Difference: RadioEquipment (1 vs. 20)

Revision 2011 Sep 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Summer project to-do list (temporary)

  • Sort through old equipment, deciding what to keep-complete?
  • Catalogue cables and equipment-complete?
  • Test cables running to the roo-complete?
  • Complete wiki, to include specifications of all radio equipment
  • Test cables running to the roof-complete?
  • Complete twiki, to include specifications of all radio equipment - phase diagrams not yet included.
  • Construct and connect a rack containing all radio equipment
  • add roof map-complete.
  • run new power cables to roof

Revision 1910 Sep 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Revision 1830 Aug 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

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 order list for rack components


  • 1 minirack cabinet (19-inch) (513-345)

  • natural finish 19in front panel (439-3205)
  • 1 set of cage nuts for above (289-821)
  • 2 vented shelves for above (513-351)
  • 2 WRM67 cable (665-5845)
  • 10 'N' bulkhead socket clamps (112-0789)
  • 20 'N' WRM67 clamp plugs (546-2469)
  • 2 'N' plug-to-plug adaptors (295-6983)
  • 2 'N' socket-to-socket adaptors (332-7279)
  • 20 SMA plug to plug adaptors (546-3282)
  • 20 SMA plug solders (526-5842)
  • 1 minirack cabinet (19-inch) (513-345) recieved

  • natural finish 19in front panel (439-3205) recieved
  • 1 set of cage nuts for above (289-821) recieved
  • 2 vented shelves for above (513-351) recieved
  • 2 WRM67 cable (665-5845) recieved
  • 10 'N' bulkhead socket clamps (112-0789) recieved 8/10
  • 20 'N' WRM67 clamp plugs (546-2469) recieved
  • 2 'N' plug-to-plug adaptors (295-6983) recieved
  • 2 'N' socket-to-socket adaptors (332-7279) recieved
  • 20 SMA plug to plug adaptors (546-3282) recieved
  • 20 SMA plug solders (526-5842) recieved
  • 10 SMA plug solders (CN14954)
  • 2 SMA to 'N' adaptors (CN10764)

Revision 1728 Aug 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Summer project to-do list (temporary)

  • Sort through old equipment, deciding what to keep-complete?
  • Catalogue cables and equipment-complete?
  • Test cables running to, and antennae on, the roof.
  • Test cables running to the roo-complete?
  • Complete wiki, to include specifications of all radio equipment
  • Construct and connect a rack containing all radio equipment
  • add roof map-complete.
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hydrogen antenna A

Cable ends: three, four

Atlas experiment  

Interferometer A

Cable ends: 14a, BRK2

Interferometer A  

10khz antenna

Cable ends: nine, ten, eleven

10khz antenna  

Cables (?)



