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Timing system was changed. See attached diagrams for details:

Timing system jitter measurements

1. Scope triggering from SIS1 trigger, then the rest of the SIS triggers were tested

#trig jitter rel. delay
trig2 62ps -300ps
trig3 54ps +476ps
trig4 92ps +780ps
trig5 100ps +736ps
trig6 108ps +836ps
trig7 44ps +552ps
trig8 52ps +552ps
trig9 108ps -736ps

"+" - means that the signal was delayed to the SIS1 trigger

and "-" - means that it was arrived earlier (probably due to the cable length difference)

2. Scope triggering from SIS1 trigger, then all SIS clocks were tested

#clock jitter, ns
1 2.28
2 1.8
3 1.78
4 2.4
5 1.84
6 1.86
7 2.1
8 1.6
9 2

The coincidence module was introduced to the Timing system

Folder name for the data


Non-mover BPMs calibration data files

bpmMovercal2009_3_10_2_33_46.mat bpmMovercal2009_3_10_7_44_47.mat bpmMovercal2009_3_10_7_57_14.mat

Physics WebpagesRHUL WebpagesCampus Connect • Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX; Tel/Fax +44 (0)1784 434455/437520

Topic revision: r1 - 16 Mar 2009 - ChristinaSwinson

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