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JacobChambers 16 Feb 2019
LabVIEW is a multi platform graphical programming language, that allows the programmer to build a dataflow model with objects from menus, instead of writing code....
Orion Processing LaurieNevay 30 Apr 2017 orion L120 stacked med.tiff: orion L120 stacked med.tiff orion L120 stacked low.tiff: orion L120 stacked low...
Major Project All of my MSci Major Project work can be found at the following link:
Research Review My Research Review on `Experimental Constraints on Hidden Sector Dark Matter` is attached to this page. AshleaKemp 17 Nov 2015
MSci Major Project Work Up to date work on MSci Major Project can be found at the following URL:
16.11.16 Went to Imperial a couple of weeks ago to see Patrick and Clarence and install MaCh3: Needed to get Root in my directory on scratch, as well as CMT Had...
Image0001.bmp: Sun images recording emlyn`s blindness Image0002.bmp: Sun images recording emlyn`s blindness Image0003.bmp: Sun images recording emlyn`s blindness...
Academic or demontrator () Students present () Weather conditions () Targets () Data files 1 FILENAME0.fits 1 FILENAME1.fits Back to:
Focus with 9 mm eyepeice Autostar menu : Setup Telescope Train drive RA or Dec RA moves about 10 minutes west, move scope to east RA moves about...
Coordinates in MaximDL (done) Reproducable alignment after sleep Control as telescope of stellarium or starry night (done) PEC lots of measurements...
Meade LX200 controller via computer serial port COM1 Stellarium (Ascom or direct meade not sure) Meade LX200 controller via computer serial port COM5 (USB to...
Meade LX200GPS Pec Training Setup Telescope RA PEC Training Method Connect to Stellarium and MaximDL Telescope pointed at Vega synced...
Average filter wavelength Blue: 450mm Green: 550mm Red: 650mm ST 8ME Quantum Efficiency: Blue: 55% 1.82x exposure from clear...
Basic information on automating astrophotography with python And almost everything you need to know about Python and COM objects
Canopy Academic License available for free. Canopy environment: C:\Users\dome pc\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy Set as default dome user python environment...
Camera: SBIG ST 8XME at 0 ...
def meanPSF(self, radius 20, fixAngle False) : image self.image error self.errors xmax, ymax (len(image 0 ) 1, len(image...
pre requisite: have Cygwin installed and a GNU compiler. Cygwin comes with python pre installed, from there one can install new packages with: easy install packageName...
Latest Python 2.7.5 MSI downloaded from here and installed at c:\Python27 Folder added to System PATH 1 Go to Control Panel System 1 On the left, click...
Ring Galaxy (NGC1291) Protostar (IRAS 20324 4057) `The bizarre looking ring galaxy NGC 1291 in Eridanus.These fairly rare types of galaxy are usually much fainter...
After turning telescope on, it successfully received GPS signal and did not started the usual RA movement. The Camera was connected to Python via MaximDL Telescope...
Focus movements Positive In Negative Out Tests The data below have a significant experimental error associated with the not fixed measuring equipment...
Theory FWHM and MaxPixel techniques aids Using a Bahtinov mask to find the focus: Based on Laurie`s idea and article a set of 144 images were taken. 3 images for...
Desktop/Data/20131016 RC/ 20 x Dark frame per temp per exposure time NN denotes image number Temperature (deg C) Exposure time File name 00.0 0.1, 1....
Dark as function of exposure and temperature Exposure times of 0.1s, 1s, 5s, 10s, 60s, and 180s for temperatures of 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0. Each dark frame...
Aims Take 20 Dark Frames for differrent exposure times at temperatures ranging from 0 to 20. Waited 10minutes after temperature had settled to ensure chip at correct...
Data Log Used Autosave Sequence located Desktop/Data/20131016 RC/25darks60s.seq (Forces file name change compared to last log book) Desktop/Data/20131023 RC/ 20 x...
Log Book entry for Ryan Cheale, Chris Haynes and Paul Hallam for the 23/10/13 evening observation Equations Relation with right acensioin LHA Obj LST obj (Local...
Dark study continued. Maxim DL autosave feature used to take all the dark frames for one temperature and save them to a new folder. Files now stored in the form: T...
