Data Acquisition System (DAQ)
- Using old wire-scanner DAQ
- 2x HV, 2x RG58 cables rerouted out of laserwire hut into eels bedroom.
- DAQ in 3rd rack from DR side - labelled FFPS 12.
- Top two racks. ATF ccnet 8
- Signals com in at top BNC patch panel, right side, 2nd vertical row in.
- top signal is detector at lw location after BH5FF
- bottom signal is new detector just after SK4FF
- Gate generator in top rack, black unit, in the centre
- ADC is in 2nd rack down (1 below gate generator) at station 21
- HV is beside ADC at stations 19 and 20.
- Gate generator is used to gate ADC
- HV supply is both locally and remote controllable.
- DAQ rack in eels bedroom - low res to display on page. Note high resolution version available in attachments at the bottom.
Colour |
Function |
pink |
Gate generator |
red |
High voltage supply |
blue |
yellow |
ccnet8 |
- Highlighted version of the DAQ picture indicating the modules in use
-- Public.LaurieNevay - 16 Jun 2015