Baker_Poster.pdf" size="1294606" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Albert_Trieu_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660053" name="Albert_Trieu_Poster.pdf" path="Albert_Trieu_Poster.pdf" size="476501" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Aled_Horner_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660063" name="Aled_Horner_poster.pdf" path="Aled_Horner_poster.pdf" size="1071140" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Alex_Liptak_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660070" name="Alex_Liptak_Poster.pdf" path="Alex_Liptak_Poster.pdf" size="12577873" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Becky_Beeson_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660075" name="Becky_Beeson_Poster.pdf" path="Becky_Beeson_Poster.pdf" size="927623" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Caitlin_Walsh_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660091" name="Caitlin_Walsh_poster.pdf" path="Caitlin_Walsh_poster.pdf" size="1225410" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Catriona_McDonald_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660098" name="Catriona_McDonald_poster.pdf" path="Catriona_McDonald_poster.pdf" size="9745400" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Daniel_Pearson_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660103" name="Daniel_Pearson_Poster.pdf" path="Daniel_Pearson_Poster.pdf" size="330275" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Imtiaj_Khokon_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660112" name="Imtiaj_Khokon_Poster.pdf" path="Imtiaj_Khokon_Poster.pdf" size="449395" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Irfan_Khan_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660118" name="Irfan_Khan_Poster.pdf" path="Irfan_Khan_Poster.pdf" size="675399" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Jacob_Chambers_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660125" name="Jacob_Chambers_poster.pdf" path="Jacob_Chambers_poster.pdf" size="669368" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="James_Halson_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660131" name="James_Halson_Poster.pdf" path="James_Halson_Poster.pdf" size="486860" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Joshua_Bibby_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660138" name="Joshua_Bibby_poster.pdf" path="Joshua_Bibby_poster.pdf" size="4738195" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Karl_Brown_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660145" name="Karl_Brown_poster.pdf" path="Karl_Brown_poster.pdf" size="1979961" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Matthew_Smith_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660153" name="Matthew_Smith_Poster.pdf" path="Matthew_Smith_Poster.pdf" size="1042196" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Molly_Liu_Poster_ShuchunLiu.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660167" name="Molly_Liu_Poster_ShuchunLiu.pdf" path="Molly_Liu_Poster_ShuchunLiu.pdf" size="1274215" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Sarah_Hughes_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660178" name="Sarah_Hughes_poster.pdf" path="Sarah_Hughes_poster.pdf" size="4036119" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Sarah_Khalil_poster_notA0.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660185" name="Sarah_Khalil_poster_notA0.pdf" path="Sarah_Khalil_poster_notA0.pdf" size="284433" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SimonWilliams_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660198" name="SimonWilliams_Poster.pdf" path="SimonWilliams_Poster.pdf" size="9543970" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Srinidhi_Rajagopalan_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660207" name="Srinidhi_Rajagopalan_Poster.pdf" path="Srinidhi_Rajagopalan_Poster.pdf" size="4168081" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Stephanie_Biddlecombe_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660215" name="Stephanie_Biddlecombe_Poster.pdf" path="Stephanie_Biddlecombe_Poster.pdf" size="1019450" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="TerjeTheisen_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660225" name="TerjeTheisen_poster.pdf" path="TerjeTheisen_poster.pdf" size="3163952" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Thomas_Harvey_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660248" name="Thomas_Harvey_Poster.pdf" path="Thomas_Harvey_Poster.pdf" size="548281" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="William_Cripps_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1559660257" name="William_Cripps_poster.pdf" path="William_Cripps_poster.pdf" size="1043472" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 904 Jun 2019 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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POST EXAM Tutorial June 2019 (3rd year MSci students going into 4th year)

Line: 21 to 21
  Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production.
Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN -based devices ,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).
Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN -based devices ,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).

Searching for Papers

Revision 804 Jun 2019 - AndrewCasey

Line: 1 to 1

POST EXAM Tutorial June 2019 (3rd year MSci students going into 4th year)

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx. Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2018__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx
PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2019.pptx. Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx

PH4110 Research Review

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible review titles/supervisor, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Altenatively you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.