Aims Finish taking dark frames for temperature of 10 degrees Note: Error it temperature is or 0.2 degrees Cooled down from T 20degrees to T 10 degrees within...
Project meeting on 24 / 10 /2013 Present: Chris Haynes, Paul Hallam, Ryan Cheale, Dr Boogert, Professor Cowan. Continued discussion on taking and analysis of dark...
Cooler study to determine how the background on the CCD chip varies with time after the cooler is turned on. Cooler set to 10...
Data Log Used Autosave Sequence located Desktop/Data/20131016 RC/25darks60s.seq (Forces file name change compared to Public.LogBookAstronomyEntry0017 Dark Log Book...
Please edit and put your text etc. here A study into the variation of background pixel count with temperature. Initial CCD temperature was recorded to be 18 degrees...
Test solar limb data Holly Preece, Vijay Mahatma 50 frames, 1 frame per second. Exposure time? Gain? White balance? Gamma? 20131125
Please edit and put your text etc. here Telescope Set Up Target Delta Cephei selected using Stellarium and AAVSO catalogs Open shutters (ropes, pull apart...
2014 Group A, Observation 1 20140203.rar: 20140203.rar Back to:
Please edit and put your text etc. here Back to: 20140211 Group C.rar: 20140211 Group C.rar
Please edit and put your text etc. here Back to: 20140210 Group B O01.rar: 20140210 Group B O01.rar
20140213 LN Reasonably clear and forecast to be good. Worth a try to get some practice in. CCD at 15oC Aligned to capella very high in sky. Went...
start time:20:15 Sayadevi Kirubakaran,Shuyuan Hu,Niloofar Rajaeifar Star:Pollux,Right ascension(J2000):7h45m18.3s, Dec: 28 deg, 01 min, 32.0 sec Right ascension(of...
Dome doors Telescope cover Telescope power Camera power Lens caps Using Maxim DL; Camera control setup connect Cooler set point...
Group C Observation 2 PB, JB, AK Patchy clouds, few breaks Aligned and synced with Capella (18:35) Sensor temp 14.8 Aligned on Atlas in Pleiades (18:52) Moved telescope...
AshleaKemp 21 Feb 2014 2014 Group C Observation 2 PB, JB, AK Patchy clouds, few breaks Align on Capella (18:35) Sensor temp 14.8 Aligned on Atlas in Pleiades (...
Telescope Set Up Telescope was already set up due to an earlier observation. Telescope centred on target Delta Cephei using Stellarium to locate coordinates...
Desktop/Data/20140225 SB LN RC/ Focused on castor Pinwheel galaxy images 10 x Light at 180s exposure (Cooling ring visible) 15 x Light at 120s exposure(dc 004WirlpoolGalaxyLightE...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Telescope Set Up Telescope was already set up due to an earlier observation. Delta Cephei located using Stellarium...
LEt CCD cool to 15 degrees for 45mins Autosave Procedure for darks and bias 120 x dark 180s exposure 120 x bias Located in C:\Users\dome pc\Desktop\Data\...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Telescope Set Up Coordinates of Capella determined using Stellarium Telescope centred on Capella Location synchronised...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Log Book entry for observation on 07/03/2014 Telescope Set Up CCD camera set cooling to 15 degrees Coordinates...
James Begg, Georgina Mills, Ryan Thomas, Dr Boogert 18:30 start 15C camera set point weather light high cloud and warm 1 Aligned on Capella...
Atlas and Pleione Max Rodgers, Petros Skopelitis Back to:
Spectrometer Focus By changing the distance of the camera, will find the focal point of the emission lines. Along with this the best exposure rate will be found as...
The attatched files are pictures of mercury`s spectral lines from 0mm grating position out to 11.50mm grating postition in steps of 0.25 mm. Temperature: ~0 deg C...
Testing the saturation of the spectrometer; the attatched files are pictures of the clearest spectral lines at exposure rates ranging from 0.12s to 0.24s until the...
Data taken by Holly Preece and Jamila Taaki Took 70 dark images. 10 each at exposures 1s, 2s, 3s, 10s, 15s,30s, 60s Stored C:\Users\dome pc\Desktop\Data\20141017 HP...
Joe Cooper and Sam Emery Using the spectrometer to find the brightest spectral line in mercury and Find the best micrometer reading for the angle of the camera. Camera...
