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SPE Mean Charge Analysis Background Information Found another paper that gives further detail; some equations on this page are quoted from here (specifically...
Projects: Astronomy Data Analysis: CCD statistical model: ccd model.pdf Student`s t fit for PSF: Sextractor: sextractorFiles...
Watchlist Return to: JoolsElliott
My links: My activities FLAVIA LogBook My Logbook edit
Server And Client Setup Server Setup Firewall make holes in the group firewall to allow through the required ports UDP. Block these ports with firwalld on the server...
Default Files for Sextractor Below are the default files for sextractor, which are needed to run sextractor. Refer to Sextractor Guide for explanation of each file...
Candidate stars Analysis Data 2014/12/10 order 100 frames... coordinates SimonWoeginger 02 Feb 2015
Solar Limb Darkening The main aims of this project were to find the temperature of the sun as a function of optical depth. To do this 300 images were taken across...
Soundcard Dmesg output Whiteslave snd hda codec realtek hdaudioC0D0: autoconfig for ALC662 rev1: line outs 1 (0x14/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) type:linesnd hda codec realtek...
Spectrometer and Camera setup Here is a diagram to illustrate how the spectrometer is setup spectra setup: Light is passed through one end of the...
Spectrometer and Camera setup Here is a diagram to illustrate how the spectrometer is setup spectra setup: Light is passed through one end of the...
Spectrocopy Project The main aims of this project are to observe a star to obtain its spectrum, then analyse this to find where the lines come from and then determine...
Stellar Spectrocopy Project The main aims of this project are to observe a star to obtain its spectrum, then analyse this to find where the lines come from and then...
Using Stellarium Connecting Telescope Enter configuration window within Stellarium (F2) Go to Plugins Telescope Control, then click configure ......
Grants Positions of responsibility 2010 , Department of Physics web master May 2012 , Department of Physics impact officer 1st January 2013...
Astronomy related information Undergraduate astronomy courses PH2900 Astronomy PH3010 Scientific skills for MSci PH3920 Stellar Astrophysics PH4100 Major project...
First get a FITS file with WCS data (see page on Download Aladin from (http://aladin.u Loading a file...
function toggleDiv(divId) { $(`#` divId).toggle(`slow`); } Is a web service which calculates an astrometric solution for an image. So basically...
Software LabVIEW (2017 32 bit) LabVIEW Real Time English (2017) NI DAQmx (17.1) Python(x,y) pyfits, pyepics, wx Automation Example files...
Barn door tracker article Metric version with M6, 1 thread/mm. 25.4 TPI. Ratio between M6 and 1/4` 20 UNC is 1.27. So 290mm/1.27 228.34 mm from hinge (with...
Astronomy Cameras Main Cameras Camera Interface Webapge Manual Software Area Pixel size Chip size Gain Bits Field of View Plate Scale...
Available computers Dome main control computer Windows 7 enterprise 64 bit phdome pc1 ip : subnet : gateway...
Currently big bit of card and angle poise lamp ; ( StewartBoogert 27 Aug 2013
Filter Wheels Main Telescope Tracking Telescope ZWO EFWmini 5 position Filter Wheel for 1.25` and 31mm Unmounted Filters Astronomy Webpage 5 slots...
Focuser software max, old page max, new page Focuser hardware focus : TCF S focus StewartBoogert 26 Aug 2013
function toggleDiv(divId) { $(`#` divId).toggle(`slow`); } Fv (FITS viewer) Open file Open file Image Image info (FITS header information) Open file...
function toggleDiv(divId) { $(`#` divId).toggle(`slow`); } ImageJ ImageJ is a Java based image analysis program, it is mainly used for analysis of microscope images...
Windows drivers Windows 7 enterprise SP 1 SP Video card NVIDIA GeForce GT520 (used GeForce experience) Firewire (Windows 7) USB serial and...
Maxim DL Animation Maxim DL has the ability to make animations from a series of images. It makes a crude AVI file that`s quite large and has incomplete header information...
