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20130225 Laser Pointing Stability

Recorded 10 buffers of 64 images using tapercam at VIP to ascertain the laser pointing stability.

Analysed data using new labview VI to extract only horizontal and vertical centroids using a job file where the crosshairs are set to snap to the centroid. Note the camera is rotated so 'centroid x' is actually the vertical of the beam here.

Orientation Beam Vertical Beam Horizontal
max 1340.8 1200.6
min -2485.6 426.2
mean 970.34 841.2

  • Horizontal seems fine, but vertical has some clear outliers. The image on the camera is stable therefore there must be dead pixels (stuck on max) or under exposure in tehse images which afects the centroid.

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Topic revision: r2 - 26 Feb 2013 - LaurieNevay

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