series1 series2 series3 series4 series5 series6 series7 series8 series9 series10 series11 series12
Frequency cable1 cable2 cable4 cable5 cable9 cable10 brk1 brk2 brk3 brk4 discone meteor
1.00E+07 -3.71945 -0.69057 -0.75443 -0.54422 -0.77907 -0.12892 -0.85355 -1.61027 -1.30549 -0.95901 -0.63032 -0.87427
3.00E+07 -3.36014 -0.22938 -1.10962 -0.96265 -0.71966 -0.14827 -0.47855 -1.51918 -1.34391 -0.60225 -0.34006 -1.62909
4.99E+07 -3.12671 -0.22487 -1.53049 -1.30156 -0.65501 -0.07058 -0.20709 -1.95285 -1.72085 -0.62573 -0.08734 -2.08561
6.99E+07 -3.04616 -0.64561 -2.36425 -2.07548 -1.1495 -0.55416 -0.35349 -2.68742 -2.50107 -1.0921 -0.33672 -1.97566
8.98E+07 -3.01744 -0.93509 -2.99836 -2.67 -1.46892 -0.85436 -0.89993 -3.29091 -3.11627 -1.42299 -0.48026 -2.00142
1.10E+08 -3.00021 -1.09423 -3.48776 -3.13063 -1.64183 -1.03574 -1.10461 -3.68016 -3.58044 -1.63303 -0.55726 -2.10924
1.30E+08 -3.10942 -1.33749 -3.99026 -3.69007 -1.82006 -1.28292 -0.92345 -4.15385 -4.1007 -1.89559 -0.77344 -2.12876
1.50E+08 -3.35888 -1.50795 -4.40482 -4.16405 -1.91553 -1.56384 -1.11329 -4.53761 -4.55178 -2.08911 -0.9392 -2.22743
1.70E+08 -3.42579 -1.70344 -4.80711 -4.69111 -2.24254 -1.81142 -1.79218 -4.97274 -4.98303 -2.31818 -1.14162 -2.27188
1.90E+08 -3.60732 -1.85613 -5.19278 -5.15428 -2.5091 -2.04093 -1.71832 -5.3536 -5.36408 -2.47021 -1.25626 -2.35214
2.10E+08 -3.70713 -1.98244 -5.5229 -5.57348 -2.68025 -2.23897 -1.52634 -5.62026 -5.70549 -2.61025 -1.30022 -2.46344
2.29E+08 -3.85921 -2.13081 -5.90961 -5.96294 -2.93397 -2.38699 -2.07137 -5.93973 -6.06991 -2.7903 -1.39337 -2.53619
2.49E+08 -4.00764 -2.2534 -6.18202 -6.23705 -2.90608 -2.74316 -2.72997 -6.2541 -6.39323 -2.92285 -1.4591 -2.63574
2.69E+08 -4.14796 -2.37454 -6.49667 -6.50849 -3.00383 -2.95063 -2.36178 -6.53062 -6.70542 -3.03963 -1.44496 -2.72531
2.89E+08 -4.30127 -2.55133 -6.89426 -7.10152 -3.37201 -3.20448 -2.15005 -6.89254 -7.05732 -3.22661 -1.539 -2.76065
3.09E+08 -4.45107 -2.67017 -7.14695 -6.85029 -3.5588 -3.37335 -2.88483 -7.16606 -7.34806 -3.34185 -1.5673 -2.85499
3.29E+08 -4.60871 -2.82845 -7.51823 -6.94366 -3.92209 -3.71707 -3.36639 -7.43112 -7.69603 -3.50039 -1.66495 -2.90202
3.49E+08 -4.76808 -2.93636 -7.70581 -7.08698 -4.06486 -4.01795 -2.75877 -7.68258 -7.94066 -3.60501 -1.78368 -2.99259
3.69E+08 -4.89092 -3.11386 -8.01869 -7.35641 -4.17902 -4.64994 -2.95253 -8.03914 -8.27 -3.79305 -2.06087 -3.01947
3.89E+08 -5.07534 -3.18572 -8.33507 -7.49194 -4.23055 -4.50323 -4.16015 -8.2273 -8.50047 -3.85802 -2.07357 -3.12804
4.09E+08 -5.18724 -3.26893 -8.49815 -7.63865 -4.44382 -4.68906 -3.80516 -8.38794 -8.72113 -3.93779 -2.05444 -3.22756
4.29E+08 -5.3136 -3.37407 -8.78219 -7.84833 -4.80056 -4.90408 -3.43208 -8.66758 -9.00156 -4.05896 -2.06386 -3.30352
4.49E+08 -5.4534 -3.47986 -9.11878 -8.03355 -5.06144 -5.63601 -4.00058 -9.01087 -9.2666 -4.17403 -2.18058 -3.36285
4.69E+08 -5.57994 -3.52816 -9.30744 -8.18472 -5.23957 -5.79631 -4.37688 -9.1355 -9.43736 -4.23292 -2.11474 -3.48563
4.89E+08 -5.68407 -3.64507 -9.58422 -8.3927 -5.51999 -6.29453 -4.41439 -9.30172 -9.72265 -4.3781 -2.11615 -3.54028
5.09E+08 -5.82902 -3.74018 -9.83093 -8.59776 -5.51265 -6.22869 -3.89937 -9.59195 -9.94903 -4.48269 -2.17271 -3.61117
5.29E+08 -5.94627 -3.75258 -9.97223 -8.72121 -5.67698 -6.71434 -4.7744 -9.86526 -10.1285 -4.48665 -2.19254 -3.76635
5.49E+08 -6.06233 -3.86521 -10.2362 -8.9219 -6.0103 -6.95364 -5.58987 -10.0699 -10.375 -4.62231 -2.25511 -3.81807
5.69E+08 -6.18197 -3.96664 -10.6551 -9.1216 -6.28179 -7.09599 -4.50284 -10.1981 -10.6073 -4.7269 -2.48077 -3.88186
5.89E+08 -6.29348 -4.03662 -10.756 -9.28614 -6.62185 -7.18136 -4.70806 -10.4462 -10.7872 -4.80657 -2.53382 -3.96619
6.09E+08 -6.4202 -4.08234 -10.9605 -9.4422 -6.74404 -7.17655 -5.59159 -10.7419 -10.979 -4.87959 -2.46158 -4.07178
6.28E+08 -6.52708 -4.19057 -11.2574 -9.65875 -6.60621 -7.12485 -5.70735 -10.9865 -11.3601 -4.99769 -2.52846 -4.12332
6.48E+08 -6.66951 -4.31156 -11.4972 -9.8222 -6.61569 -7.70496 -4.87746 -11.0383 -11.4492 -5.05678 -2.56927 -4.21604
6.68E+08 -6.77938 -4.3361 -11.7679 -9.98291 -6.95654 -8.2114 -5.99927 -11.3025 -11.6664 -5.13904 -2.53324 -4.30606
6.88E+08 -6.89227 -4.4266 -12.1194 -10.168 -7.19672 -8.18911 -6.42015 -11.6303 -11.8477 -5.25353 -2.62735 -4.36103
7.08E+08 -6.96864 -4.48147 -12.4599 -10.3334 -7.40428 -8.31015 -6.63764 -11.7805 -12.0432 -5.33911 -2.64047 -4.42709
7.28E+08 -7.09698 -4.54816 -12.6206 -10.4805 -7.7005 -8.64754 -5.53206 -11.9741 -12.3363 -5.42858 -2.6359 -4.50854
7.48E+08 -7.21404 -4.63183 -12.8431 -10.6461 -7.49197 -8.77256 -6.10111 -12.1431 -12.5746 -5.54828 -2.75946 -4.58155
7.68E+08 -7.31316 -4.72599 -13.1616 -10.8115 -7.88115 -9.5815 -6.89509 -12.3762 -12.7625 -5.64568 -2.77523 -4.64926
7.88E+08 -7.4558 -4.80946 -13.358 -10.9632 -8.03565 -9.92308 -6.15528 -12.7195 -12.9522 -5.75577 -2.80015 -4.7245
8.08E+08 -7.56913 -4.87116 -13.6799 -11.118 -8.35647 -10.6195 -5.96952 -12.8625 -13.0844 -5.9156 -2.98554 -4.79049
8.28E+08 -7.66247 -4.94811 -13.832 -11.2671 -8.71901 -10.8721 -7.22397 -13.0514 -13.353 -6.00111 -2.93774 -4.84971
8.48E+08 -7.84329 -5.01606 -14.2916 -11.4047 -9.1514 -11.3599 -7.26639 -13.3306 -13.6659 -6.1048 -2.91803 -4.91788
8.68E+08 -7.88905 -5.06467 -14.7839 -11.495 -9.17443 -12.2036 -6.94179 -13.565 -13.8164 -6.19842 -3.0811 -5.0055
8.88E+08 -8.02008 -5.16732 -14.8304 -11.6788 -9.7614 -12.3999 -6.99184 -13.7295 -13.9661 -6.37302 -3.00773 -5.04439
9.08E+08 -8.11529 -5.26209 -15.4316 -11.8317 -9.65555 -13.4261 -8.40046 -13.8103 -14.1959 -6.45461 -3.03593 -5.1106
9.28E+08 -8.22255 -5.31491 -15.5288 -11.9548 -9.55504 -13.2837 -7.22611 -14.18 -14.4021 -6.56621 -3.07531 -5.19224
9.48E+08 -8.39908 -5.40932 -15.7357 -12.1331 -9.88174 -13.2675 -7.16389 -14.5702 -14.6824 -6.7513 -3.09662 -5.23388
9.68E+08 -8.48537 -5.49445 -16.2385 -12.3177 -9.97921 -12.9167 -7.42015 -14.6342 -14.9441 -6.8568 -3.28336 -5.27513
