2015 06 Visit to ATF2
- Jochem
- Laurie
- Stewart (remote)
Log Book
BDSIM Development (fixes and improvements)
- branched from develop v0.7-rc (release candidate)
- offsets
- histogram bug
- fix overlapping volumes
- cleaner bds acc. comp. base class
- sbend vacuum bug
- pybdsim/Root for root histo to matplotlib
working ATF2 model for v.5.2
- detailed aperture list, more or less everything is 12 mm (radius)
set strengths automatically from set file
- set offsets automatically from data file
separate strength file
- access Sampler class in robdsim/pybdsim
provide wrapper for plotting root histograms in matplotlib
correct materials and geometry for OTR, YAG
- energy cut / particle cut for cherenkov detector ~ 1-2MeV
add reference cavity as drift
OTR screen info
geometry improvements (in order of perceived importance):
- beampipe transition for elements with different apertures
- cbpms -
Scad/STL model done, needs to be imported to BDSIM
- flanges (as drift)
- quad outermagnet geometry (coils): 2 versions: tokin (FF), EXT model? (EXT)
- tapered collimator
- plates before quads (as drifts)
- detector geometry, see ATF2BDSIMDetectors
halo distribution
- beam gas distribution
ROOT Wizardry
Plot from tree with limits
sampler = (TTree*)f.Get("Sampler_L207B")
TH1F f2 = TH1F("f2","f2", 100,-10000,10000)