The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via turnitin, PH4110_2018_Form.docx
The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document by email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 7th June, for allocation on Monday 10th.
On Monday 10th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 14th June (last day of term). This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
Line: 37 to 37
  Quantum Optics Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf
Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf
Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf

PH4100 Major Project

Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible research areas/ project titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found above. You can choose any topic for your project but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.

  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 14th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. PH4100_2018_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 14th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completing and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. Major_Project_PH4100_2019_Form.docx

PH4100 Major Project Poster Presentations:

A selection of poster presentations from previous years: 100769192_Harrison_Ritchie-Yates_Poster.pdf voted best 2017, 100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf 100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf PH4100_Ilya_Antonov.pdf voted the best by students 2016 PH4100_Aaron_Andrews.pdf PH4100_Alice_Wayne.pdf PH4100_AnishaVadher.pdf PH4100_Cameron_Dilley.pdf PH4100_Elizabeth_Shiers.pdf PH4100_Hannah_Wakeling_.pdf PH4100_James_Angthopo.pdf PH4100_James_Norris.pdf PH4100_Josh_Albrecht.pdf PH4100_Josh_Reid.pdf PH4100_Laura_Bevilacqua.pdf PH4100_MariaFlaviaCicala.pdf PH4100_Mike_Hayes.pdf PH4100_Nicole_George.pdf PH4100_Nikhil_Patel.pdf PH4100_Samuil_Petrov.pdf PH4100_Sercan_Arslan.pdf PH4100_Shankar_Ganesh.pdf PH4100_Vicky_Boothman.pdf PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf PH4100_Zhe_Xian_Koong.pdf

Line: 88 to 89
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1527579089" name="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" path="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" size="1175693" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1527581650" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" size="82940" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="article_search.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1559640753" name="article_search.docx" path="article_search.docx" size="653664" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1559648824" name="Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" path="Title_list_2019__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" size="17899" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1559650269" name="Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx" path="Research_Review_PH4110_2019_Form.docx" size="15182" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Major_Project_PH4100_2019_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1559650359" name="Major_Project_PH4100_2019_Form.docx" path="Major_Project_PH4100_2019_Form.docx" size="15146" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2019.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1559652508" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2019.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2019.pptx" size="6111287" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 704 Jun 2019 - AndrewCasey

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POST EXAM Tutorial May 2018 (3rd year MSci students going into 4th year)


POST EXAM Tutorial June 2019 (3rd year MSci students going into 4th year)

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx. Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2018__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx
PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx. Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2018__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx

PH4110 Research Review

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Altenatively you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.
As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible review titles/supervisor, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Altenatively you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.
  The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via turnitin, PH4110_2018_Form.docx
Enrol for the Research Review, PH4110 Turnitin class at http://api.turnitinuk.com/en_gb/ ,
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 7th June, for allocation on Monday 10th.
On Monday 10th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk by Friday 14th June (last day of term). This summary is not assessed but ensures that you have a starting point for your review activities.
  • Class ID: 3814692
  • Enrolment Key PH4110-2018
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 1st June, for allocation on Monday 4th.
On Monday 4th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Then submit to turnitin by Friday 8th June.
Below is an example of what is required by the 14th June:
Below is an example of what is required for the 8th June:
Example research review summary:
Title: GaN in application to high efficiency light sources. Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production. Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices ,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).
Title: GaN in application to high efficiency light sources.
Searching for Papers
Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production.
Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx

Writing the review article

Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices ,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).
It is not compulsory to use Latex but most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that that confirm to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors

Searching for Papers

Two examples of excellent reviews from this year can be found here:
Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx

Writing the review article

Dark Matter Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf
It is recommended that you use Latex to write your review, most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that they confirm to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
Quantum Optics Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf
Two examples of excellent reviews from previous years can be found here:
Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf

PH4100 Major Project

Dark Matter Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf

Quantum Optics Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf

Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found above. You can choose any topic for your project but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.
Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf

