Parent topic Logbook test This topic has been made the parent of the AfterChristmas logbook. Original its parent was the default LogBooks topic. TomCraneAdmin...
Demonstrate the BatchUploadPlugin plugin See BatchUploadPlugin for plugin details. To use, Prepare a Zip file containing the pictures to batch upload....
Demonstrate the Database plugin Here are some examples showing how to access an external Databasesystem fromn within TWiki. Two database systems are used: and...
Demonstrate the EmbedPDFPlugin plugin The EmbedPDFPlugin allows PDF files to be embedded in a TOPIC. To use it, 1 Attach the PDF file to the topic in the...
Demonstrate the ExcelImportExportPlugin plugin The two key features of the ExcelImportExportPlugin plugin allow; Excel .xls files to be imported into a TWiki...
Display a batch of images in a topic See /view/TWiki/ImageGalleryPlugin for details. Here are the pictures from the WebHome web rendered by the ImageGallery Plugin...