One of the requirements of being a PhD student in the particle physics department at most UK institutions is that the students must attend a two week summer school...
Particle Physics Seminars 2009 2010 Welcome to Royal Holloway, the University of London`s Particle Physics Group seminars page! Particle Physics Seminars are held...
Particle Physics Seminars 2010 2011 Royal Holloway, the University of London`s Particle Physics Group seminars page has now moved here! Speaker suggestions,...
LearningCurve MatthewRose Improving ATLAS Trigger code Editing trigger code to meet coding guidelines Packages TrigEgammaHypo/ The following have been checked...
First blog post to the Centre for Particle Physics Blog. This is blog for the entire group to write and contribute to. The posts can be Interesting ideas in particle...
Stephen Molloy Biography Lecturer in accelerator physics, held as a joint appointment with the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). Name: Stephen...
Dr Stephen M. West Departmental Webpage Lecturer/ web/NExT web.htm NExT Institute fellow in particle physics jointly...
Mac information and news Science on macs Apple Macs for scientific reserach @ science/ Apple science software...
Teaching information Courses Machine physics and future accelerators Accelerator physics and future accelerator facilities, for 1st year particle physics graduate...
Imaging term glossary correction : Generally bad for any data taking, but good for trying to look at large dynamic range of intensity RGB : Red Green Blue...
Pipeline UG astronomy http://www.uni Reduction%20Recipe%20Book/index.html A data reduction handbook (Hessman)...
Simple astronomical image analysis in mathematica Distances Projections Summations over areas introToTelescope.nb: introToTelescope.nb Simple astronomical...
Summer Bursaries 2008 Information about the Summer Bursaries was circulated earlier by e mail to all interested parties. A limited no. of bursaries will be awarded...
Summer Bursaries 2009 Information about the Summer Bursaries was circulated earlier by SummerBursariesEmail email to all interested parties. A limited no. of bursaries...
Summer Bursaries 2010 Information about the Summer Bursaries will be circulated by SummerBursariesEmail email to all interested parties. A limited no. of bursaries...
Dear Students, Summer Student Bursaries 2010 It is likely that the Department will support a number of bursaries, awarded on a competitive basis, to support research...