27th Oct 2014 Msc Observation. Begun: 18:30 Finished: 22:30 Conditions: Mostly clear, a little muggy. No cloud coverage. Begun observation session with a run...
2014 10 27 MSc Observation LN SW Started 18:30 General overview of dome and using scope. Aligned to Vega as easy to identify. Generally clear, although a little...
Holly Preece and Jamila Taaki General Setup 1 Open doors and check outside 1 Take telescope covers off 1 Turn on camera 1 Start Maxim DL 1 Camera connect...
Spectrometer Focus. New data was taken for the focus and angle of the spectrometer as the fibre optic cable had been shifted in the spectrometer. Set binning to 1x...
Spectrometer Calibration for Cd lamp SBIG Universal camera Tempoerature 10.0 ...
Spectrometer Focus. New data was taken for the focus and angle of the spectrometer for a different lamp, Cadmium. Set binning to 1x1. Exposure time to 0.1 SBIG Universal...
Oliver Edy, EC, DT, GD, DH, MS, STB, 18:45 Gained bearings outside the dome, identifying stars such as Vega and Polaris, as well as constellation like Cassiopeia...
8th December Observatins Start time 18:00 Conditions: Varied from good and clear to a little hazy which had an effect on exposures. Observations: Deneb (alpha cyg...
2014 12 10 LN PH Consistency Sutdy for Transit Candidates LN PH 17:30 start Back to:
2015 01 15 Spectrometer Trial Observation SH JC LN SB 17:30 19:00 SB LN JC SH Attempted observation for spectrometer project. Aligned, removed flip mirror setup...
2015 01 19 Spectrometer Observation LN SB JC SH Started at 5pm. Achieved initial alignment with spectrometer to Capella as it was pretty bright although...
Observations of the Spectrum of Betelgeuse Started looking at Capella. Using a small sheet of tracing paper to allign the star in the optic fibre coupling. With Capella...
PH2900 Group A B Observation 1 18:30 start LN SB Atlas Pleione 0.1 second exposure. Finished 20:30 Back to:
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PH2900 Group C Observation 1 Start time: 17.30 One image of Capella, 0.1 second exposure 10 exposures of Atlas in Pleides 2x2 bin, in 0.1 intervals...
PH2900 Group D observation 1 Start time: 20:28 Initialy telescope is calibrated by aligning it to point at Capella. The calculations are done manualy using the following...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Start Time: 19:00 Conditions: Slightly cloudy at start, quickly became clear around 8pm and remained clear. Observations:...
Start Time: 17:45 Clear Weather People present: HC, JA, AA, LB, JW, AV, TX inc. SB LN Initial objects : Juno , in between the Moon and Procyon, with Castor and...
Completed with: AE, WP, TY, AA, TL, LN Start time: 20:25 Align telescope with Procyon: RA 7h 40m 6s, DE 5(deg) 11` 06` Next step to look for Juno verbatim Date...
Start time: 17:42 Group: FM, HQ, MH, RA, TG, LN 00003 H 5.33 Date UT R.A. (J2000) Decl. Delta r El. Ph. V Sky Motion...
Start time: 18:33 10/03/2015 Present: LN,AA,MG,SH Weather conditions: clear, no wind Star used for calibration: Procyon Coordinates of asteroid Juno obtained from...
AndreyAbramov 10 Mar 2015 kjhkjh
2015 05 20 LN DSLR Observation Trying out DSLR on back of scope Benefit easy live video to investigate focussing, wide field of view 20:30 start...
Before taking data Time of turn on: 18.20. Cooler set to 7 degrees. Temp at 6.9 degrees at 18.30. Center the telescope on Vega. Aling the...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Present: AA, JW, LB, TG Start time: 12 End time: 13;00 Weather: High cloud, thin Target: Sun Run 1 : 1/1241s, frame 1100 set...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Start time: 1030 End Time: 1330 People Present: Thomas Goode, Joe Wood,Aaron Andrews, Laura Bevilacqua Gain: 180 Exposure:...
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Acedemic: Prof. S Boogert Students Present: Connor Armstrong, Luna Borella, Samantha Youles, Rebekah Chafer, Alanis Cozens Weather Conditions: Clear/ Some cloud, rain...
