EDM user guide
- Log into
(get ldap account from Terunuma)
- Got to main run directory (
cbpm-lxs.atf-local>cd /atf/control/epics/atf2/cbpm/run
- Source sboogert's configuration (
cbpm-lxs.atf-local>source ~sboogert/.profile
- Start edm (
cbpm-lxs.atf-local>edm -x summary.edl
BPM Tune
- Make sure there is at least 2,000 counts for the raw signal
- Tune bpm by pressing "Tune", menu x or y
Mover calibration
- Try to centre the BPM best as possible
- Calibrate by pressing "MCal".
Bump calibration
! Centre the BPM best as possible
- Calibrate by pressing "Cal".
DAQ Configuration
- DAQ config controls
- Log single BPM number of pulses
- Log complete BPM system number of pulses
- Mover calibration {start, stop, steps, pulses}
- Bump calibration {start, stop, steps, pulses}
- Corrector calibration {start, stop, steps, pulses}
Save and restore
- Save and restore BPM system
- Save - save the current system state
- Load - loads the last file