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20131004 Search for Smallest Scan

Now with updated dual analysis and proper analysis of the horizontal size it is much better to look through the data again from February to March to see what the smallest scan size is. Note, must have a horizontal and vertical scan under the same conditions.

20130131 Shift

H 20130201_0707_lws
V 20130201_0641_lws
sex 200.2 +5.6 -5.8
sey 1.73 +0.12 -0.11

20130222 Shift

H 20130222_0716_lws
V 20130222_0640_lws
sex 123.4 +4.6 -4.6
sey 1.55 +0.14 -0.13

H 20130222_1127_lws
V 20130222_1105_lws
sex 171.7 +5.1 -4.9
sey 1.56 +0.08 -0.08

Nothing better in this shift. There is a quad scan, but the machine broke in the middle. If time, may be nice to look at.

20130225 Shift

H 20130226_0306_lws
V 20130226_0335_lws
sex 152.65 +5.1 -5.08
sey 1.51 +0.09 -0.09

H 20130226_0631_lws
V 20130226_0639_lws
sex 161.11 +3.36 -3.36
sey 1.57 +0.09 -0.09

H 20130226_0830_lws
V 20130226_0839_lws
sex 125.1 +3.46 -3.46
sey 1.57 +0.07 -0.07

H 20130226_0808_lws
V 20130226_0816_lws
sex 110.51 +2.49 -2.51
sey 1.11 +0.06 -0.06

This is small, but the fit's not wonderful - ie the wings aren't great. This is probably because of scan variation (higher charge) at that point, but mostly due to laser information not quite matching

H 20130226_0808_lws
V 20130226_0758_lws
sex 117.8 +2.40 -2.41
sey 1.11 +0.06 -0.06

This is the one.

-- LaurieNevay - 04 Oct 2013

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Topic revision: r3 - 06 Oct 2013 - LaurieNevay

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