9.88E+08 -8.61348 -5.53977 -16.5421 -12.4258 -10.4143 -13.2012 -8.22033 -14.5446 -14.9363 -7.03947 -3.23875 -5.36903
1.01E+09 -8.72922 -5.5871 -16.8262 -12.5866 -10.7085 -13.7871 -7.68423 -15.171 -15.1053 -7.33235 -3.35101 -5.45664
1.03E+09 -8.79233 -5.6608 -17.2125 -12.7529 -11.1203 -13.741 -7.54552 -15.4145 -15.3833 -7.73609 -3.48617 -5.51518
1.05E+09 -8.94379 -5.7101 -17.4892 -12.9112 -11.6747 -13.9289 -8.35566 -15.4157 -15.6453 -8.11109 -3.3162 -5.60299
1.07E+09 -9.01025 -5.77834 -18.2379 -13.0703 -12.2237 -13.7158 -8.90882 -15.4896 -15.9068 -8.56697 -3.37542 -5.66787
1.09E+09 -9.14508 -5.87036 -18.2618 -13.2577 -12.1893 -13.6426 -7.54967 -16.1801 -16.008 -8.74512 -3.39756 -5.71736
1.11E+09 -9.23256 -5.9322 -18.526 -13.4266 -12.9621 -13.8203 -8.47238 -16.3693 -16.0808 -8.49924 -3.40807 -5.77295
1.13E+09 -9.35707 -5.9878 -19.1783 -13.5997 -12.7359 -13.8087 -8.70693 -16.4827 -16.5488 -8.28262 -3.45329 -5.84327
1.15E+09 -9.58324 -6.07303 -19.2377 -13.7596 -12.4863 -14.0937 -8.19007 -16.4824 -16.954 -8.07241 -3.54489 -5.91507
1.17E+09 -9.57469 -6.10919 -19.6518 -13.9199 -12.8442 -13.617 -7.91648 -16.9 -17.0888 -7.88353 -3.53801 -5.9965
1.19E+09 -9.69156 -6.18876 -19.7067 -14.1414 -13.048 -13.9969 -8.62662 -17.2416 -17.1834 -7.7916 -3.5865 -6.0589
1.21E+09 -9.78084 -6.24983 -19.9633 -14.309 -13.1059 -13.7897 -8.72576 -17.4676 -17.3067 -7.73685 -3.6388 -6.13653
1.23E+09 -9.95006 -6.29691 -20.3493 -14.4657 -13.3985 -14.0613 -9.22899 -17.1915 -17.5508 -7.67742 -3.58721 -6.21053
1.25E+09 -10.0528 -6.35493 -20.2583 -14.6568 -13.4383 -14.2952 -7.82459 -17.6464 -17.9974 -7.68244 -3.82686 -6.28547
1.27E+09 -10.1519 -6.43723 -20.7125 -14.8256 -13.7181 -14.2773 -9.66983 -17.9514 -18.2652 -7.72775 -3.56478 -6.35682
1.29E+09 -10.2243 -6.52792 -20.5601 -14.9713 -13.8905 -14.6208 -9.14103 -18.3009 -18.082 -7.76152 -3.61496 -6.42483
1.31E+09 -10.4311 -6.59824 -20.8474 -15.1527 -14.0235 -14.2542 -8.95146 -18.309 -18.313 -7.78831 -3.69276 -6.51053
1.33E+09 -10.4712 -6.69414 -20.9251 -15.3594 -14.2895 -15.1234 -9.55531 -18.5224 -18.7292 -7.8693 -3.75012 -6.57229
1.35E+09 -10.6223 -6.71217 -20.7994 -15.4689 -14.3954 -14.6835 -9.75176 -19.0369 -19.0244 -7.81422 -3.74759 -6.68569
1.37E+09 -10.7095 -6.86584 -21.92 -15.7019 -14.1357 -15.2756 -9.5868 -19.7238 -19.5276 -7.95293 -3.88273 -6.66548
1.39E+09 -10.8388 -6.86032 -21.7052 -15.834 -14.2812 -14.7963 -8.79205 -19.2946 -19.2634 -7.9482 -4.05719 -6.80655
1.41E+09 -10.9642 -6.94771 -21.4978 -15.9898 -14.4449 -14.4757 -9.53139 -19.6269 -19.1251 -8.04531 -3.75626 -6.88427
1.43E+09 -11.0545 -7.04589 -21.8851 -16.14 -14.2952 -15.009 -9.64067 -20.3159 -19.7646 -7.99161 -4.13382 -6.976
1.45E+09 -11.1153 -7.17638 -21.9288 -16.3506 -15.114 -14.6532 -9.0957 -20.959 -20.4992 -8.15242 -3.85066 -7.0268
1.47E+09 -11.2254 -7.29935 -21.2113 -16.4737 -15.2229 -15.8907 -9.37613 -20.7549 -20.9353 -8.22853 -4.00343 -7.09421
1.49E+09 -11.3264 -7.43863 -21.8865 -16.6758 -15.3121 -15.7202 -9.60206 -21.2905 -20.991 -8.27825 -4.17282 -7.12001
1.51E+09 -11.4767 -7.52138 -21.8945 -16.8093 -15.4869 -16.3818 -10.2714 -21.7146 -20.8791 -8.32427 -4.20636 -7.20049
1.53E+09 -11.5171 -7.55189 -22.0644 -16.9357 -14.8521 -15.9282 -9.16937 -22.1878 -21.3494 -8.38475 -4.0071 -7.34313
1.55E+09 -11.6198 -7.8467 -22.2917 -17.2129 -14.5207 -15.8263 -10.2608 -21.9531 -22.3762 -8.63365 -4.20692 -7.26013
1.57E+09 -11.7368 -7.9392 -22.2485 -17.2875 -14.5669 -16.2112 -10.4553 -22.0261 -22.9187 -8.629 -4.51872 -7.4021
1.59E+09 -11.9598 -8.13294 -22.7373 -17.458 -14.0513 -16.3301 -10.6718 -22.6194 -23.0606 -8.87018 -4.52361 -7.44898
1.61E+09 -11.9437 -8.17473 -22.7708 -17.5247 -14.4139 -17.3228 -9.75227 -23.0568 -23.1488 -8.78898 -4.52249 -7.57169
1.63E+09 -11.9865 -7.8524 -21.825 -17.3421 -14.7676 -16.971 -9.79069 -22.2015 -23.4358 -8.51982 -4.13836 -7.9603
1.65E+09 -12.0879 -7.85685 -22.2832 -17.4303 -14.8707 -17.39 -10.3549 -22.146 -24.2888 -8.67774 -4.21818 -8.04154
1.67E+09 -12.2136 -7.80771 -22.1473 -17.4725 -15.4137 -17.1599 -9.28376 -22.6821 -24.9581 -8.66027 -4.19837 -8.19555
1.69E+09 -12.2497 -7.9613 -22.6787 -17.5519 -16.0205 -17.3184 -10.4012 -23.2924 -25.1871 -8.87205 -4.13846 -8.20232
1.71E+09 -12.3298 -8.02021 -22.5904 -17.6277 -16.0844 -17.6691 -9.70921 -23.3155 -25.2756 -8.9534 -3.93026 -8.30765
1.73E+09 -12.4339 -8.04837 -22.217 -17.6477 -16.8416 -17.5673 -10.8189 -22.994 -26.2003 -8.90084 -3.87323 -8.42998
1.75E+09 -12.5127 -8.14856 -22.6739 -17.7547 -16.9709 -18.2292 -9.65848 -23.3595 -27.312 -8.91876 -3.95931 -8.4321
1.77E+09 -12.5451 -8.44964 -22.6936 -18.0323 -17.1642 -17.9952 -9.74256 -24.2763 -27.7941 -9.20044 -4.13556 -8.25444
1.79E+09 -12.7629 -8.48607 -22.6562 -18.0349 -17.5057 -18.2959 -11.2724 -24.2661 -27.5366 -9.19622 -4.19548 -8.37596
1.81E+09 -12.7176 -8.60292 -23.1466 -18.0756 -17.7844 -17.814 -10.1215 -24.0941 -27.4198 -9.24707 -4.14138 -8.41719
1.83E+09 -12.7727 -8.79589 -23.3104 -18.185 -17.7346 -17.2481 -10.1036 -24.3893 -28.0309 -9.40987 -4.10121 -8.41943
1.85E+09 -12.8293 -8.97372 -23.5426 -18.3588 -18.2249 -17.0703 -10.1475 -25.4082 -28.7429 -9.46935 -4.31946 -8.39874
1.87E+09 -12.9559 -9.11709 -23.43 -18.4194 -18.1401 -16.5843 -10.7251 -25.3296 -28.4561 -9.44701 -4.17528 -8.48321
1.89E+09 -13.0952 -9.1553 -23.226 -18.5392 -17.6767 -17.0217 -10.8886 -24.9995 -27.5676 -9.4763 -4.23655 -8.50464
1.91E+09 -13.1227 -9.22482 -23.7562 -18.641 -17.4037 -16.9681 -10.3666 -25.3548 -26.9782 -9.51944 -4.28559 -8.55735
1.93E+09 -13.1844 -9.34406 -25.1371 -18.7889 -16.5717 -17.5792 -11.0237 -26.2977 -27.2918 -9.57901 -4.23845 -8.58803
1.95E+09 -13.2658 -9.46715 -23.6556 -18.9385 -16.6586 -17.9058 -10.9147 -26.574 -27.9314 -9.73638 -4.3805 -8.60622
1.97E+09 -13.4515 -9.49055 -23.6894 -19.0346 -16.5624 -18.4515 -11.2497 -26.0723 -27.7434 -9.77988 -4.19261 -8.69442
1.99E+09 -13.484 -9.51686 -24.491 -19.1553 -16.3506 -19.209 -10.3372 -26.2775 -26.8056 -9.68598 -4.31784 -8.77273
