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-- PaulHallam - 18 Oct 2013
- To observe a number of variable stars over the course of multiple weeks.
- To use the programming language Python to analyse the magnitude of these stars as a function of time
- To determine both the variable period and variation in magnitude of these stars
- Prior to this, take dark frames as detailed in Data and Logs dark study
- Use Python to analyse these dark frames via Histogram plots and plots of column mean and standerd deviation, to determine if the pixels follow a Poisson distribution.
- To compare my results regarding dark frames with Chris Haynes and Ryan Cheale's results.
List of Potential Targets
- Delta Cephei - Variable Star (Cephid Variable), magnitude variation 3.5 - 4.4, period 5.4 day, Good Visibility
- Beta Persei - Variable Star (Algol Variable), magnitude variation 2.1 - 3.4, period 2.9 day, Good Visibility-> eclipsing binary - Not Good
- Eta Aquila - Variable Star (Cephid Variable), magnitude variation 3.5 - 4.4, period 7.2 day, Poor Visibility
- RR Lyrae - Variable Star (RR Lyrae Variable) magnitude variation 7.06 - 8.12, period 0.6 day, Good Visibilty
- TU Cassiopeia - Variable Star (Cephid Variable) magnitude variation 6.88 - 8.18, period 2.14 day, Good Visibilty
- RZ Cassiopeia - Variable Star (Algol Variable) magnitude variation 6.18 - 7.72, period 1.2 day, Good Visibilty- > eclipsing binary - Not Good
- AB Auriga - Variable Star (Tau Tauri Variable) magnitude variation 6.3 - 8.4, period 6.5 day (Eruptive - but period given by AAVSO), Good Visibilty,
- W Gemini - Variable Star (Delta Cephei Variable) magnitude variation 6.54 - 7.38, period 7.9 day, Good Visibilty (although rises at 19:00),
Data and Logs
18/10/13 Dark Frames: Dark Study
23/10/13 FIrst Observation: Observation_RC_PH_CH
25/10/13 Dark Frames: Dark Study
1/10/13 Cooler Study: Cooler Study |