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Group Members
Physics Tom1TestCrane, AntonioPerezFernandez, SimonGeorge1, TomCrane, BarryGreen1, LeeCorrigan, DerekGreen, HyosunChoi, NiallWilliams, ZacharyChenWishart, KirillFedorov, GiriMani, DugaldHepburn, SeanLawlor, JanKnapp, TomDixon, TomVincent, HelenaLefebvre, TheodorosChristodoulou, SebastianSpence, JoeMcLaughlin, GianDAlessandro, YusufAziz, DanielHarryman, JamesShinner, PimVerschuuren1, QiAn, HeleneGuerin, ZoeBalmforth1, PetraKnappova, AndrewCasey, TomNorthamDeLaFuente, ...
PhysicsAdmin MarkMcCallum1, GillGreen, TracyWebster, ClaireHepwood, ClairePorter
PhysicsMSc NiallWilliams, FlossieRoberts, SiobhanAlden, NedJones, JoshEeles, AshBass, MaxJackson, IarlaBoyce, EdwardArmstrong, AlexanderBilsland, LukeEddowes, AdrianaDias
PhysicsMasters NiallWilliams, MatStreets, FlossieRoberts, SiobhanAlden, NedJones, JoshEeles, AshBass, MaxJackson, IarlaBoyce, EdwardArmstrong, AlexanderBilsland, LukeEddowes, AdrianaDias
PhysicsPhD HyosunChoi, ZacharyChenWishart, KirillFedorov, GiriMani, DugaldHepburn, SeanLawlor, JanKnapp, TomDixon, TomVincent, HelenaLefebvre, TheodorosChristodoulou, SebastianSpence, JoeMcLaughlin, GianDAlessandro, YusufAziz, DanielHarryman, JamesShinner, PimVerschuuren1, QiAn, HeleneGuerin, ZoeBalmforth1, PetraKnappova, AndrewCasey, TomNorthamDeLaFuente, AlexCarter, DanieleButti, MariusHegedus, AmardeepChawla, LeviEvans, EmilyHampshire1, RobMurphy, RemiLefevre, ...
PhysicsResearch LevLevitin, tfap005, IlyaAntonov1, JanKnapp1, SeanLawlor1, SebastianSpence1, MajidAli1, XingtaiChen1, NasimFatemighomi, XavierRojas, PetriHeikkinen, MarkWard, AlbertoArteche, PimVerschuuren, SimonGeorge, JanNyeki, TomCrane1, ParvizFozooni, GaryBoorman, BarryGreen, AdityaJain, TomGodfrey, SudhaAhuja, RaisShaikhaidarov, VitorZampronioPedroso, ElizabethLeason, PaoloFranchini, SumitKumar, LukePickering, PhilipGlasson, DavideMalito, NedaDarvishi, ...
PhysicsTechnical AdrianaDias1, tfap005, PaulBamford, AntonioPerezFernandez1, LeonEllison, GaryBoorman, AndrewAlway, GyorgyKorga, DavidFraser, IanMurray, RichardElsom, HakimBoughriet, HarpalSandhu
PhysicsTesting Tom1TestCrane
PhysicsUndergrad MatStreets, SamWeller, SebastianHewitt, MalakCHAMANDI, ShavaizTariq, RoaAAlHomoud, ErionAnderson, VolodymyrSHEVCHENKO, CarolJIMENEZARDILA, AbdullahMohamedFahim, PaheerathyTHAVARATNAM, SercanArslan, AshRitchieYates, MeganMcGrory, DanWoods, FlossieRoberts, JordanPalmer, SiobhanAlden, SamHill, TTheisen, CeresWoolleyMaisch, CaitlinWalsh, NathanEng, KieranEdmonds, MarkMcCallum, EmilyHowling, AlexGirenas, PatrickHarwood, NedJones, ChrisTomlinson, RebeccaAllinson, JoshEeles, ...
PhysicsVisitors AndrewCasey, LevLevitin, TracyWebster, OlegAstafiev, PaulBamford, NasimFatemighomi, IanHiggs, SimonGeorge, JanNyeki, StuartFlockton, ChristopherLusher, TomCrane1, GlenCowan, LeonEllison, BrianCowan, VictorPetrashov, RoyDavies, MoretonMoore, GaryBoorman, JohnSaunders, MikeLea, JohnHargreaves, AndrewAlway, MikeGreen, BarryGreen, VladimirAntonov, RaisShaikhaidarov, PedroTeixeiraDias, JamesNicholls, ElizabethLeason, PhilMeeson, AlessioBosco, ...
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TWikiAdminGroup TWikiAdminUser, TomCraneAdmin, StewartBoogert, SimonGeorge, AntonioPerezFernandez1

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