ATF2 LW System Checklist / Cold Start
Pre Shift Checklist
- Laser on
- Checked frequency of Linac RF (1.4GHz) & updated our source
- Laser locked
- Best RGA pulse picked - no changing after this or need to re-time
- Beam pipe uncovered
Post Shift Checklist
- System is in 'Off' state - meets conditions?
- Laser system off
- Laser interlock broken
- Beam pipe blocked by cover
- Laser shutter closed
- Flash lamp delay > 1ms
- OTR switch pos = 0 (LW main line)
- Manipulator vertical pos = 0 (out of beam line)
- APD dump pos = 43 (closed)
- ND filters out of laser beam (in lab)
- Laser shutter open
- Flash lamp delay > 1ms
- OTR switch pos = 0 (LW main line)
- Manipulator in beam (write pos here when determind -roughly -36000)
- APD dump pos = 0 (open)
- ND filters in laser beam (in lab)
Collisions / Operation
- Laser shutter open
- Flash lamp delay free
- OTR switch pos = 0 (LW main line)
- Manipulator pos = 0 (> -1000) (out of beam)
- APD dump pos = 43 (closed)
- ND filters out of laser beam (in lab)
- Laser shutter closed
- Flash lamp delay > 1ms
- OTR switch pos = 100000 (OTR line)
- Manipulator position free (typically -36000)
- APD dump pos = 43 (closed)
- ND filter out of laser beam (in lab)
- Laser chiller on (back of lw lab on blocks)
- Air conditioning on for at least a day before use
- Switch on all computers (2 in office, 1 in lab, 2 at LWIP)
- Switch on all camac / nim bins
- Set RF generator to approximately 357.01MHz
- Press 'load' on all TD2 TD4 modules in camac
- Load settings number 9 on laser delay box on top of capacitor bank
- On extlw-lxs1 in office ssh atfopr@ccnet18
- cd /mnt/atfnfs/bin/
- ./rd_bpm start
- ./ioc_camac start
- exit
- cd extlw
- source lwprofile
- camonitor extlw:ADC:data # check camac is running
- cd run
- ./ start
- camonitor extlw:cherenkov # check main EPICS is running
- Perform homing procedure for IP movers described below in 'Homing Chamber'
- FOR windows computer:
- Start APT Config on each windows computer
- Select serial number and assign motor type, then click 'make association'
- See LW Hardware for serial numbers and axis names
- Close APT Config and open APT User
- Home each axis (not ndfil - limit switches broken)
- Close APT User
- REPEAT for next windows machine
With lwprofile sourced on extlw-lxs1
- rdesktop-win1 # start 'lab_movers', 'flash_lamps'
- rdesktop-win3 # start 'chamber_movers', 'temp'
- rdesktop-win4 # start 'postip_movers'
One at a time, start the compiled labview VIs on the desktops above. They make take a minute or two to connect to all hardware (which should be switch on) and also to EPICS.
Homing Chamber
This should be done with care. The firmware will stop motion if the chamber hits a limit switch, but you then have to restart the firmware to make any moves and in this instance if you move the wrong way, the limit switch will be ineffective and you'll ruin the chamber. It's very lowly geared and it really will crush itself. Be careful and try to see which way its going by looking at it.
- cd extlw
- source lwprofile
- rdextlw-win3
- Start>MintWorkbench
- Open Project> extlw/daq/chamber_software/ipmove_v2/Chamber.wbx or Manipulator_v2.wbx
- Open File> extlw/daq/chamber_software/ipmove_v2/Chamber.mnt or Manipulator_v2.mnt
Use the following functions to set the chamber in search and reset mode, set a distance and move. Type these into the bottom window and press return. On the right column of the screen, select 'Axis' tab at the bottom. From the drop down menus, select 'encoder', then select axis on right (see below) to watch what's happening.
Function |
Value |
COMMS(6) |
1 move relative |
COMMS(6) |
2 move absolute |
COMMS(6) |
3 search home and reset |
COMMS(6) |
4 search for home |
COMMS(6) |
5 read encoder |
COMMS(4) |
distance (um) |
COMMS(3) |
speed (um / s) |
COMMS(2) |
axis |
0 - set enocder to 0 |
Axis |
Motion |
0 |
chamber vertical |
1 |
nothing |
2 |
chamber horizontal |
0 |
manipulator vertical |
1 |
manipulator rotation |
2 |
otr switch |
Typical executes:
- COMMS(2)=2 # set horizontal axis
- COMMS(3)=50 # set the speed to 50 um / s
- COMMS(4)=500 # the distance to move will be +500 um
- COMMS(6)=3 # set to search and reset mode
- COMMS(6)=2 # move absolute
Chamber moves horizontally in +ve direction until it encounters home marker. If it doesn't, it just gets there. Use 4 and 6 to make another move until it does - without hitting limit switch! When it does encounter the home mark, it will say 'encoder reset' and then it will proceed at an amazingly slow speed to the end of the move. Click red square at the top middle to stop firmware. Press green triangle to restart. Chamber now homed horizontally. Repeat for other axes.
* man ver, man ang, otr switch don't have homing procedures like this. Simply move to appropriate position and use encoder function to set to 0.