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OTR Hardware

PI M-410.2S Stage - range 100mm.
PI Mercury C663 Single Axis Controller - http://www.physikinstrumente.com/en/products/prdetail.php?sortnr=900550
JAI GigE CM-040GE CCD Camera

Large rotation stage (thorlabs?)
Thorlabs actuators for 1st turning mirror vertical and horizontal, lens z position (along optical axis).
Thorlabs filter rotation mount.

Look in extlw/doc/manuals and extlw/sof for file with these names for more details / drivers / software.

Specific Notes

Thorlabs controller serial numbers and funcitons

Controller Serial Number Model Axis
    Lens Z
    M1 horizontal
    M1 vertical


Used OTR alignment laser inserted upstream by manually inserting 'inserter' by connecting plug. Must disconnect afterwards to remove. Didn't touch alignment laser alignment as it points at our detector and has been referenced. Remember to open shutter on laser.

Chamber was at location of last known collisions chaver = 943, chahor = -150

The notch made by the high power laser was clearly visible. At the top of this (bottom as camera upside down - oops.) was a small notch / channel made by the RGA only when being used for alignment of the chamber / manipulator. This was aligned to the centre of the camera.

NOTE collisions were found around chaver = 340, chahor = 350 in the last shift so this area is slightly wrong. See calibration notes further down for area of ccd and therefore probable move needed to find OTR.

Stage Positions

0 - OTR 97200 - Laserwire

It has not been programmed to be 'homeable' and there are hard limits at each position. These positions have hard stops and if you go past them on the stage the motor will just skip and the readback will continue so it will think eventually it's reached the position. You then have to redefine the home position. This was done very quickly to put it in before lock up and it does work, just now ideally.

VI is in extlw/daq/labview/Projects/Laserwire/06_otr_swtich_stage - PI_Stage.vi

Comport default is set in the vi - from memory it's com port 7.


  • Camera: SBIG ST8300M




See Laserwire log book pg 41 and 42 for full details


In short image has a scale of 0.888microns / pixel and magnification factor of 9.43 (ie pixels are (8.37x8.37 microns). This makes the imaging area 874x655 microns (H x V).


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf CCDOps_User_Guide_Nov_2003.pdf r1 manage 8371.7 K 08 Mar 2013 - 08:18 KonstantinKruchinin CCDOps v5 Manual
JPEGjpg IMG_3180.JPG r1 manage 132.3 K 08 Mar 2013 - 11:41 KonstantinKruchinin OTR Camera
PDFpdf SBIGUDrv.pdf r1 manage 261.9 K 08 Mar 2013 - 07:41 KonstantinKruchinin SBIG Universal Driver/Library Manual
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Topic revision: r4 - 11 Mar 2013 - KonstantinKruchinin

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