Measuring gain of a camera StewartBoogert 25 May 2013
Old Dome PC Installed Software Windows Windows 7 Install SBIG Drivers Mapping Network drives Capture MaximDL Development python(x,y) JosephBayley...
Mapping Network Drives Currently two drives from the main dome PC have been mapped to the old dome PC. These drives are Y:/ 5 Development...
Maxim DL Use installation found on Main Dome PC: C:\Software\2 Capture\MaxImDL523 follow install instructions Enter license details: JosephBayley...
Python(x,y) Find python(x,y) install at: https://python On the main Dome PC: C:\Software\5 Development\Python(x,y) Follow...
SBIG Camera Drivers Download old driver checker for parallel ports from: archive/ Download `DriverChecker64 (Windows...
Windows 7 32bit Install The computer needs to be booted from disk: Enter the bios, press F2 on startup Enter bios password: `` Navigate...
Telescope and Optics Telescope Optic Diameter Focal Length Plate Scale Angular Resolution Minimum Airy Disk (Blue) Manual Meade LX200GPS...
Other equipment solar limb darkening equipment http://www.baader e.htm
function toggleDiv(divId) { $(`#` divId).toggle(`slow`); } Python (pyfits) Open FITS file Opening a FIT file import pyfitsf`fileName`)d f...
Mac OSX macports port install py27 pip sudo pip 2.7 install stsci.distutils sudo pip 2.7 install stscipython IRAF? Windows c:\python27\Scripts...
Scientific linux 6.4 (running under virutal box) VB extensions Host OS disk mount (Host Desktop/Data, Quest /media/sf Data/) add domeuser to vboxsf group...
Astronomy software Free software Stellarium StellariumUsage Using Stellarium Focus Max drivers Commercial software...
Spectra related Spectrometer Fiber Optic The fiber optic bunlde has ~30 fibres, arranged linearly at one end circularly at the other Grating Groove density...
function toggleDiv(divId) { $(`#` divId).toggle(`slow`); } Stellarium Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in...
Guiding and alignment software align max editor guiding software ASCOM control of telescope problem problem (possible issue) zone/clock problem...
Introduction Motivation Software Photogrammetry Dome Images Modelling Dome Main Scope Textures Star Field VR StewartBoogert 27 Jul...
2015 Projects Solar limb darkening 2019/20 Projects Photometry
2019/20 Photometry Projects (BSc) Notes and data for 2019/20 photometry projects. 20jan2020 Atlas and Pleione, V filter, 2s: 28jan2020 Atlas and Pleione, B and...
Charged coupled devices Basic operation of CCD cameras StewartBoogert 25 May 2013
function toggleDiv(divId) { $(`#` divId).toggle(`slow`); } noautolink Code Snippets Python Analysis Documentation class pecData(): Class to store...
Mac configuration mac ports Linux Windows StewartBoogert 31 Mar 2013
StewartBoogert 28 Mar 2013
background to dithering StewartBoogert 06 Sep 2013
Undergraduate reports and latex templates There is no one template and style that fits all types of reports. This is a guide to writing better reports and developing...
StewartBoogert 06 Sep 2012
2015 Projects Photometry Spectroscopy 2016 Projects Photometry Spectroscopy 2017 Projects 2018 Projects Photometry 2019 Projects...
Solar limb darkening Background material Experimental script
Documentation CCD Manual (ST 8XME) CCD Affects CCD Image Calibration Information Data analysis and more Preliminary programming 20151310 Lab...
Preliminary Work and Investigations Background/noise investigation and simulation input Logbook entry 20161004 : Exposure time scan at 5 degrees...
Simulation input (background and noise, Anisha) Simulation (generate star field from coordinates and fluxes, Aaron) Star finder (locate bright objects in...
Meeting 20161007 People present: Stewart Boogert, Glen Cowan, Aaron Andrews, Anisha Vadher, James Angthopo, Will Burrows Anisha: Data taking 20161004 : Exposure...
