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Jitter-subtracted BPM calibration

  • Standard calibration for QF7FF recorded in parallel to bpmAllLog_20101130_072844.dat

Fixed origin fit IQ phase -1.42073318307
[[-0.00090489115859201236, -1.0452748539977563], [2.1503322891839356e-08, 0.0043029598057938573]]
all data, polyfit  :  -1.39265574192 -1108.67735703 -1159.22808357
averaged, polyfit  :  -1.40988895227 -1108.48157198 -1159.41755719
averaged, leastsqr :  -1.41015268503 0.645108605848 -1105.10528311 0.0262610983725 -1155.13876346

  • Jitter-subtracted calibration, SVD set 1 (bpmAllLog_20101130_072533.dat, 200 pulses)

Fixed origin fit IQ phase -1.4073170071
[[-0.00088594633793900488, 0.03664904195173585], [8.4487702834674667e-10, 4.4261097342199539e-06]]
all data, polyfit  :  -1.40602521428 -1187.67281716 47.8303876273
averaged, polyfit  :  -1.40687898698 -1187.66578414 47.8303937193
averaged, leastsqr :  -1.41203823542 0.0406566158273 -1128.73653536 0.00107641233892 41.3671126369

  • Jitter-subtracted calibration, SVD set 2 (bpmAllLog_20101201_103018.dat, 500 pulses)

Fixed origin fit IQ phase -1.41525890892
[[-0.013030104059989335, -12.076034853440554], [0.0011855461704902892, 988.28805642497048]]
all data, polyfit  :  0.503250330532 -526.414494443 -1009.41191986
averaged, polyfit  :  0.664177112302 -76.4782843064 -925.117455827
averaged, leastsqr :  0.691234053409 0.0649860358767 -76.7453579339 6.98268907006 -926.77961725

Reprocessed calibrations

Calibration file BPM IQ rotation Scale
bpmMoverCalibration_20101109_044154.dat QM16FF 0.431764322190 -110.708562214
bpmMoverCalibration_20101109_044445.dat QM16FF 0.780606723769 -114.853975277
bpmMoverCalibration_20101129_231047.dat QM16FF 0.460937767054 -130.901768348
bpmMoverCalibration_20101129_231358.dat QM16FF 0.450965873499 -123.341272637
bpmMoverCalibration_20101129_231831.dat QM16FF 0.816686903734 -118.042105202
bpmMoverCalibration_20101109_045423.dat QM15FF 0.237155656027 -95.6201888306
bpmMoverCalibration_20101109_045647.dat QM15FF 0.227376986949 -107.869458050
bpmMoverCalibration_20101109_045920.dat QM15FF 0.165067048034 -95.5467404271
bpmMoverCalibration_20101129_233021.dat QM15FF 0.479575451483 -92.4471473693
bpmMoverCalibration_20101109_052207.dat QM14FF 0.053203052660 67.5528862932
bpmMoverCalibration_20101129_233854.dat QM14FF 0.279511231954 69.9508946943
bpmMoverCalibration_20101129_234127.dat QM14FF -0.246333385910 83.0825384023

  • The fixed origin fit does not seem to be fixing the jumpy calibrations! frown

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Topic revision: r7 - 08 Dec 2010 - AlexeyLyapin

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