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ATF BPM users guide

Starting system from power out (Hardware)

  1. Check trigger and clock system (NIM crate in ATF2 magnet supply room)
  2. Check VME system in ATF2 magnet power supply hut (caget lsis1:waveform0)
  3. Check VME system in IPBSM hut (caget lsis11:waveform0)
  4. Check LO and Test tone amplifiers in tunnel
  5. Check S-band LO sources
  6. Check S-band system in IPBSM hut (start display in control room, SB config, Windows, sBPM_main, esabpm_top_v_2.vi)

Starting system from power out (Software)

  1. Switch on cbpm-lxs.atf-local.jp in the Eels bedroom (DELL PowerEdge)
  2. Switch on slacvme2.atf-local and slacvme3.atf-local (only after flight-simulator.atf-local has booted)
  3. Log into cbpm-lxs.atf-local as atfopr
  4. Source cbpm environment (cbpm-lxs> source ~/cbpm/cbpm_profile)
  5. Move to working directory (cbpm-lxs>cd ~/cbpm/run/)
  6. Run BPM startup script (cbpm-lxs>./bpm.sh)

Display in control room

  1. Log into cbpm-lxs.atf-local (>ssh -X cbpm-lxs.atf-local -l atfopr)
  2. Source cbpm environment (cbpm-lxs> source ~/cbpm/cbpm_profile)
  3. cbpm-lxs>cd ~/cbpm/run
  4. cbpm-lxs>edm -x summary_auto.edl

Configuration (bpmConfix.txt)

There is a single file which controls the processing and readout systems (cbpm-lxs>cbpm/run/bpmConfig.txt) The format is as follows
<int bpm number> <name> <freq> <type> <xwfpv> <xnsamp> <xdigtype> <ywfpv> <ynsamp> <ydigtype> <xreference> <yreference> <mover name> <xattentuation> <yattenuation> <cal tone present> <process>
All but name have to be integers. For example
0  QD10X   CBAND  DIPOLE   lsis1:waveform0                 512   u14    lsis1:waveform1                 512      u14    REFC1   REFC1   NONE           20     20   1     1
1  QF11X   CBAND  DIPOLE   lsis1:waveform2                 512   u14    lsis1:waveform3                 512      u14    REFC1   REFC1   NONE           20     20    1     1
2  QD12X   CBAND  DIPOLE   lsis1:waveform4                 512   u14    lsis1:waveform5                 512      u14    REFC1   REFC1   NONE           20     20    1     1
3  QD16X   CBAND  DIPOLE   lsis1:waveform6                 512   u14    lsis1:waveform7                 512      u14    REFC1   REFC1   NONE           20     20    1     1
45 REFC1   CBAND  MONOPOLE lsis9:waveform0                 512   u14    NONE                              0      NONE   NONE    NONE    NONE            0      0     1     1
46 REFC2   CBAND  MONOPOLE lsis9:waveform1                 512   u14    NONE                              0      NONE   NONE    NONE    NONE            0      0     1     1
47 REFC3   CBAND  MONOPOLE lsis9:waveform2                 512   u14    NONE                              0      NONE   NONE    NONE    NONE            0      0     1     1
48 CDIODE  OTHER  DIODE    lsis9:waveform4                 512   u14    NONE                              0      NONE   NONE    NONE    NONE            0      0        1     1

To rebuild the EPICS configuration for a different BPM configuration

  1. cbpm-lxs        ~>cd cbpm/run/
  2. cbpm-lxs:cbpm/run>./bpm.sh stop
  3. cbpm-lxs:cbpm/run>./bpm.sh start
This rebuilds the control files from bpmConfig.txt for
  1. bpmProcessor (~/cbpm/run/bpmProcessorConfig.txt)
  2. bpmProcessedServer (~/cbpm/bpmProcessedServer/iocBoot/iocbpmProcessedServer/st.cmd)
  3. Archive Engine (~/cbpm/run/bpmArchiveEngine)
  4. Casr (~/cbpm/run/bpmCasr.txt)
  5. EDM (~/cbpm/edm/summary_auto.edl and ~/cbpm/edm/waveform_auto.edl)

Database configuration

To edit data base
  1. cd ~/cbpm/bpmProcessedServer/bpmProcessedServerApp/Db
  2. vdct ../../dbd/bpmProcessedServer.dbd DBFILETOEDIT

Storing data

  • Simple scripts in the cbpm-lxs:~/cbpm/run directory
  • Help available ./SCRIPTNAME.py -h
  • All data is stored in /atf/data/cbpm/raw/

Logging data from a single BPM

  • cbpm-lxs>./bpmLogdata.py -b BPMNAME -n NPULSES

Logging data from all BPMs

  • cbpm-lxs>./bpmLogAlldata.py

Log all waveforms

  • cbpm-lxs>./bpmLogWfAlldata.py

Corrector calibration

  • cbpm-lxs>./bpmCorrCal.py

Bump calibration

  • cbpm-lxs>./bpmFsBumpCal.py

To kill the data taking, then control+C


An epics archiver is running on cbpm-lxs
  • Files stored in /atf/data/cbpm/archiver/
  • view using archiveViewer
  • data server is typically http://localhost:8080/RPC2 but look in ~/cbpm/run/bpmArchiveDataServerStandalone.log to be sure

Monitoring varibles the low level way

  • On either aftsad.kek.jp or cbpm-lxs.atf-local
  • caget pvname
  • caput pvname
  • camonitor pvname
  • cainfo pvname


  • camonitor lsis3:waveform0 (monitor the waveform from sis card 3, waveform 0)
  • caget lsis3:numberPTS (get the number of digitization values for card 3)
  • cainfo lsis3:waveform0 (get information on the PV)

To log some raw data

  • camonitor lsis3:waveform0 > filename

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Topic revision: r19 - 05 Apr 2012 - StewartBoogert

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