AnishaVadher 13 Oct 2016 Working out how much background for each pixel Plotted a histogram of number of photoelectrons against the frequency for a 0.1s...
AnishaVadher 14 Oct 2016 Anisha: Working out how much background for each pixel Plotted a histogram of number of photoelectrons against the frequency for...
LauraBevilacqua 18 Oct 2016 To do by Friday: Select star cluster for observations Anisha: Fix histrogram from last week Plot median as a function of...
AaronAndrews 25 Oct 2016 To do by Friday: Anisha: Fit sqrt(sigma0^2 lambda t) to the fitted standard deviation as a function of exposure time plot...
AnishaVadher 29 Oct 2016 To do list: Anisha: Aaron: Simulate a star field using known star parameters. Laura: Check star...
AaronAndrews 10 Nov 2016 Anisha: Central Coords determined from uploading images to Simbad database used 14` radius as images at 10`...
AaronAndrews 15 Nov 2016 Anisha: Aaron: Updated code: Simulation Found cause of position stretch in simulations did not account for relative...
AaronAndrews 24 Nov 2016 Simulation: ( Simulation Made example star field with no background used M103 data, 108 stars total. ( M103 Simtest...
AaronAndrews 01 Dec 2016 Observation on 25/11/2016: Observation 2: 20161125 Took multiple luminous, red, visual, and blue frames of Double Cluster and Dragonfly...
AnishaVadher 08 Dec 2016 Updated code: Created a mode filter and improved sigma filter (uses truncation method) Used to analyse M...
Meetings 20171013 meeting 20171020 meeting 20171027 meeting 20171103 meeting 20171110 meeting 20171117 meeting 20171124 meeting...
Star Simulation Stot distributed using Pareto distribution Star evaluated in a box, so runs quicker Gaussian noise added to background in addition to Poisson...
AnishaVadher 16 Jan 2017 Prior to determining flux: Ran mode and Sigma filters on simulated blue and visual Double Cluster, with flat background (mean 900,...
Minimum separation of stars Need threshold for position matching of stars between frames. For each star in true visual data for Double Cluster (), determined...
Matching Stars Have to find the minimum distance between all stars that are input and the candidate stars Set star finding threshold to 1 Sigma to include...
AnishaVadher 06 Feb 2017 Scaling Correction Transforming from RA/DEC into pixel coordinates: where M^ 1 pixels/degrees is the inverse of the transformation...
Drizzle Algorithm Tested for 2 Dragonfly Cluster images (blue filter, no. 1 and 15) from observation 2. Stacking 1 image took approx. 2 hours. Overlap parameters...
Note: last week, report segments requested in place of usual weekly update. Aaron Image offset parameter investigation: Offset Parameters.pdf Summary: Needed...
AnishaVadher 22 Feb 2017 c V g V c B g B Double Cluster 22.38 0.29 0.95 0.02 22.86 0.21 0.94 0.02 Dragonfly Cluster 22.72...
AnishaVadher 07 Mar 2017 c V g V c B g B Original DBCL 22.3808 0.2927 0.9540 0.0249 22.8611 0.2052 0.9399 0.0168 Updated DBCL...
Dark Frames: Exposure time (s) Image Mean (sigma)...
Fitting Curve Code cd Y: cd FourthYear MajorProject/ import f`./60s DarkFrame.FIT`) f0 f 0 d hist(d.flatten()...
Histogram of ADU pixel values counted from a dark frame taken with exposure time 1s and ccd temperature 15 degrees. A gaussian fit has been fitted to the histogram...
Star Field Simulation: First a random position function was made for a variable canvas size and number of stars. At this point, the stars are just points. Next, a...
Star Field Simulation Attempted two things this week: Variations in brightness of star Statistical Fluctuations Stot was uniformly distributed over a chosen maximum...
Log of Observation 1: Academic Present: Prof S BoogertStudents Present: Rebekah Chafer, Luna BorellaWeather Conditions: Mostly clear, some cloudTime: 17:00...