Observers Virginia d`Emilio, Saqib Hussian Rose Grey Start: 17:10 Our target will be Capella Coords (J2000): 5hr16m41.6s /45deg 59`45.6`` Camera: flip mirror, eyepiece...
Planned to meet at 13:00 Entered dome at 13:30 Present: Charlotte Newton, Nikhil Patel, Josh Reid, Alex Pierrot, Will Burrows, Professor Boogert. Walked up...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Start time: 17:50 People present: Natalia, Tom, Maria,Matthew, William, Alex, Maryan Weather: clear Target Capella Camera:DMK...
Present: Prof. Boogert, Charlotte Newton, Alex Pierrot, Josh Reid, Nikhil Patel, Will Burrows Planned to meet at 5pm at entrance to dome. Entered dome and started...
Academic: Prof S. Boogert Students Present: Connor Armstrong, Luna Borella, Samantha Youles, Rebekah Chafer, Alanis Cozens Weather Conditions: Partial Cloud...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Back to: Time started: 17:28 People present: Natalia, Maryan, Saqib, Rose, Willian Weather: clear Programs: Stellarium...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Matthew, Tom, Maria, Alex 19:25 Equipment: SBIG ST8 XME Weather clear Another Observation of Triangulum (Took Images...
Started data taking at 13:20. cooler set to 15 degrees, ambient temperature 8 degrees Sequence of: bias, (dark) 0.1 10, 30, 60, 90, 120 Repeated every...
Please edit and put your text etc. here SBIG ST 8300M bias measurements 3 files at normal temperature, 3 at 20 degrees C Noisy pixels seem significantly...
Present:Professor Boogert, David Hadden, Elena Cukanovaite. Turned on camera at 16:55 to begin cooling before observations at 15 degrees. The cooler was...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Start time: 1200 End time: 1230 People Present: Thomas Goode Gain: Exposure: Weather: High altitude cloud, intermittent...
Please edit and put your text etc. here The aim of the session was to modify the parameters of the camera. Using only OpenCv it was impossible to set the camera`s...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Start time: 17:30 End time: 19:30 The DMK camera was fixed to a tripod and pointed at the moon. Run1: Gain set to 180 and images...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Start time: 12:00 End time: 14:00 Weather: Cloudy, intermittent clear patches Directory: C:\Users\domeuser\Desktop\3 Data\...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Start time: 10:30 End time: 14:00 Target: Sun People present: Thomas Goode Used algorithm to take limb darkening data using...
Start 17:30 1800: Claire o`Brien NGC 6951 link: images/1006078#original All Images ZIP FIle: Result from Astrometry...
AlanisCozens 24 Feb 2016 24/2/16 Alanis Cozens, Luna Borella, Rebekah Chafer, Rose Grey, Connor Armstrong, Prof S Boogert Start 17:45 weather conditions: Clear sunsetting...
Partecipants: Saquib Hussain, Maria Merkulova, Virginia d`Emilio, William McKerracher Star of setup: 17.40 Cooling: 10 degrees Weather: 50% clouds, partially clean...
People Present: Tom Hyatt, Sam Youles, Matt Last, Alex Vasilichi Targets: Delta Cephei, Atlas Start time 19:50, Target Delta Cephei: 4 Images taken with no filter...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Took 5 dark frames using SBIG ST 8300M Exposure 1s Temp 5deg Took further 5: Exposure...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Took frames on SBIG ST8300M at 0deg, 5deg, 10deg (20 1s darks and bias at each temperature) Took 30 cooling bias...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Took 10 frames on SBIG ST8300M at 0deg, 5deg, 10deg for 1s dark and bias Helium lamp took 1 frame at 1mm intervals...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Finding focus of optical fibre The focus of the optical fibre was found by taking a relative distance between the lens...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Focussing Beam Splitter To find best focus should be able to focus onto a single fibre, once one illuminated, in focus...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Aligning Camera and optical fiber Spectrum images, Exposure: 0.1s Temp: 10 deg used subframes...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Alignment of Camera and Optical Fiber SBIG camera, Temp: 10deg Exposure: 0.1s subframe around...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Alignment of fiber horizontally and vertically SBIG camera for spectrometer: Exposure: 0.1s Temp:...
