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Calibrations on 14th December 2010

  • ATF save file : set10dec14_0821.dat

  • QD2AFF
    • Mover : 12, -815, -6
    • QD2AFF : 12.412 A
    • Old cal : 979.978, -0.4169, 976.451, 0.0935

Calibration Results for QD2AFF

File Direction IQ rotation Position scale
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_084326.dat y 0.0748 955.7
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_084703.dat y 0.0744 958.9
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_084923.dat y 0.0743 961.7
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_085206.dat y 0.0713 959.8
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_085452.dat y 0.0741 961.5
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_085729.dat x -0.452 928.7
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_090016.dat x -0.446 1075.1
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_090235.dat x -0.448 997.9
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_090453.dat x -0.455 907.4
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_090716.dat x -0.452 963.8

AllMoverCalibration Files for QD2AFF

File Direction IQrot Scale IQrot sub Scale sub
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_091143.dat y 0.0763 955.97 0.0800 946.33
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_091357.dat y 0.0711 965.42 0.0683 974.70
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_091623.dat y 0.0700 963.68 0.0631 992.35
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_091853.dat y 0.0708 918.46 0.0802 898.59
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_092218.dat y 0.0755 958.96 0.0869 919.94
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_092503.dat x -0.4577 1489.35 -0.4098 951.76
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_092749.dat x -0.4500 1105.67 -0.4469 966.96
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_093037.dat x -0.4615 1257.52 -0.4140 953.72
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_093228.dat x -0.4528 789.21 -0.4739 976.82
/atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmAllMoverCalibration_20101214_093412.dat x -0.4492 1853.02 -0.4087 945.40

  • Used bpmAllLog_20101215_083831.dat (24 hours later) for the SVD, only 100 pulses
  • In Y the jitter is small, so the calibrations without subtraction agree very well, while subtraction does not remove the jitter, so the subtracted calibrations are WORSE
  • In X the scales are much more stable. The IQ rotation is less stable due to uncorrected angular jitter
  • Need to try this again with more up-to-date data used for the SVD, and with 200-300 pulses, before can draw any final conclusions

QD2AFF at Different Magnet Strength

File Current K Direction IQ rotation Position Scale
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_093619.dat 12.412 -0.2720965 y 0.0765 952.2
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_094538.dat 14.912 -0.3264619 y 0.0700 968.6
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_094818.dat 17.412 -0.3807927 y 0.0667 978.6
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_095111.dat 19.912 -0.4350859 y 0.0688 978.2
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_095426.dat 4.912 -0.1100640 y 0.0670 940.9
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_095711.dat 7.412 -0.1636617 y 0.0726 951.5
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_100109.dat 9.912 -0.2177110 y 0.0747 964.0
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_100749.dat 9.912 -0.2177110 y 0.0740 955.0
bpmMoverCalibration_20101214_101013.dat 12.412 -0.2720965 y 0.0695 957.3

S-Band Multistate

  • Ramp on/off in logfile 101521

IP Region

  • QD0FF mover y
    • -300 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_151835.dat
    • -325 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_152206.dat
    • -350 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_152319.dat
    • -375 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_152428.dat
    • -400 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_152559.dat
    • -425 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_152726.dat
    • -450 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_152901.dat
    • -475 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_153022.dat
    • -500 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_153201.dat
    • -525 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_153339.dat
    • -550 um /atf/data/cbpm/raw/bpmWfAllLog_20101214_153452.dat
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Topic revision: r8 - 22 Dec 2010 - AlexeyLyapin

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