PH4100 Major Project

Enrol for the Major Project, PH4010 Turnitin class at http://api.turnitinuk.com/en_gb/ ,
Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible research areas/ project titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found above. You can choose any topic for your project but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.
  • Class ID: 3814698
  • Enrolment Key PH4110-2018
  • Submit your three choices for Major project supervisors by 8pm Friday 8th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via turnitin. PH4100_2018_Form.docx
  • Submit your three choices for Major project research areas by Friday 14th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via email to a.casey@rhul.ac.uk. PH4100_2018_Form.docx

PH4100 Major Project Poster Presentations:

A selection of poster presentations from previous years: 100769192_Harrison_Ritchie-Yates_Poster.pdf voted best 2017, 100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf 100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf PH4100_Ilya_Antonov.pdf voted the best by students 2016 PH4100_Aaron_Andrews.pdf PH4100_Alice_Wayne.pdf PH4100_AnishaVadher.pdf PH4100_Cameron_Dilley.pdf PH4100_Elizabeth_Shiers.pdf PH4100_Hannah_Wakeling_.pdf PH4100_James_Angthopo.pdf PH4100_James_Norris.pdf PH4100_Josh_Albrecht.pdf PH4100_Josh_Reid.pdf PH4100_Laura_Bevilacqua.pdf PH4100_MariaFlaviaCicala.pdf PH4100_Mike_Hayes.pdf PH4100_Nicole_George.pdf PH4100_Nikhil_Patel.pdf PH4100_Samuil_Petrov.pdf PH4100_Sercan_Arslan.pdf PH4100_Shankar_Ganesh.pdf PH4100_Vicky_Boothman.pdf PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf PH4100_Zhe_Xian_Koong.pdf

Line: 87 to 87
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1527579064" name="100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf" path="100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf" size="19715210" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1527579089" name="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" path="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" size="1175693" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1527581650" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" size="82940" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="article_search.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1559640753" name="article_search.docx" path="article_search.docx" size="653664" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 629 May 2018 - AndrewCasey

Line: 1 to 1

POST EXAM Tutorial May 2017 (3rd year MSci students going into 4th year)


POST EXAM Tutorial May 2018 (3rd year MSci students going into 4th year)

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on.

The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2017.ppt.

PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on. The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx. Possible titles/subject areas/supervisors for PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review Title_list_2018__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx

PH4110 Research Review

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here Title_list_2017__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx. You can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.

Use the first week of the post exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice. The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via turnitin PH4110_2017_Form.docx

Enrol for the Research Review Turnitin class at https://www.turnitinuk.com

Enrol for class: PH4110-2017

  • Class ID: 3495305

  • Enrolment Key: PH4110-2017

  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 2nd June, for allocation on Monday 5th.

On Monday 6th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Then submit to turnitin by Friday 9th June.

Below is an example of what is required for the 9th June:

Title: GaN in application to high efficiency light sources.

Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production.

Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).

Searching for Papers

Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here above. Altenatively you can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice. Use the first week of the post exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice.


The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via turnitin, PH4110_2018_Form.docx
It is not compulsory to use Latex but most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex.
Enrol for the Research Review, PH4110 Turnitin class at http://api.turnitinuk.com/en_gb/ ,
Information about how to install and use Latex can be found here:
  • Class ID: 3814692
  • Enrolment Key PH4110-2018
  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 1st June, for allocation on Monday 4th.
On Monday 4th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Then submit to turnitin by Friday 8th June.
Below is an example of what is required for the 8th June:
Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that that confirm to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required.
Title: GaN in application to high efficiency light sources. Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production. Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices ,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).
Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here:
Searching for Papers
Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx

Writing the review article

Two examples of excellent reviews from this year can be found here:
It is not compulsory to use Latex but most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex. Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that that confirm to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required. Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/rmp/authors
Dark Matter Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf
Two examples of excellent reviews from this year can be found here:
Quantum Optics Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf
Dark Matter Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf
Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf
Quantum Optics Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf
Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf

PH4100 Major Project

Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here Title_list_2017__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx. You can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.

Enrol for the Major Project PH4100 at https://www.turnitinuk.com,

Class ID: 3495306

Enrolment Key: PH4100-2017

Submit your three choices for Major project supervisors by 8pm Friday 8th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via turnitin PH4100_2017_Form.docx.