Back to: Exposure N File Name 0.10 5 Dark0.10ExpN 0.20 5 Dark0.20ExpN 0.50 5 Dark0.50ExpN 001 5 Dark001ExpN 002...
Cadmium Calibration Grating Position File Name Exposure (s) 00.00 Calib Cd 0.00 15.0 00.50 Calib Cd 0.50 15.0 01.00 Calib Cd 1.00...
Helium Calibration Grating Position File Name Exposure (s) 00.00 Calib He 00.00 15.00 00.50 Calib He 00.50 10.00 01.00 Calib He 01.00...
Focusing onto optical fibre, 03.10mm, 00.10s Distance (mm) File Name 20.00 A2 Focus 20.00 25.00 A2 Focus 25.00 30.00 A2 Focus 30.00 35....
Saqib Hussain Jervis Ong 28/10/16 Start 09:09 Switched on both cameras from mains. Started Maxim and connected to both cameras. Data stored in directory...
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Saqib Hussain Jervis Ong Arrived at 16:24, weather clear AA arrived 17:30 Took example flats with both cameras Setup telescope, synched on Vega...
Matthew Last, Rose Grey, S Boogert ImagingSource DMK21AF04.AS Aligned shadow at speed 9 Finderscope speed 5 IC Capture 2.4 to record images...
Distance (mm) File name 18.00 He Distance 18.00 19.00 He Distance 19.00 20.00 He Distance 20.00 21.00 He Distance 21.00 Back to:
Zack started at 17:00 Align telescope with Vega at 230 Azimuth and 80 Altitude Camera temperature set to 15 degrees, power at roughly 60% M103 cluster...
Vega Scan Micrometer Position (mm) File Name Exposure Time (s) 00.00 Vega 0000 10.00 00.50 Vega 0050 10.00 01.00 Vega 0100 10.00...
Start: 11.45am Dark frames taken at 0 degrees: 0.1s x3 0.2s x3 0.5s x3 1s x3 2s x3 5s x3 10s x3 20s x3 30s x3 60s...
Cd 3.600mm Focusing Focal Length Focal Length (mm) File Name 20.00 Cd Focus 2000 20.50 Cd Focus 2050 21.00 Cd Focus 2100 21.50 Cd Focus...
Rose Grey, Matthew Last, Prof Boogert 12:42 began aligning Second Set of data to retake Green and Blue filters Same setup as first experiment Sunspot...
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QuibathaHussain 25 Nov 2016 Saqib Hussain Jervis Ong Arrived at 16:24, weather clear Found binary star system in stellarium Hip 91919 B E1 Lyr. Created the data...
AV, AA, LB start: 16:30 ZCW arrived: 17:00 Camera temperatures: 15 degrees Autoguider: Guide tab, 2s expose Pick Bright star not near others,...
Distance Micrometer (mm) File Name 19.00 He Distance 1900 19.50 He Distance 1950 20.00 He Distance 2000 20.50 He Distance 2050 20....
Helium Calibration Grating Position File Name Exposure (s) 00.00 Calib He 0000 15.00 00.50 Calib He 0050 10.00 01.00 Calib He 0100...
Please edit and put your text etc. here set up procedure check for damages on solar filters solar fillters on finders scope and main scope mount camrea...
set up procedure check for damages on solar filters solar fillters on finders scope and main scope mount camrea use a SCT connector...
Boogert, Fernandes Miguel, Hughes Sarah, Lenz Lena 17:23 Remove rain cover open doom doors (bolt, ropes, door) Remove telescope caps Switch on...
time: 17:22 arrived in dome. ENK JT AS AC AA remove rain cover from telescopeopen doors of dome (ropes(tie up), bolts) go onto roof and observe sky select Capella...
Helium Lamp Micrometer Position (mm) File Name Exposure time (s) 00.00 Calib He 0000 01.00 00.50 Calib He 0050 01.00 01.00 Calib He...
Saiph Micrometer Position (mm) File Name 00.00 Saiph 0000 01.00 Saiph 0100 02.00 Saiph 0200 03.00 Saiph 0300 04.00 Saiph 0400...
People Present: Tom Hyatt Luna Borella Rebecca Chafers Virgina d`Emilio Sam Youles Start Time: 10:48 Conditions: Clear No cloud Setup:...