2.01E+09 -13.5582 -9.48611 -24.4625 -19.2162 -16.3637 -19.3752 -12.138 -27.2367 -26.1943 -9.67018 -4.31966 -8.9105
2.02E+09 -13.66 -9.41811 -25.1309 -19.2536 -16.1515 -19.6938 -11.2309 -27.2914 -26.872 -9.53011 -4.20073 -9.0697
2.04E+09 -13.9492 -9.43958 -24.5575 -19.4489 -16.0159 -19.9431 -11.4916 -27.0675 -27.4862 -9.62263 -4.6457 -9.09398
2.06E+09 -13.8978 -9.48336 -24.4687 -19.5771 -16.5026 -20.4564 -11.3594 -27.0816 -27.4136 -9.72242 -4.16477 -9.17525
2.08E+09 -14.2135 -9.4618 -25.3993 -19.695 -16.5505 -20.5376 -12.327 -28.0991 -26.842 -9.79108 -4.06297 -9.26377
2.10E+09 -14.1033 -9.36225 -25.424 -19.7576 -16.7353 -20.5627 -11.6134 -28.5049 -26.1538 -9.73172 -3.98759 -9.40743
2.12E+09 -14.1645 -9.31785 -25.3798 -19.9102 -17.1258 -20.3537 -10.4845 -28.0916 -26.814 -9.64371 -4.17002 -9.48374
2.14E+09 -14.2758 -9.27226 -24.8703 -20.0271 -16.9722 -19.7168 -11.3362 -28.0584 -27.6539 -9.61521 -4.01272 -9.57576
2.16E+09 -14.4097 -9.29352 -26.2241 -20.2155 -17.121 -19.2099 -12.6745 -28.8929 -27.7131 -9.64448 -4.47284 -9.62199
2.18E+09 -14.6997 -9.36305 -25.2074 -20.3925 -17.4307 -18.1431 -11.4121 -29.2896 -27.1287 -9.72594 -4.17304 -9.66035
2.20E+09 -14.6825 -9.35159 -25.4924 -20.5667 -17.946 -17.256 -11.8298 -29.3036 -26.7545 -9.79022 -4.11014 -9.75402
2.22E+09 -14.7217 -9.34813 -25.4068 -20.7233 -18.5476 -16.2722 -11.8831 -29.0571 -27.2904 -9.79736 -4.2601 -9.84038
2.24E+09 -14.9484 -9.28179 -25.8433 -20.826 -18.8872 -15.5778 -13.1068 -29.5876 -27.9873 -9.70079 -3.86034 -10.0015
2.26E+09 -14.9242 -9.27091 -26.4112 -20.9768 -18.4623 -14.903 -11.4213 -30.2984 -28.2023 -9.66892 -3.98161 -10.1146
2.28E+09 -15.0775 -9.30801 -25.6133 -21.2257 -18.5793 -14.2712 -11.635 -30.5568 -27.7585 -9.73424 -3.9498 -10.135
2.30E+09 -15.2556 -9.43581 -26.1775 -21.5355 -18.7863 -13.8006 -12.4877 -30.5146 -27.3716 -9.86987 -4.04966 -10.1088
2.32E+09 -15.2564 -9.54304 -26.1852 -21.8705 -19.1629 -13.1526 -12.3628 -31.4681 -28.1459 -10.0543 -4.16839 -10.0431
2.34E+09 -15.2825 -9.6588 -25.6776 -22.1983 -19.5008 -12.6432 -11.746 -32.6236 -28.8983 -10.2707 -4.3593 -10.0313
2.36E+09 -15.4065 -9.87658 -26.3832 -22.5864 -19.4337 -12.0702 -13.0963 -32.9602 -29.0834 -10.3609 -4.56052 -9.94128
2.38E+09 -15.4631 -10.0969 -26.9964 -22.9996 -18.7449 -11.7825 -13.2954 -33.0087 -28.8349 -10.505 -4.63396 -9.87272
2.40E+09 -15.5646 -9.99789 -27.0863 -23.1404 -17.858 -11.3739 -13.0798 -33.8695 -28.6038 -10.3957 -4.54595 -10.0609
2.42E+09 -15.647 -10.1269 -27.3005 -23.4951 -17.5883 -11.1 -12.6546 -35.0276 -29.1989 -10.4517 -4.45841 -10.0832
2.44E+09 -15.8428 -10.4707 -27.2647 -24.0871 -17.789 -11.376 -13.6484 -35.5133 -30.2002 -10.8568 -4.89061 -9.82757
2.46E+09 -15.9461 -10.562 -27.6347 -24.4604 -18.0255 -11.3515 -14.271 -35.35 -30.7076 -11.0355 -4.89946 -9.83045
2.48E+09 -16.0937 -10.8479 -26.8456 -25.0023 -18.1284 -11.6193 -13.6068 -36.3891 -30.5529 -11.3685 -5.07947 -9.69254
2.50E+09 -16.2497 -10.9781 -27.5926 -25.3893 -17.8526 -11.8532 -13.6412 -37.5023 -29.9834 -11.3958 -5.27469 -9.78048
2.52E+09 -16.2753 -11.0469 -27.3475 -25.7379 -17.5786 -12.2163 -15.2666 -37.5858 -30.6846 -11.3688 -5.23504 -9.84803
2.54E+09 -16.5168 -11.0573 -27.2243 -26.0713 -17.4788 -12.3995 -13.9171 -37.1762 -31.6809 -11.3522 -5.25258 -9.95183
2.56E+09 -16.5263 -11.282 -27.7093 -26.5517 -17.9288 -12.808 -14.7973 -37.9557 -31.7908 -11.5444 -5.31345 -9.92237
2.58E+09 -16.8291 -11.6456 -29.023 -27.207 -18.3543 -13.4834 -14.9946 -39.2119 -31.4173 -11.8265 -5.89067 -9.76372
2.60E+09 -16.7733 -11.7772 -29.0731 -27.658 -18.2928 -13.6765 -15.52 -39.3762 -31.1398 -11.9619 -5.73105 -9.78598
2.62E+09 -16.9362 -11.7589 -28.2203 -28.0981 -18.188 -14.1368 -15.8487 -38.576 -32.0322 -12.0444 -5.94064 -9.84422
2.64E+09 -16.9337 -11.7593 -28.3778 -28.4942 -18.1263 -14.3163 -14.371 -39.1131 -33.2915 -12.0157 -5.63361 -9.98065
2.66E+09 -17.128 -11.9248 -28.2807 -29.0652 -18.3049 -14.7967 -16.0534 -39.9385 -33.4937 -12.178 -5.88971 -9.96581
2.68E+09 -17.4604 -12.0343 -28.172 -29.6788 -18.769 -15.0511 -16.0392 -40.0587 -32.8014 -12.2654 -5.78371 -10.0293
2.70E+09 -17.3769 -12.1523 -29.7642 -30.081 -19.2869 -15.3611 -15.4866 -39.1463 -32.1913 -12.3856 -5.97493 -10.03
2.72E+09 -17.3651 -12.1834 -28.6067 -30.682 -19.3515 -15.6239 -15.9543 -39.2173 -33.0498 -12.5125 -6.07684 -10.0451
2.74E+09 -17.3823 -12.2091 -29.246 -31.1938 -19.202 -15.7011 -16.4973 -40.1396 -34.3961 -12.5684 -5.89232 -10.1503
2.76E+09 -17.5708 -12.265 -29.1217 -31.7928 -19.0644 -16.0205 -16.3998 -40.3093 -34.5878 -12.6185 -6.0273 -10.2246
2.78E+09 -17.7293 -12.416 -29.6857 -32.4142 -19.1719 -16.3009 -15.7048 -40.2749 -34.0198 -12.7441 -6.09833 -10.1963
2.80E+09 -17.6817 -12.5474 -30.357 -33.0348 -19.4906 -16.6298 -16.1555 -40.1738 -33.786 -12.8985 -6.39437 -10.2057
2.82E+09 -17.779 -12.6289 -30.3901 -33.5934 -19.7409 -16.8191 -17.3148 -40.824 -34.4882 -13.0844 -6.37966 -10.2431
2.84E+09 -17.7197 -12.8043 -30.4294 -34.2308 -19.8567 -17.2739 -17.4059 -41.6535 -35.3268 -13.3141 -6.44133 -10.2212
2.86E+09 -17.9919 -12.9277 -31.0956 -34.8001 -20.0332 -17.3066 -17.1271 -41.4106 -35.9636 -13.4859 -6.52235 -10.2355
2.88E+09 -17.9324 -12.9502 -29.9235 -35.2733 -19.8825 -17.1598 -18.2117 -41.4416 -35.6227 -13.5412 -6.51362 -10.3481
2.90E+09 -18.0854 -13.0347 -30.1195 -35.7292 -19.6776 -17.4608 -18.3216 -42.6099 -35.2628 -13.5364 -6.51223 -10.4368
2.92E+09 -18.0362 -13.1905 -30.0961 -36.1813 -19.9695 -17.5062 -17.1616 -43.5236 -35.7849 -13.5636 -6.68051 -10.5297
2.94E+09 -18.2029 -13.238 -30.357 -36.7448 -19.8266 -17.2793 -17.5039 -43.2182 -36.7979 -13.6722 -6.66044 -10.5503
2.96E+09 -18.4384 -13.4727 -30.4643 -37.361 -20.0317 -17.4334 -17.765 -43.6795 -37.3349 -13.9689 -7.05188 -10.4621
2.98E+09 -18.4866 -13.6386 -30.7319 -37.9294 -19.9447 -17.5601 -18.6538 -45.2333 -37.0938 -14.1033 -6.95519 -10.4682
