Improvements made by Boogert, not how to improve Boogert!
1. [ ] Check S-band windows computer
2. [ ] Shift all code over to atfopr
3. [ ] Sort out run scripts
4. [ ] Remove comments from casr python
5. [ ] Add pure magnitude and angle arrays for archiving
6. [ ] Archive every pulse (t0, Amp, Phase, I, Q etc) for stability,cal tone measurements
7. [ ] Add saturation variables (ilastunstat, sample point etc)
8. [ ] Expand to bpmConfig.txt
9. [ ] Update edm to reflect new bpmConfig.txt
10. [ ] Automatic EDM summary construction
11. [ ] Automatic EDM waveform construction
12. [ ] BpmHardware database control needs updating (for setting everything)
13. [ ] Executable script for setting everything ("./ -s CBAND -p debuglevel -v 0")
14. [ ] Autoscale waveform plots
15. [ ] Automatic EDM parameter construction
16. [ ] Shell script for digitizer configuraiton
17. [ ] Autoscale bpm waveform plots (inwards)
18. [ ] Email Terunuma with new BPM map
19. [ ] Remove generate Global information from Bpm.Map
20. [ ] Fix bug with long record waveformoutput
21. [ ] Keep db static and flag in/out processing
22. [ ] match input data and set up input data monitors properly
23. [ ] bpmConfig in cbpm database? Arrays of strings
24. [ ] Fill static database at start
25. [ ] Check calstate and state variable update
26. [ ] cbpm:status and BPM:state (remove cbpm:status)
27. [ ] Put attenuators into bpmConfig (echo to db for capture during acquisition)
28. [ ] Check basic single acquisition with new bpmConfig.txt
29. [ ] Check full loggers, waveform (needs checking) and orbit (working but needs to be augmented)
30. [ ] Understand and commission readout of slac digitisers
31. [ ] check LOs and calibration tones (ok seem not to be on, but everything energised)
32. [ ] Saturation for SLAC digitizers
33. [ ] Add saturation variable arrays
34. [ ] Check S-band readout (Problem booting S-band crate, find out about delivery of controller)
35. [ ] Check installed attenuators
36. [ ] S-band computer (new account atfopr cbpm-win.atf-local)
37. [ ] nbpm and npol in database configuration
38. [ ] Add all "BPM" records to cbpm:name, cbpm:freq, cbpm:type etc (57 "BPMs")
39. [ ] Both references on same bpm.edl
40. [ ] fix usage of optparse
41. [ ] Log system configuration in LogAllPro and LogAllWf
42. [ ] All logAllPro and logAllWf to EDM display
43. [ ] Check archiver variables
44. [ ] Test SLAC digitizer with 50 ohm magic T
45. [ ] Measure attenuation of S-band cables
46. [ ] Cut down S-Band cables
47. [ ] Fix problem with C-band cal tone
48. [ ] New cable layout diagrams and notes
49. [ ] REFIP1/2 needs attenuation
50. [ ] Create system map diagrams
51. [ ] Merge to single Linux mac version on mac drive
52. [ ] Clean up working directory. cron+rync backup to RHUL
53. [ ] gzipped data reading
54. [ ] Data sync with RHUL
55. [ ] Switched pulse by pulse cal tone correction
56. [ ] Tracker Integration
57. [ ] Integrated simulation (ks, rmat)
58. [ ] Online jitter plot
59. [ ] Switched trigger correction
60. [ ] Integrated simulation mode
61. [ ] Data replay
62. [ ] Data gateway to rhul?
63. [ ] Parameter tuning
64. [ ] Latex on plots
65. [ ] Switchable cothread applied to all macros
66. [ ] Clean code base
67. [ ] Digitizers noise spectrum
68. [ ] Take complete set of screen shots
69. [ ] Update TWiki with new instructions
70. [ ] Corrector - amplitude orbit response, steer to BPM centre. For BPM studies and quick calibration