Rose Grey, Matthew Last 14.00 start time Used LR1 ASEQ Instruments spectrometer plus fiber optic cable Used CheckTr program inside zip folder `consol 001....` Lined...
AA arrived at 17:30 take cover off telescope power to telescope and switch on open dome doors take lens caps off telescope removed old setup...
Arrived at 6pm Found a suitable open cluster on stellarium Focused and calibrated both wide field and narrow field telescopes Narrow on Pollux and Wide on M...
07/02/2017 17:40 start time M Fernandes, L Lenz, S Hughes, A Cozens, S Boogert Weather cloudy fairly poor visibility set up telescope, open dome, take off caps...
Please edit and put your text etc. here CM LNK AS enter dome at 16:20 Telescope cover was removed SBIG ST8 and ST8300 connected to the power Telescope...
Cadmium data Micrometer Position Filename Exposure (s) 02.00 Calib Cd 10.00 02.50 Calib Cd 00.10 03.00 Calib Cd...
Cadmium data Micrometer Position Filename Exposure (s) 02.00 Calib Cd 10.00 02.50 Calib Cd 00.10 03.00 Calib Cd...
Entered dome and opened dome, remover cover and lens caps. Turned cameras on and set cooling to 15 degrees C. Took cooling test exposures approx. every...
SarahHughes 13 Mar 2017 started at 4:15 Sarah Hughes, Lena Lenz, Alanis Cozens, Arianna Saba cooled CCD to 10 deg take two bias frames, using camera 1 (S Big ST 8XME...
H Alpha observation Coolers on around 17:45 Visibility very good Camera 1 10C Camera 2 15C Aligned to Alderbaran Candidates Andromeda...
H Alpha Observation 2 JC, LN, LW, ZCW Seeing quite good. Few intermittent clouds, but clearing up. Coolers on around 3pm and biases and darks taken...
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Nebulas LN Setup Extremely clear, no wind. Coolers on from lunch time for darks. Could only get to 15C during the day (60 80% cooler power)...
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Nevay Observation Likely last clear night for a while so in on Sunday 18:30: coolers on (c1c:2 15: 20), dome open fan on with door open to cool dome down...
time 10:30am arrived in dome. A Cozens, L Lenz D Bedingham S Boogert poor weather conitions so no solar data could be recorded used SLR camera to take images of boiler...
Please edit and put your text etc. here 10:30 dome. Bedingham, Cozens, Lenz good weather took a few images with Canon SLR camera The following settings...
Time 10:30am 1pm in dome, A Cozens, L Lenz, D Bedingham, S Boogert Weather cloudy, intermittently clear use DSLR to take white images to look at the natural vignetting...
10:30 at dome, D. Bedingham, L. Lenz cloudy weather took no images of Sun Vignetting images from last week were not symmetric will have to retake...
28/11/2017; AC, LL took data with telescope and dslr camera telescope: 5 minute sweep (1 img per second) too long, 3.5 minutes should be perfect Varying...
Alanis Cozens, Lena Lenz Start time 11:18 Clear sky align telescope to sun using shadow and finderscope tracking set to terrestrial so sun will move across the frame...
Time in dome: 10:00 A Cozens, L Lenz, D Bedingham, S Boogert looking into error in blue filter images taken previously is an error in the programme with the readout...
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JC, SH, AS, STB 10am to 12 Filters, camera and telescope setup Filters 2 filters, main scope and finder place filters on and ensure they can`t...
Please edit and put your text etc. here D. Bedingham, L. Lenz room: Moore 0 06 TODO: take more data with telescope with all filters update error calculation...
11am start Setup unchanged from previous SLD Camera firewire connected to main telescope with solar filters attached Telescope turned on and GPS fix taken...
Please edit and put your text etc. here 10:00 dome, L.Lenz, C.Alanis take images of centre of Sun for different exposure times (without colour filters), each with...
set timer to 405 seconds, (exp:1/4000s, gain:1023) Aim to take drift scans using all filter speed set to 3, lots of high cloud cover, image observed darkening...
FB, AC, JC, MA, STB, ZCW 17:00 Start of Observation Identified object a 80, A 45. Checked on Stellarium; was Capella. Looked at the hour angle and the declination...