3.00E+09 -18.5279 -13.7647 -31.6085 -38.3976 -19.8306 -17.6173 -17.7426 -46.5052 -36.9139 -14.317 -7.16976 -10.534
3.02E+09 -18.5922 -13.8313 -31.3489 -38.9299 -19.4913 -17.4725 -18.5981 -46.4983 -37.9673 -14.3855 -7.32776 -10.595
3.04E+09 -18.6296 -13.8429 -33.9995 -39.3802 -19.4064 -17.7028 -19.5006 -47.0436 -38.3539 -14.3407 -6.95841 -10.7258
3.06E+09 -18.7817 -13.947 -33.3986 -39.8992 -19.3801 -17.7792 -18.6852 -49.4017 -38.931 -14.3643 -6.87447 -10.7814
3.08E+09 -19.0207 -14.1339 -31.8987 -40.5 -19.8764 -18.0737 -19.235 -51.1325 -38.8236 -14.6469 -7.13663 -10.7538
3.10E+09 -19.0513 -14.3212 -31.3486 -41.0392 -19.7965 -18.3205 -19.0816 -51.5459 -38.8965 -14.8727 -7.17758 -10.7385
3.12E+09 -19.0171 -14.4229 -30.6199 -41.5015 -19.8024 -18.4427 -19.53 -52.8019 -39.6315 -14.9966 -7.23172 -10.7935
3.14E+09 -19.033 -14.4191 -30.4345 -41.9623 -19.7835 -18.5521 -19.624 -54.9274 -40.6162 -14.9802 -7.3839 -10.9238
3.16E+09 -19.1539 -14.5925 -32.1368 -42.4834 -19.9224 -18.7608 -18.381 -56.6849 -41.1226 -15.2312 -7.33826 -10.9274
3.18E+09 -19.4093 -14.7657 -31.271 -43.0132 -20.0751 -19.3774 -20.6467 -56.3983 -40.6522 -15.4232 -7.79872 -10.9211
3.20E+09 -19.3804 -14.8296 -30.9872 -43.5541 -20.4517 -19.1592 -19.5431 -55.447 -40.3472 -15.5224 -7.66689 -11.0081
3.22E+09 -19.4364 -14.9614 -31.4619 -44.0823 -20.6255 -19.6603 -19.7631 -54.931 -41.7718 -15.6052 -7.56084 -11.0266
3.24E+09 -19.5036 -15.0995 -31.5594 -44.5406 -20.607 -19.8651 -20.5975 -53.8227 -43.5756 -15.8069 -7.79219 -11.0438
3.26E+09 -19.6128 -15.1773 -31.3586 -45.0433 -20.5409 -20.0135 -21.5475 -51.5603 -43.3839 -16.0131 -7.50948 -11.1075
3.28E+09 -19.7129 -15.3032 -32.9542 -45.4725 -20.5708 -20.344 -20.8046 -50.1305 -43.3686 -16.0701 -7.63387 -11.1516
3.30E+09 -19.8304 -15.3721 -32.457 -45.9126 -20.7731 -20.3694 -19.8064 -49.2948 -43.4521 -16.2431 -7.6631 -11.2551
3.32E+09 -19.7816 -15.4262 -32.6016 -46.2406 -20.9565 -20.5601 -21.0308 -49.1049 -44.5973 -16.2454 -7.75411 -11.3722
3.34E+09 -19.8752 -15.6185 -33.1578 -46.6965 -21.1271 -20.7553 -21.3086 -47.7897 -46.5318 -16.4486 -7.72149 -11.3484
3.36E+09 -20.1243 -15.7683 -35.2792 -47.1959 -21.4099 -20.9932 -20.9784 -45.9209 -46.8993 -16.7457 -8.30016 -11.3281
3.38E+09 -20.2481 -15.8804 -33.2797 -47.676 -21.2191 -20.5416 -21.0512 -45.8005 -47.2476 -17.0207 -7.94141 -11.3839
3.40E+09 -20.2671 -15.9658 -33.1382 -48.081 -20.9644 -20.6889 -21.976 -46.2421 -47.7281 -17.0943 -7.88853 -11.4827
3.42E+09 -20.2441 -16.0876 -35.3901 -48.2834 -21.0811 -20.6486 -22.4282 -44.8179 -49.292 -17.1173 -8.20276 -11.5485
3.44E+09 -20.408 -16.252 -33.2993 -48.8725 -21.2013 -20.5403 -20.9294 -43.6478 -51.4253 -17.3561 -8.25816 -11.5661
3.46E+09 -20.7013 -16.3383 -33.5452 -49.2312 -21.1729 -20.9869 -22.4079 -43.8097 -52.6854 -17.3985 -8.45891 -11.6635
3.48E+09 -20.7892 -16.4713 -35.4045 -49.7642 -21.2861 -20.6114 -21.9114 -44.2554 -53.5417 -17.6141 -8.35917 -11.7143
3.50E+09 -20.799 -16.6261 -36.5635 -50.1808 -20.8857 -20.6672 -22.9552 -42.899 -55.4041 -17.8888 -8.35198 -11.7226
3.52E+09 -20.7686 -16.7654 -35.9557 -50.5338 -20.7574 -20.5458 -22.2738 -42.248 -59.0046 -18.1024 -8.63434 -11.8049
3.54E+09 -20.8449 -16.9743 -35.861 -50.9534 -20.7516 -20.6229 -22.5988 -42.4534 -63.4072 -18.2731 -8.70408 -11.8216
3.56E+09 -21.1048 -17.217 -35.8043 -51.4711 -20.7068 -20.9861 -23.1052 -43.0882 -68.9967 -18.5677 -8.6268 -11.9031
3.58E+09 -21.2579 -17.5372 -35.4352 -51.6628 -20.8933 -20.8825 -21.9182 -42.1666 -71.4992 -18.5828 -8.8613 -12.0241
3.60E+09 -21.2061 -18.1724 -37.7202 -51.7929 -20.7902 -21.8384 -22.5227 -41.4056 -64.8546 -18.5959 -9.04216 -12.0864
3.62E+09 -21.218 -19.6504 -36.4235 -52.1734 -20.684 -21.967 -23.3323 -41.3154 -60.5662 -18.8109 -8.75996 -12.1997
3.64E+09 -21.3075 -19.9999 -38.6253 -52.3769 -20.841 -22.9355 -23.681 -42.0051 -57.6829 -19.0495 -9.06798 -12.1985
3.66E+09 -21.5169 -18.6161 -39.5772 -52.6184 -20.8159 -22.3867 -23.521 -41.7236 -55.2541 -19.4615 -9.15887 -12.2311
3.68E+09 -21.6392 -18.0385 -36.7272 -52.8383 -20.9841 -22.0395 -22.9212 -41.4808 -53.7582 -19.8168 -8.85231 -12.4623
3.70E+09 -21.6839 -17.8944 -36.3889 -52.87 -21.3344 -21.5355 -24.496 -41.3368 -52.4718 -19.5444 -8.90005 -12.5085
3.72E+09 -21.6794 -17.9503 -35.8427 -53.0442 -21.4742 -21.3241 -23.4963 -42.2642 -51.1924 -19.783 -9.1052 -12.5334
3.74E+09 -21.9027 -18.0927 -39.1017 -53.6942 -21.6598 -21.4528 -23.3797 -41.4671 -50.7909 -20.0037 -9.0453 -12.5705
3.76E+09 -22.0454 -18.159 -35.7843 -53.6654 -21.8501 -21.2417 -23.961 -41.0682 -49.9618 -20.6126 -9.17669 -12.6212
3.78E+09 -22.1309 -18.244 -39.4487 -53.8681 -21.6313 -21.6556 -24.7914 -40.7328 -49.3398 -21.6343 -9.08812 -12.7085
3.80E+09 -22.1887 -18.3153 -38.2291 -54.3112 -21.7666 -21.3833 -24.1634 -44.9735 -47.7814 -20.6286 -9.36796 -12.8239
3.82E+09 -22.29 -18.4459 -38.1683 -54.5519 -21.9122 -21.4878 -23.3498 -42.2485 -47.7198 -20.9491 -9.53283 -12.9073
3.84E+09 -22.4988 -18.4753 -35.7268 -54.6708 -21.4666 -21.5972 -24.661 -40.8468 -47.307 -20.7717 -9.08993 -13.1109
3.86E+09 -22.7145 -18.7083 -38.7176 -55.0329 -21.669 -21.625 -24.8993 -41.5585 -46.1 -21.035 -9.38421 -13.0658
3.88E+09 -22.8373 -18.9104 -35.6393 -55.6673 -21.613 -21.9876 -24.6629 -42.3636 -45.726 -21.1425 -9.44803 -13.0929
3.90E+09 -22.7947 -19.0459 -36.1989 -55.9275 -21.2786 -21.664 -25.2286 -42.0449 -45.7056 -21.4885 -9.40902 -13.2056
3.92E+09 -22.8477 -19.098 -36.8289 -56.3614 -21.3374 -21.8681 -25.2473 -41.3032 -46.0365 -21.7873 -9.43913 -13.3006
3.94E+09 -23.0242 -19.2632 -36.8812 -56.6168 -21.2036 -21.8031 -25.1247 -41.8115 -46.0318 -22.0108 -9.73578 -13.3787
3.96E+09 -23.2041 -19.513 -38.4406 -57.0402 -20.9246 -22.3113 -24.1805 -42.7788 -45.0506 -22.1809 -9.71845 -13.3341
3.98E+09 -23.3748 -19.5713 -38.3295 -57.2015 -20.8794 -22.3518 -25.8138 -42.4952 -44.6661 -22.0578 -10.0855 -13.5066
4.00E+09 -23.4032 -19.658 -38.6851 -57.3508 -20.5479 -22.2423 -25.6976 -41.8949 -44.9896 -22.2525 -9.84572 -13.6612

