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  • Checked S-band system, data sync problems

Probably due to software opposed to hardware phase stability. Need to always make sure reference is last channel in card. Also need to check data order.
  • Data order (80, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71)
  • BPM order (REF5, SF1FF, QF1FF, SD0FF, QD0FF)

Need to rearrange BPM cables

SIS Waveform BPM
10 0 SF1FFx
10 1 SF1FFy
10 2 QF1FFx
10 3 QF1FFy
10 4 SD0FFx
10 5 SD0FFx
10 6 QD0FFx
10 7 QD0FFy
11 0 REF5
11 1 test

Probably need to make S-band system trigger earlier, so always will be first. The above order would make BPM (SF1FFx) index 64 the first data element.

To do

  • Rearrange cables into SIS cards (as table above)
  • Change EDM to reflect changes
  • Modify code for BPM 64 to be first in readout system
  • Move S-Band trigger earlier

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Topic revision: r1 - 15 May 2009 - StewartBoogert

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