PH4100 Major Project 2016 Poster Presentations:

A selection of poster presentations from the current 4th year

PH4100_Ilya_Antonov.pdf voted the best by students





















Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found above. You can choose any topic for your project but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.
Enrol for the Major Project, PH4010 Turnitin class at http://api.turnitinuk.com/en_gb/ ,
  • Class ID: 3814698
  • Enrolment Key PH4110-2018
  • Submit your three choices for Major project supervisors by 8pm Friday 8th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via turnitin. PH4100_2018_Form.docx

PH4100 Major Project Poster Presentations:

A selection of poster presentations from previous years: 100769192_Harrison_Ritchie-Yates_Poster.pdf voted best 2017, 100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf 100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf PH4100_Ilya_Antonov.pdf voted the best by students 2016 PH4100_Aaron_Andrews.pdf PH4100_Alice_Wayne.pdf PH4100_AnishaVadher.pdf PH4100_Cameron_Dilley.pdf PH4100_Elizabeth_Shiers.pdf PH4100_Hannah_Wakeling_.pdf PH4100_James_Angthopo.pdf PH4100_James_Norris.pdf PH4100_Josh_Albrecht.pdf PH4100_Josh_Reid.pdf PH4100_Laura_Bevilacqua.pdf PH4100_MariaFlaviaCicala.pdf PH4100_Mike_Hayes.pdf PH4100_Nicole_George.pdf PH4100_Nikhil_Patel.pdf PH4100_Samuil_Petrov.pdf PH4100_Sercan_Arslan.pdf PH4100_Shankar_Ganesh.pdf PH4100_Vicky_Boothman.pdf PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf PH4100_Zhe_Xian_Koong.pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Article_Search.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1464611940" name="Article_Search.docx" path="Article_Search.docx" size="653762" user="phap023" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rmpguide.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1435666020" name="rmpguide.pdf" path="rmpguide.pdf" size="478591" user="phap023" version="1"
Line: 150 to 80
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132115" name="PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf" path="PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf" size="689017" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132641" name="Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf" path="Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review .pdf" size="4741599" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132647" name="Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf" path="Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf" size="2444138" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2018__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1527576774" name="Title_list_2018__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" path="Title_list_2018__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" size="18937" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4110_2018_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1527578023" name="PH4110_2018_Form.docx" path="PH4110_2018_Form.docx" size="15472" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_2018_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1527578888" name="PH4100_2018_Form.docx" path="PH4100_2018_Form.docx" size="15653" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="100769192_Harrison_Ritchie-Yates_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1527578991" name="100769192_Harrison_Ritchie-Yates_Poster.pdf" path="100769192_Harrison_Ritchie-Yates_Poster.pdf" size="10891666" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1527579064" name="100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf" path="100800302_Virginia_dEmilio_poster.pdf" size="19715210" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1527579089" name="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" path="100784397_Connor_Armstrong_Poster.pdf" size="1175693" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" attr="" comment="" date="1527581650" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2018.pptx" size="82940" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 530 May 2017 - AndrewCasey

Line: 1 to 1
-- AndrewCasey - 30 May 2016

POST EXAM Tutorial May 2017 (3rd year MSci students going into 4th year)

The PH4110 Research Review begins before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on.
PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on.
The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2016.ppt.
The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2017.ppt.

PH4110 Research Review

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here Title_list_2016__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx. You can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.
As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here Title_list_2017__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx. You can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.
Use the first week of the post exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice. The choice is made by submitting the following word document via turnitin PH4110_2016_Form.docx.
Use the first week of the post exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice. The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via turnitin PH4110_2017_Form.docx
  Enrol for the Research Review Turnitin class at https://www.turnitinuk.com
Enrol for class: PH4110-2016
  • Class ID: 3177651

  • Enrollment password: PH4110-2016

On Monday 6th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Then submit to turnitin.
Enrol for class: PH4110-2017
  • Class ID: 3495305

  • Enrolment Key: PH4110-2017

  • Submit your three choices for Research Review supervisors by 8 pm Friday 2nd June, for allocation on Monday 5th.

