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Ballistic calibration of non-mover BPMs

* Ballistic optics setfile: set09may22_0111.dat

* EDM save/restore: bpmCasr_20090522_014838.dat

* data location: atf2/bpm-ioc/data/20090521_noMove on nanosun


* 50 pulses per corrector setting

Current (A) Filename
0.20 bpmAllLog_20090521_235821.dat
0.18 bpmAllLog_20090521_235935.dat
0.16 bpmAllLog_20090522_000142.dat
0.14 bpmAllLog_20090522_000559.dat
0.12 bpmAllLog_20090522_000700.dat
0.10 bpmAllLog_20090522_000817.dat
0.08 bpmAllLog_20090522_000943.dat
0.06 bpmAllLog_20090522_001042.dat
0.04 bpmAllLog_20090522_001152.dat
0.02 bpmAllLog_20090522_001308.dat
0.00 bpmAllLog_20090522_001437.dat

* Results (rough)

BPM I-Q rot Scale
QD10X -0.9066 1130.8
QF11X -0.5841 -2498.7
QD12X -0.8803 -2783.9
QD16X 0.8609 3621.8
QF17X 0.4318 3200.5
QD18X 0.3191 2752.9
QF19X 0.4452 -2191.1
QD20X -1.339 2933.2
QF21X -0.7235 3091.1


* 50 pulses per corrector setting

Current (A) Filename
0.20 bpmAllLog_20090522_001720.dat
0.18 bpmAllLog_20090522_001916.dat
0.16 bpmAllLog_20090522_002023.dat
0.14 bpmAllLog_20090522_002141.dat
0.12 bpmAllLog_20090522_002310.dat
0.10 bpmAllLog_20090522_002451.dat
0.08 bpmAllLog_20090522_002818.dat
0.06 bpmAllLog_20090522_002922.dat
0.04 bpmAllLog_20090522_003058.dat
0.02 bpmAllLog_20090522_003218.dat
0.00 bpmAllLog_20090522_003346.dat

* Results (rough)

BPM I-Q rot Scale
QD10X -1.4596 -1357.8
QF11X -0.2559 2967.2
QD12X 0.5648 -4321.4
QD16X 1.2636 -5866.4
QF17X -0.1139 -3908.8
QD18X 0.3838 -3837.7
QF19X 0.8592 3946.2
QD20X 0.5028 4647.7
QF21X -1.3122 -3578.7

QM16FF mover calibration

Range: +/- 200um

steps: 10

pulses: 10

* Data location: atf2/bpm-ioc/data/20090522_QM16FF

x: bpmMoverCalibration_20090522_020051.dat 
y: bpmMoverCalibration_20090522_020346.dat

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Topic revision: r6 - 26 May 2009 - StewartBoogert

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