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PH2150- Post Exam Course Material June 2020
This year the course is being delivered remotely, starting with an MS Teams meeting on the 8th June at 2pm.
Follow the link in your email to join the meeting.
As you do not have access to the teaching lab computers, which have our prefered python environment installed on them we are going to use an online cloud based server for you to edit and run the python code and lectures, called cocalc.
<a data-wikiword="CoCalc" href="https://cocalc.com/" target="_blank"> CoCalc </a> is a virtual online workspace for calculations, research, collaboration and authoring documents. Your web browser is all you need to escape the confined space of your desktop and move to the cloud.
- Your first task is to go to CoCalc and sign-up for a free account with your RHUL email address.
- Documentation about CoCalc can be found at https://doc.cocalc.com/
- Once you have an account create a PROJECT and call it PH2150_yourname (where yourname is really your name and not the word yourname (this has happened in the past))
- All of the lectures and problem sheets will be in the format of Jupyter notebooks that you will should download from PH2150_yourname.zip as a zip file.
- Extract all the files from the zip file and upload them into you cocalc project (we will go through this in the first video)
- From you project invite me to join (a.casey@rhul.ac.uk), then I and other instructors that we invite will be able to use the chat function and edit your code directly.
- Within your cocalc project click on the file called PH2150_Start_here.ipynb (this is a Jupyter notebooks, which consists of two types of cells one that can run python code and another (called markdown) that allows you to include notes within the code.
- The start here notebook contains a menu that allows you to navigate through the chapters of the notes and to the problem sheets.
- Documentation about scientific python written by it's developers can be found here https://scipy-lectures.org/ , here as a pdf ScipyLectures-simple.pdf.
- Documentation about Jupyter notebooks can be found here https://jupyter.org/
- Everything that you need for the three problem sheets can be found with the lectures provided (or links contained within them)
Panopto links to short videos working through the chapters and problem sheets
During the post exam week we will monitor a forum and aim to provide feedback within 24 hours.
Sign-up to the class at piazza.com/rhul.ac.uk/summer2020/ph2150
Currently the forum is split into 4 topics (Problem sheet 1-3 and general) more topics can be added if it gets messy.
attachment="PH2150_yourname.zip" attr="" comment="" date="1591608774" name="PH2150_yourname.zip" path="PH2150_yourname.zip" size="6258585" user="phap023" version="1" |
attachment="ScipyLectures-simple.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1591609569" name="ScipyLectures-simple.pdf" path="ScipyLectures-simple.pdf" size="17897796" user="phap023" version="1" |