On Monday 6th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Then submit to turnitin by Friday 9th June.
Below is an example of what is required
Below is an example of what is required for the 9th June:
  Title: GaN in application to high efficiency light sources.

Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production.

Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).


Searching for Papers

Searching for Papers
  Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx




  It is not compulsory to use Latex but most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex.
Line: 42 to 45
Two examples of excellent reviews from this year can be found here:

Dark Matter Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf

Quantum Optics Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf

 Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf

PH4100 Major Project

Also described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here Title_list_2017__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx. You can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.

Enrol for the Major Project PH4100 at https://www.turnitinuk.com,

Class ID: 3495306

Enrolment Key: PH4100-2017

Submit your three choices for Major project supervisors by 8pm Friday 8th June, for allocation at the beginning of next term. The choice is made by completting and submitting the following word document via turnitin PH4100_2017_Form.docx.

PH4100 Major Project 2016 Poster Presentations:

A selection of poster presentations from the current 4th year

PH4100_Ilya_Antonov.pdf voted the best by students
























META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Article_Search.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1464611940" name="Article_Search.docx" path="Article_Search.docx" size="653762" user="phap023" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rmpguide.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1435666020" name="rmpguide.pdf" path="rmpguide.pdf" size="478591" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="writing_guide.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1464611761" name="writing_guide.pdf" path="writing_guide.pdf" size="131196" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2016.ppt" attr="" comment="" date="1464622076" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2016.ppt" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2016.ppt" size="465408" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2016__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1464622298" name="Title_list_2016__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" path="Title list 2016 Research Review and Major Project Titles .xlsx" size="18390" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4110_2016_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1464622438" name="PH4110_2016_Form.docx" path="PH4110 2016 Form.docx" size="13798" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2017.ppt" attr="" comment="Post exam tutorial, 30th May 2017" date="1496129411" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2017.ppt" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2017.ppt" size="469504" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2017__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1496129486" name="Title_list_2017__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" path="Title list 2017 Research Review and Major Project Titles .xlsx" size="18562" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4110_2017_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1496130376" name="PH4110_2017_Form.docx" path="PH4110_2017_Form.docx" size="13873" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_2017_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1496130731" name="PH4100_2017_Form.docx" path="PH4100_2017_Form.docx" size="13956" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Ilya_Antonov.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496131878" name="PH4100_Ilya_Antonov.pdf" path="PH4100_Ilya_Antonov.pdf" size="2401346" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Aaron_Andrews.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496131953" name="PH4100_Aaron_Andrews.pdf" path="PH4100_Aaron_Andrews.pdf" size="1840242" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Alice_Wayne.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496131959" name="PH4100_Alice_Wayne.pdf" path="PH4100_Alice_Wayne.pdf" size="2046362" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_AnishaVadher.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496131965" name="PH4100_AnishaVadher.pdf" path="PH4100_AnishaVadher.pdf" size="2640990" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Cameron_Dilley.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496131972" name="PH4100_Cameron_Dilley.pdf" path="PH4100_Cameron_Dilley.pdf" size="1927217" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Elizabeth_Shiers.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496131977" name="PH4100_Elizabeth_Shiers.pdf" path="PH4100_Elizabeth_Shiers.pdf" size="4347787" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Hannah_Wakeling_.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496131983" name="PH4100_Hannah_Wakeling_.pdf" path="PH4100_Hannah_Wakeling_.pdf" size="10717823" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_James_Angthopo.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496131993" name="PH4100_James_Angthopo.pdf" path="PH4100_James_Angthopo.pdf" size="2372559" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_James_Norris.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132000" name="PH4100_James_Norris.pdf" path="PH4100_James_Norris.pdf" size="1150965" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Josh_Albrecht.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132006" name="PH4100_Josh_Albrecht.pdf" path="PH4100_Josh_Albrecht.pdf" size="2080204" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Josh_Reid.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132014" name="PH4100_Josh_Reid.pdf" path="PH4100_Josh_Reid.pdf" size="1082225" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Laura_Bevilacqua.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132022" name="PH4100_Laura_Bevilacqua.pdf" path="PH4100_Laura_Bevilacqua.pdf" size="1210664" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_MariaFlaviaCicala.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132034" name="PH4100_MariaFlaviaCicala.pdf" path="PH4100_MariaFlaviaCicala.pdf" size="1058413" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Mike_Hayes.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132038" name="PH4100_Mike_Hayes.pdf" path="PH4100_Mike_Hayes.pdf" size="248296" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Nicole_George.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132045" name="PH4100_Nicole_George.pdf" path="PH4100_Nicole_George.pdf" size="4696765" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Nikhil_Patel.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132056" name="PH4100_Nikhil_Patel.pdf" path="PH4100_Nikhil_Patel.pdf" size="1953530" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Samuil_Petrov.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132064" name="PH4100_Samuil_Petrov.pdf" path="PH4100_Samuil_Petrov.pdf" size="1891025" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Sercan_Arslan.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132073" name="PH4100_Sercan_Arslan.pdf" path="PH4100_Sercan_Arslan.pdf" size="1529649" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Shankar_Ganesh.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132080" name="PH4100_Shankar_Ganesh.pdf" path="PH4100_Shankar_Ganesh.pdf" size="256444" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Vicky_Boothman.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132086" name="PH4100_Vicky_Boothman.pdf" path="PH4100_Vicky_Boothman.pdf" size="2926554" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132095" name="PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf" path="PH4100_Zaynab_Tahir.pdf" size="1147873" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Zhe_Xian_Koong.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132101" name="PH4100_Zhe_Xian_Koong.pdf" path="PH4100_Zhe_Xian_Koong.pdf" size="841598" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100-Charles_Boyce.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132107" name="PH4100-Charles_Boyce.pdf" path="PH4100-Charles Boyce.pdf" size="5111341" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132115" name="PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf" path="PH4100_Will_BurrowsA4.pdf" size="689017" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132641" name="Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review_.pdf" path="Hannah_Wakeling_PH4110_Research_Review .pdf" size="4741599" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1496132647" name="Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf" path="Zhe_Xian_Koong_PH4110_Research_Review.pdf" size="2444138" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 406 Jun 2016 - AndrewCasey

