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QM16FF long range mover calibration

Location: atf2/bpm-ioc/data/20090513_QM16FF

range:  -1mm/+1mm
pulses: 10
steps:  10

x: bpmMoverCalibration_20090513_235551.dat
y: bpmMoverCalibration_20090513_235959.dat

Non-mover calibration: ZV6X, +0.2A -> -0.2A in steps of 0.04A

Location: atf2/bpm-ioc/data/20090513_fontBallisticCal

setfile: set09may13_3215.dat

Calibration repeated twice.
data: bpmAllLog_20090513_224930.dat

Delta-f ramp measurements

Location: atf2/bpm-ioc/data20090513_dfRamp

df ramp settings:

  off: bpmAllLog_20090513_234943.dat
   on: bpmAllLog_20090513_234022.dat
+1kHz: bpmAllLog_20090513_234114.dat
-1kHz: bpmAllLog_20090513_234201.dat
+2kHz: bpmAllLog_20090513_234305.dat
-2kHz: bpmAllLog_20090513_234405.dat
+3kHz: bpmAllLog_20090513_234447.dat
-3kHz: bpmAllLog_20090513_234547.dat

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Topic revision: r2 - 14 May 2009 - ChristinaSwinson

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