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NExT Phenomenology lecturer/fellowships This is a copy of the advertisement that can be found on our Personnel web site given below. Applications are invited for...
Neil Cooper Smith`s page Welcome to my page. I am a third year Trash.PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Pedro Teixeira Dias, working on ATLAS. My current focus...
1 `s sidebar ... ... ... Welcome Guest User`s Guide Reference Manual Good Style...
Neil Cooper Smith`s page Welcome to my page. I am a third year Trash.PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Pedro Teixeira Dias, working on ATLAS. My current focus...
Neil`s ATLAS RHUL Meeting Page Date of meeting: 28/07/09 Date of meeting: 21/07/09 ATLASRHULMtg210709.pdf: Update: Atlfast I Problems in rel 14 Date of meeting...
Neil`s Talks Public Talks: IOP HEPP Oxford 6/4/09 ppt Internal ATLAS Talks:
Bla bla This is a heading etc
Newton cluster comes home After two years hosted by Imperial College, our `Newton` Grid computing cluster has finally been relocated to Royal Holloway`s new state...
NExT Physics Meeting at Royal Holloway (12 May 2010) 33 participants from RAL, Southampton, Sussex and Royal Holloway Agenda 10:30 Coffee (Tolansky T118, Bldg....
NExT Meetings Wednesday October 15th 2008 Wednesday October 28th 2009 Wednesday May 12th 2010
BPM papers: M. Slater, Cavity BPM System Tests for the ILC Energy Spectrometer Yoichi. I, Development of a high resolution cavity beam position monitor...
Nirav Joshi (Page is under construction) Welcome to the my world of engineering and science. Since April 2009, I am working with the JAI RHUL as a Marie Curie...
NLS DIAMOND cavity Time domain simulation: Electric field magnitude Bunch Charge: 1.6e 9C Bunch length: Two sigma of 4mm Beam is offset 1mm in X and...
NLS Diamond cavity BPM: T3P simulation Parameter Value Bunch charge 1.6 nC Bunch offset 1 mm along Y axis Bunch length, sigma 8mm Number...
Thesis with after viva corrections. Thesis NiravJoshi AfterCorrections.pdf: Thesis with after viva corrections.
Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE .TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous...
My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki .TWikiUsersGuide...
Number of topics: 18

Physics WebpagesRHUL WebpagesCampus Connect • Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX; Tel/Fax +44 (0)1784 434455/437520

Topic revision: r155 - 28 Nov 2019 - TomCraneAdmin

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