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-- AndrewCasey - 30 May 2016
Line: 26 to 26
 Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).

Searching for Papers

Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document,
Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx


Revision 330 May 2016 - AndrewCasey

Line: 1 to 1
-- AndrewCasey - 30 Jun 2015
-- AndrewCasey - 30 May 2016
  The PH4110 Research Review begins before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on.
You were emailed the post exam tutorial, but it can be downloaded
The post exam tutorial is available here PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2016.ppt.

As described in the ppt the first task is to make three choices for possible supervisor/review titles, the list of subject area/titles/previous titles can be found here Title_list_2016__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx. You can choose any topic for a review but you need to get approval from a potential supervisor before submitting it as a choice.

Use the first week of the post exam period to make contact with the supervisors to inform your choice. The choice is made by submitting the following word document via turnitin PH4110_2016_Form.docx.

  Enrol for the Research Review Turnitin class at https://www.turnitinuk.com

Enrol for class: PH4110-2016

  • Class ID: 3177651

  • Enrollment password: PH4110-2016

  • Class ID: 3177651

  • Enrollment password: PH4110-2016

On Monday 6th June you will be assigned your review supervisor, your next task is to agree on a title; write a brief (~300 word) summary of what the proposed topic should cover and list at least one paper that is relavant to your topic. Then submit to turnitin.

Below is an example of what is required

Title: GaN in application to high efficiency light sources.

Summary: This paper will be looking at the use of Gallium Nitride in high efficiency LED light sources. Focusing on the efficiency and future potential, of production using different foreign substrates and techniques as well as production using Gallium Nitride as the substrate. This review will cover the latest advancements in the technology and will seek to give a strong case for which substrate and technique has the most potential for future production.