TO, SR, STR,AK,ZCW start time:17:00 Went outside located a star with coordinates (Horizon System) estimate: A 60, a 60 70 Checked on Stellarium star...
D.S., H.S. Z.C.W. Star time 20:30 chose bright star(betelgeuse), estimate coords A 170 deg and a 45 deg found star on stellarium: A 153 and a 43 Set...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Dome entered at 10am, present CM SH AS JC Telescope cover removed, solar filters put on camera set up removed...
Date: 18/01/18 Academic Present: Dr Laurie NevayStudents Present: Luna Borella, Rebekah ChaferWeather Conditions: ClearTime: 22:40 1:50Targets: Betelgeuse Pleiades...
Academic: Prof Stewart BoogertStudents: Beki Chafer and Luna BorellaWeather: ClearStart Time: 17:00Target: Pleiades Cluster Cameras on and cooling set to 15deg.Pleiades...
In attendance JC, MA, SB, FB, AC. 17:46 Opened dome doors removed lens caps Disassembled previous experiment Attached cameras: make sure plugged...
A.K, S.R, T.O, S.R, G.C, 15/2/18 Began: 17:30 Started up telescope opened observatory. Connected to camera with maximdl (disabled camera 2), turned on cooler to...
Academic Present: Prof Glen CowanStudent Present: Beki ChaferTargets: Pleiades Hyades Open clustersWeather: Partially cloudy Start time: 18:00Started setting up...
Time Started 17:45 Prescent DS, HS, STB As per script but using refractor Skywatcher chose bright star in South Rigel Found Coarse focus on...
Academics present: Prof Boogert (20:00 20:30), safety PHD checking in every hourStudents present: Luna Borella, Rebekah ChaferStarting time: 20:00Targets: Pleiades...
Logbook for PH3010 Solar limb darkening mini project, initial setup meeting Present: DB, MA, JC, HS Order of tasks for observation of the sun: 1) DO NOT STARE DIRECTLY...
Dome entered 10am. Present: MA, JC, HS, supervised by Dr. DB Telescope cover removed, solar filters put on camera and colour filters were already attached...
JC AD observation began 16:45 set cooling to 20 deg C changed gps UTC from 13 to 0 (units) centred on Capella to calibrate moved to M35. coords...
Present JC, AD Began cooling at 16:45 to 12 deg C (~90%) Filter wheel set to Clear, Red, Green, Blue Centred on Capella and took GPS fix. Encountered...
Start 17:48 JD (Scribe),CH,RA,MH,SG,STB 1 Enter dome, close door 1 Release ropes and unscrew bolt (put it on the control panel) 1 Open dome use...
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! Please DO NOT alter or remove the line below this line. Set EDITMETHOD Please DO NOT alter or remove the line above this line. PH3010 Solar Limb Darkening...
! Please DO NOT alter or remove the line below this line. Set EDITMETHOD Please DO NOT alter or remove the line above this line. Friday 29th November...
SLD Observation 2 Clear, Red, Green, Blue Filters used in the observations Attached are the .bmps Back to:
G. Cowan, S. Ryan, A. Abromov, observation of Atlas and Pleione, 13 images, 2 s, V filter. Start ~17:30, end ~19:30. Back to:
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Please edit and put your text etc. here Present: Andrey Abramov, Jools Elliott, Gabrielle Atkinson, Dharumvir Maharaj, Callum Ainsworth Planned to meet at 5:30pm...
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Title Article text. Comments
Title Article text. Comments
Title People present: AA, JRD, TS, RDB, LA Planned to meet at 5:30pm at entrance to dome. Entered dome and started process 17:30 Weather conditions were...
Multiple exposures where taken of: 40eri A, B and C with B, V, and R filters Back to: .
Please edit and put your text etc. here Present: JE, CA, DM, AA, SR Planned to meet a 6.00pm. Entered Dome and started process at 6.10pm Went outside established...
Please edit and put your text etc. here Present: JRD, TS, GA, LA, RDB Planned to meet at 6:00pm Entered dome at 6:10pm went outside to check weather...
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Supervisor: Daniel Beddingham Students present: Oscar Shimell, Mathew Playford, Akash Deosaran, Emelie Engels Weather conditions: Clear sky, few clouds Targets: Sun...
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