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Laser Camera Details

Data Extraction

See .wcf extraction details for a VI and information about extracting data recorded in DataRay buffers.


The supplied manuals contracdict the website. The website is more uptodate as it accounts for various composite cameras. Some cameras were built with the body of another model with the taper added on giving it a new model number which does not match the print on the back of the body. Additionally, the firmware in the cameras does not identify the models individually. The drivers for various versions, despite being different, are identically labelled. The only clue as to the models was the attached pdf of the specifications found on the website and the pixel size and area in the setup capture dialogue. Additionally, the areas specified are the maximum usable areas. Camera 4 in particular would produce a large band of mostly pink coloured noise in the image that would jump around on each new sample. The only way to remove this was to lower the capture block area. This usually only required a small reduction and normally in the horizontal dimension. The above areas were observed to work consistently at full resolution.


Extlw\sof\dataray\ contains all of the observed versions of Dataray. If changing versions

  • With the camera installed and Dataray closed, uninstall the hardware through the device manager in Windows.
  • Remove the device from the USB port.
  • Remove usbio.sys from Windows\System32\Drivers\.
  • Insert USB cable again.
  • Do not select search for software automatically in the install hardware prompt
  • Browse for the driver manually which you will find in the directory of the version of Dataray you wish to use.

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Topic revision: r3 - 21 Apr 2010 - LaurieNevay

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