Signal processing

  • diagram of front of rack

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Revision 1621 Aug 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 63 to 63
  • 2 mixers (ZX05-IL-S)
  • 2 amps (ZKL-2) recieved
  • 4 amps (ZX60-8008E-S) recieved
RF Design
RF Design
  • 1 RFD 2305 (10MHz to 3.4GHz noise source)
  • 2 SBA 1750/1450-box LNAs
  • 2 BBAI-SMA amplifiers

Revision 1520 Aug 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 54 to 54
  • 10 SMA plug solders (CN14954)
  • 2 SMA to 'N' adaptors (CN10764)
  • 2 VCOs (ZX95-1420-S)
  • 2 VCOs (ZX95-200-S)
  • 2 VCPs (ZX95-535-S)
  • 5 filters (BPF-B140N)
  • 5 filters (SXBP-20R5)
  • 2 VCOs (ZX95-1420-S) recieved
  • 2 VCOs (ZX95-200-S) recieved
  • 2 VCPs (ZX95-535-S) recieved
  • 5 filters (BPF-B140N) recieved
  • 5 filters (SXBP-20R5) recieved
  • 5 filters (SXBP-1420)
  • 2 mixers (ZX05-IL-S)
  • 2 amps (ZKL-2)
  • 4 amps (ZX60-8008E-S)
  • 2 amps (ZKL-2) recieved
  • 4 amps (ZX60-8008E-S) recieved
 RF Design
  • 1 RFD 2305 (10MHz to 3.4GHz noise source)
  • 2 SBA 1750/1450-box LNAs

Revision 1419 Aug 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 31 to 31

Cables (?)