Observation 1 We took two images of the double cluster: NGC869, NGC884, with two different cameras, with different fields of view. Star Simulation Main aim this...
Background Analysis Alpha persei image median plotted of 65x65 box centered around each pixel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101x101 201x201 . . . . . . . . . ....
Background 301x301 401x401 Star finder Star finder on simulated data Analysis of Observation 1 Observation 1 image is saturated. Other profile taken of same star...
Star Field Simulation Stot distribution changed to a skewed Gaussian so there are more dim stars than bright stars Shape function fixed to be more realistic. Adds...
Fixed error in the star simulation were getting pixel values way bigger than 65,000. This was because of the Stot distribution used. Last week, I used the scipy...
Added error bars to the Histogram Error bars are small We plotted the new hypothesis mean mean0 mu t , however since our data was all over the place we used the...
Dark Analysis Meeting1110 Meeting1810 Meeting2510 Meeting0111 Meeting0811 Meeting2911 Meeting0612...
Star Matching Algorithm Original Image (simulated) Adjusted Image moved in x direction by 10 pixels: Star Matching Algorithm then matches stars to one another by using...
Academic Present: Dr Laurie NevayStudents Present: Luna Borella, Rebekah ChaferWeather Conditions: ClearTime: 22:40 1:50Targets: Betelgeuse Pleiades Cluster in...
Pleiades is too wide to get in one shot with normal telescope. Would take approximately 25 tiles to get whole cluster. Therefore, the plan is to use the smaller telescope...
Observation Took multiple photos of Pleiades in small field of view in different filters. Then moved to a wider field of view, no filter. Aiming to use this for HR...
Error estimate Using star fitting of a single star e.g Found Flux plotted hist Blue filter Green Filter Red filter: Star Matching Red UnmatchedGreen Matched Zoomed...
Error estimate Blue filter Green Filter: Removing Stars due to proximity #radius apart, not sigma. LunaBorella 08 Feb 2018
Error estimate Green Filter HR Diagram LunaBorella 13 Feb 2018
Finding the best radius of the aperture circle. Simulated a star with 2D Gaussian with a sigma of 2 pixels, with no background. Then, I gradually increased the radius...
Error estimate Main squence fitting Using the magnitude distance equation, where the offset for the first 2 are 6.3 and the offset for the third is 6 we find a distance...
Functions to open FIT files, make histograms and fit a Gaussian. Code is untested. from import fits import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt...
import numpy as np import random as r import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import fits import math as m import scipy as sc #from scipy.stats import...
from import fits from scipy.optimize import curve fit import glob from photutils import CircularAperture BLACK 0 def OpenImageHist(filename):...
StewartBoogert 19 Mar 2014
Python algorithms and methods Fitting a straight line Fitting an exponential Fiiting a Gaussian to data StewartBoogert 25 May 2013
Proposals 143 MHz Meteor Scattering/Detection 408 MHz 1.42 GHz (Hydrogen Line) New steerable dish and receiver packages: Lab: The Spider...
Solar limb darkening Background material Image0055 14 10 28 11 01 11.bmp: Image0055 14 10 28 11 01 11.bmp
Introduction Spectrometer and camera setup Meeting Notes 20151002 20151007 20151014 20151021 20151028 20151104 20151111...
Data collection sessions 20161005 20161019 20161020 20161021 20161102 20161107 20161109 20161123 20161201...
In a nutshell: This sequence finds M31 (Andromeda), centers and zoom the view on it: ctrl f M31 Enter Space Bar / Navigating around Moving around...
StewartBoogert 27 Aug 2013
StewartBoogert 31 Aug 2013 20130831 Telescope 10.MOV: 20130831 Telescope 10.MOV 20130831 Telescope 11.MOV: 20130831 Telescope 11.MOV
PPOTH Hub Settings: Connect to Meade LX200 1 Start black computer 1 Should give you the choice of two Windows versions (32 and 64 bit) using the cursors...
Number of topics: 125

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Topic revision: r38 - 24 Apr 2023 - HarpalSandhu

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