RHUL Physics department TWiki and Particle Physics Unix Registration
TWiki registration
If you are a member of the RHUL Physics department, please login using your college username and password. Please enter the username using lower-case lettering.
Otherwise, please go to the TWiki Registration Form and fill out the general information section at the top. At the Type of account required section, tick Physics TWiki account (non-RHUL users only) and fill out the TWiki account specific details there.
Particle Physics Unix systems registration
Please go to the PP Unix Registration Form and fill out the general information section at the top. At the Type of account required section, tick PP Unix account and fill out the Unix account specific details there.
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The information collected by the above forms will used used only to create your TWiki/PP Unix account and will not be passed on to third parties. Please email the TWiki admins at the address below to request a copy of any information you may have provided previously when requesting an account, or to request that your information and accounts be deleted.
See here for information on the college's GPDR policy.