Signal processing

  • diagram of front of rack





order list for rack components

Revision 1319 Aug 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Summer project to-do list (temporary)

  • Sort through old equipment, deciding what to keep-complete?
  • Catalogue cables and equipment-complete?
  • Test cables running to, and antennae on, the roof-complete?
  • Test cables running to, and antennae on, the roof.
  • Complete wiki, to include specifications of all radio equipment
  • Construct and connect a rack containing all radio equipment
  • add roof map-complete.

Revision 1218 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 45 to 45
  • 10 'N' bulkhead socket clamps (112-0789)
  • 20 'N' WRM67 clamp plugs (546-2469)
  • 2 'N' plug-to-plug adaptors (295-6983)
  • 2 'N' socket-to-socket adaptors (332-7379)
  • 2 'N' socket-to-socket adaptors (332-7279)
  • 20 SMA plug to plug adaptors (546-3282)
  • 20 SMA plug solders (526-5842)

Revision 1116 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 38 to 38
  • 1 minirack cabinet (19-inch) (513-345)

  • natural finish 19in front panel (439-3205)
  • 1 set of cage nuts for above (289-821)
  • 1 vented shelf for above (513-351)
  • 2 vented shelves for above (513-351)
  • 2 WRM67 cable (665-5845)
  • 10 'N' bulkhead socket clamps (112-0789)
  • 20 'N' WRM67 clamp plugs (546-2469)

Revision 1016 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 31 to 31

Cables (?)

Signal processing

  • diagram of front of rack



order list for rack components

  • 1 minirack cabinet (19-inch) (513-345)

  • 1 set of cage nuts for above (289-821)
  • 1 vented shelf for above (513-351)
Line: 45 to 47
  • 2 'N' socket-to-socket adaptors (332-7379)
  • 20 SMA plug to plug adaptors (546-3282)
  • 20 SMA plug solders (526-5842)
  • 10 SMA plug solders (CN14954)
  • 2 SMA to 'N' adaptors (CN10764)
  • 2 VCOs (ZX95-1420-S)
  • 2 VCOs (ZX95-200-S)
  • 2 VCPs (ZX95-535-S)
Line: 58 to 60
  • 2 mixers (ZX05-IL-S)
  • 2 amps (ZKL-2)
  • 4 amps (ZX60-8008E-S)
RF Design
  • 1 RFD 2305 (10MHz to 3.4GHz noise source)
  • 2 SBA 1750/1450-box LNAs
  • 2 BBAI-SMA amplifiers
Line: 78 to 80
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="map.png" attr="" comment="" date="1372851581" name="map.png" path="map.png" size="515533" user="zvap059" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mapkey.png" attr="" comment="" date="1373535399" name="mapkey.png" path="mapkey.png" size="17625" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rack1.png" attr="" comment="" date="1373625716" name="rack1.png" path="rack1.png" size="7449" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rack1.png" attr="" comment="" date="1373971182" name="rack1.png" path="rack1.png" size="7324" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rack2.png" attr="" comment="" date="1373971182" name="rack2.png" path="rack2.png" size="7001" user="zvap059" version="1"

Revision 912 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 31 to 31

Cables (?)

Signal processing

  • diagram of front of rack



order list for rack components

Line: 77 to 78
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="map.png" attr="" comment="" date="1372851581" name="map.png" path="map.png" size="515533" user="zvap059" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mapkey.png" attr="" comment="" date="1373535399" name="mapkey.png" path="mapkey.png" size="17625" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="rack1.png" attr="" comment="" date="1373625716" name="rack1.png" path="rack1.png" size="7449" user="zvap059" version="1"

Revision 811 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Summer project to-do list (temporary)

  • Sort through old equipment, deciding what to keep-complete?
  • Catalogue cables and equipment-complete?
  • Test cables running to, and antennae on, the roof
  • Sort through old equipment, deciding what to keep-complete?
  • Catalogue cables and equipment-complete?
  • Test cables running to, and antennae on, the roof-complete?
  • Complete wiki, to include specifications of all radio equipment
  • Construct and connect a rack containing all radio equipment
  • add roof map-complete.
  • run new power cables to roof
  • complete a map showing the location of the antennae on the roof-complete?
  • complete a map showing the location of the antennae on the roof-complete?



  • key


Antenna dish (unused)

Atlas experiment  

Hydrogen line antenna (B)

Cable ends: one, 14b

Atlas experiment  
Line: 74 to 76
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0302.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0302.JPG" path="IMG_0302.JPG" size="212720" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="map.png" attr="" comment="" date="1372851581" name="map.png" path="map.png" size="515533" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="map2.png" attr="" comment="" date="1372851581" name="map2.png" path="map2.png" size="14270" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mapkey.png" attr="" comment="" date="1373535399" name="mapkey.png" path="mapkey.png" size="17625" user="zvap059" version="1"

Revision 709 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 15 to 15
  • key



Antenna dish (unused)

Atlas experiment

Hydrogen line antenna (B)

Cable ends: one, 14b

Atlas experiment

Solar Panel

Cable ends: eight

Solar Panel

Interferometer B

Cable ends: 14b, BRK3

Interferometer B

Cross antenna

Cable ends: two

Atlas experiment

Meteor Dipole antenna

Cable ends: meteor

Meteor Dipole antenna

Discone antenna

Cable ends: Discone
Atlas experiment

Helicoils (unused)

Cable ends: Five

Helicoils (unused)

hydrogen antenna A

Cable ends: three, four

Atlas experiment

Interferometer A

Cable ends: 14a, BRK2

Interferometer A

10khz antenna

Cable ends: nine, ten, eleven

10khz antenna

Antenna dish (unused)

Atlas experiment  

Hydrogen line antenna (B)

Cable ends: one, 14b

Atlas experiment  

Solar Panel

Cable ends: eight

Solar Panel  

Interferometer B

Cable ends: 14b, BRK3

Interferometer B  

Cross antenna

Cable ends: two

Atlas experiment  

Meteor Dipole antenna

Cable ends: meteor

Meteor Dipole antenna  

Discone antenna

Cable ends: Discone
Atlas experiment  

Helicoils (unused)

Cable ends: Five

Helicoils (unused)  

hydrogen antenna A

Cable ends: three, four

Atlas experiment  

Interferometer A

Cable ends: 14a, BRK2

Interferometer A  

10khz antenna

Cable ends: nine, ten, eleven

10khz antenna  

Cables (?)

