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Detector Location

Initial look at optics would suggest:

  • old laserwire location
  • around QD9A / BFF and 10A / BFF as beta functions large in both x and y
  • collimator between QD10 A and BFF

Initial look at beam line would suggest good places that the detector can fit:

  • downstream of either QD8FF, QD9AFF (and sextupole), QD10AFF

Final locations:

  • old laserwire detector: laserwire location
  • newly build detector: 83 cm after QF9AFF --> QD9AFF-SK4FF 30cm + length SK4FF (without coils) 20cm + SK4FF-detector 33cm
  • s-position in lattice: 64.73373572 (SK4FF magnetic field) + 0.33 = 65.06m
  • BF5FF: 68.975209

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Topic revision: r6 - 15 Feb 2016 - LaurieNevay

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