After the first meeting you were assigned a supervisor and now you should be actively thinking about your topic.
Paper: Layered boron nitride as a release layer for mechanical transfer of GaN-based devices,Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Kazuhide Kumakura, Tetsuya Akasaka, Toshiki Makimoto, Nature 484, 223-227(2012).

Searching for Papers

Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document,

Line: 33 to 44
  Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2015.ppt" attr="" comment="" date="1435665575" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2015.ppt" path="PH4100 and PH4110 introduction 2015.ppt" size="386048" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Article_Search.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1464611940" name="Article_Search.docx" path="Article_Search.docx" size="653762" user="phap023" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rmpguide.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1435666020" name="rmpguide.pdf" path="rmpguide.pdf" size="478591" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="writing_guide.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1464611761" name="writing_guide.pdf" path="writing_guide.pdf" size="131196" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2016.ppt" attr="" comment="" date="1464622076" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2016.ppt" path="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2016.ppt" size="465408" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Title_list_2016__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" attr="" comment="" date="1464622298" name="Title_list_2016__Research_Review_and_Major_Project_Titles_.xlsx" path="Title list 2016 Research Review and Major Project Titles .xlsx" size="18390" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4110_2016_Form.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1464622438" name="PH4110_2016_Form.docx" path="PH4110 2016 Form.docx" size="13798" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 230 May 2016 - AndrewCasey

Line: 1 to 1
-- AndrewCasey - 30 Jun 2015

The PH4110 Research Review begins before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on.

You were emailed the post exam tutorial, but it can be downloaded PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2015.ppt.
You were emailed the post exam tutorial, but it can be downloaded
Enrol for the Research Review Turnitin class at https://www.submit.ac.uk,
Enrol for the Research Review Turnitin class at https://www.turnitinuk.com
Class ID: 2918912

Enrolment password: PH4110-2015

Enrol for class: PH4110-2016
  • Class ID: 3177651

  • Enrollment password: PH4110-2016

  After the first meeting you were assigned a supervisor and now you should be actively thinking about your topic.

Searching for Papers

Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx.
Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document,


Line: 30 to 31
Next term we will have a tutorial about the writing style can be found here writing_guide.pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2015.ppt" attr="" comment="" date="1435665575" name="PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2015.ppt" path="PH4100 and PH4110 introduction 2015.ppt" size="386048" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Article_Search.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1435665858" name="Article_Search.docx" path="Article Search.docx" size="848354" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Article_Search.docx" attr="" comment="" date="1464611940" name="Article_Search.docx" path="Article_Search.docx" size="653762" user="phap023" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rmpguide.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1435666020" name="rmpguide.pdf" path="rmpguide.pdf" size="478591" user="phap023" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="writing_guide.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1464611761" name="writing_guide.pdf" path="writing_guide.pdf" size="131196" user="phap023" version="1"

Revision 130 Jun 2015 - AndrewCasey

Line: 1 to 1
-- AndrewCasey - 30 Jun 2015

The PH4110 Research Review begins before the Moodle Roll-over and your registration onto the 4th year programme. This twiki page is meant to bridge the gap until you have access to the moodle page later on.

You were emailed the post exam tutorial, but it can be downloaded PH4100_and_PH4110__introduction_2015.ppt.

Enrol for the Research Review Turnitin class at https://www.submit.ac.uk,

Class ID: 2918912

Enrolment password: PH4110-2015

After the first meeting you were assigned a supervisor and now you should be actively thinking about your topic.

Searching for Papers

Information that will help you to search for and access the articles you need for your review, including details of how to get an inter library loan are contained in this document, Article_Search.docx.


It is not compulsory to use Latex but most of the articles that you have been reading for your review would have been prepared using Latex.

Information about how to install and use Latex can be found here:


Journals produce Latex style files and information for the authors on how to prepare their articles such that that confirm to the standard required by the journal. One such style file that would be appropriate for a research review article is that adopted by the AIP journal Reviews of Modern Physics. Using this as an example will ensure that your document will reach the presentational standard required.

Here is the style guide for the Journal Review of Modern Physics, rmpguide.pdf, further information including downloads of the REVTEX style file that will make a latex document conform to the same rules can be found here:


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