Signal processing

  • diagram of front of rack

Revision 608 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Revision 508 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 31 to 31
  • diagram of front of rack


order list for rack components
  • 1 minirack cabinet (19-inch)(513-345)

  • 1 set of cage nuts for above (289-821)
  • 1 vented shelf for above (513-351)
  • 2 WRM67 cable (665-5845)
  • 10 'N' bulkhead socket clamps (112-0789)
  • 20 'N' WRM67 clamp plugs (546-2469)
  • 2 'N' plug-to-plug adaptors (295-6983)
  • 2 'N' socket-to-socket adaptors (332-7379)
  • 20 SMA plug to plug adaptors (546-3282)
  • 20 SMA plug solders (526-5842)

  • 10 SMA plug solders (CN14954)
  • 2 SMA to 'N' adaptors (CN10764)

  • 2 VCOs (ZX95-1420-S)
  • 2 VCOs (ZX95-200-S)
  • 2 VCPs (ZX95-535-S)
  • 5 filters (BPF-B140N)
  • 5 filters (SXBP-20R5)
  • 5 filters (SXBP-1420)
  • 2 mixers (ZX05-IL-S)
  • 2 amps (ZKL-2)
  • 4 amps (ZX60-8008E-S)

  • 1 RFD 2305 (10MHz to 3.4GHz noise source)
  • 2 SBA 1750/1450-box LNAs
  • 2 BBAI-SMA amplifiers
 -- RobertJones - 03 Jun 2013

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0292.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372767695" name="IMG_0292.JPG" path="IMG_0292.JPG" size="191257" user="zvap059" version="1"

Revision 403 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Summer project to-do list (temporary)

  • Sort through old equipment, deciding what to keep-complete?
  • Catalogue cables and equipment
  • Catalogue cables and equipment-complete?
  • Test cables running to, and antennae on, the roof
  • Complete wiki, to include specifications of all radio equipment
  • Construct and connect a rack containing all radio equipment
  • run new power cables to roof
  • complete a map showing the location of the antennae on the roof-complete?


  • Roof Map

  • key



Antenna dish (unused)

Atlas experiment

Hydrogen line antenna (B)

Cable ends: one, 14b

Atlas experiment

Solar Panel

Cable ends: eight

Solar Panel

Interferometer B

Cable ends: 14b, BRK3

Interferometer B

??? antenna

Cable ends: two

Atlas experiment

Meteor Dipole antenna

Cable ends: meteor

Meteor Dipole antenna

Discone antenna

Cable ends: Discone
Atlas experiment

Helicoils (unused)

Cable ends: Five

Helicoils (unused)

hydrogen antenna A

Cable ends: three, four

Atlas experiment

Interferometer A

Cable ends: 14a, BRK2

Interferometer A

10khz antenna

Cable ends: nine, ten, eleven

10khz antenna

Antenna dish (unused)

Atlas experiment

Hydrogen line antenna (B)

Cable ends: one, 14b

Atlas experiment

Solar Panel

Cable ends: eight

Solar Panel

Interferometer B

Cable ends: 14b, BRK3

Interferometer B

Cross antenna

Cable ends: two

Atlas experiment

Meteor Dipole antenna

Cable ends: meteor

Meteor Dipole antenna

Discone antenna

Cable ends: Discone
Atlas experiment

Helicoils (unused)

Cable ends: Five

Helicoils (unused)

hydrogen antenna A

Cable ends: three, four

Atlas experiment

Interferometer A

Cable ends: 14a, BRK2

Interferometer A

10khz antenna

Cable ends: nine, ten, eleven

10khz antenna

Cables (?)

Signal processing

  • diagram of front of rack

Line: 42 to 44
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0300.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0300.JPG" path="IMG_0300.JPG" size="182725" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0301.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0301.JPG" path="IMG_0301.JPG" size="204688" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0302.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0302.JPG" path="IMG_0302.JPG" size="212720" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="map.png" attr="" comment="" date="1372851581" name="map.png" path="map.png" size="515533" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="map2.png" attr="" comment="" date="1372851581" name="map2.png" path="map2.png" size="14270" user="zvap059" version="1"

Revision 302 Jul 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Summer project to-do list (temporary)

  • Sort through old equipment, deciding what to keep
  • Sort through old equipment, deciding what to keep-complete?
  • Catalogue cables and equipment
  • Test cables running to, and antennae on, the roof
  • Complete wiki, to include specifications of all radio equipment
  • Construct and connect a rack containing all radio equipment
  • complete a map showing the location of the antennae on the roof
  • run new power cables to roof
  • complete a map showing the location of the antennae on the roof-complete?




  • Roof Map


Antenna dish (unused)

Atlas experiment

Hydrogen line antenna (B)

Cable ends: one, 14b

Atlas experiment

Solar Panel

Cable ends: eight

Solar Panel

Interferometer B

Cable ends: 14b, BRK3

Interferometer B

??? antenna

Cable ends: two

Atlas experiment

Meteor Dipole antenna

Cable ends: meteor

Meteor Dipole antenna

Discone antenna

Cable ends: Discone
Atlas experiment

Helicoils (unused)

Cable ends: Five

Helicoils (unused)

hydrogen antenna A

Cable ends: three, four

Atlas experiment

Interferometer A

Cable ends: 14a, BRK2

Interferometer A

10khz antenna

Cable ends: nine, ten, eleven

10khz antenna

Cables (?)


Signal processing

  • diagram of front of rack



-- RobertJones - 03 Jun 2013

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0292.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372767695" name="IMG_0292.JPG" path="IMG_0292.JPG" size="191257" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0293.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372767695" name="IMG_0293.JPG" path="IMG_0293.JPG" size="238502" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0294.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0294.JPG" path="IMG_0294.JPG" size="171106" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0295.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0295.JPG" path="IMG_0295.JPG" size="158257" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0296.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0296.JPG" path="IMG_0296.JPG" size="71260" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0297.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0297.JPG" path="IMG_0297.JPG" size="198727" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0298.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0298.JPG" path="IMG_0298.JPG" size="170991" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0299.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0299.JPG" path="IMG_0299.JPG" size="150805" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0300.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0300.JPG" path="IMG_0300.JPG" size="182725" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0301.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0301.JPG" path="IMG_0301.JPG" size="204688" user="zvap059" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IMG_0302.JPG" attr="" comment="" date="1372771149" name="IMG_0302.JPG" path="IMG_0302.JPG" size="212720" user="zvap059" version="1"

Revision 205 Jun 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Line: 7 to 7
  • Catalogue cables and equipment
  • Test cables running to, and antennae on, the roof
  • Complete wiki, to include specifications of all radio equipment
  • Construct and connect rack containing all radio equipment
  • Construct and connect a rack containing all radio equipment
  • complete a map showing the location of the antennae on the roof



Signal processing

Revision 103 Jun 2013 - RobertJones

Line: 1 to 1

Radio Equipment

This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231.

Summer project to-do list (temporary)

  • Sort through old equipment, deciding what to keep
  • Catalogue cables and equipment
  • Test cables running to, and antennae on, the roof
  • Complete wiki, to include specifications of all radio equipment
  • Construct and connect rack containing all radio equipment



Signal processing


-- RobertJones - 03 Jun 2013

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