Archive Loader
Class used to load archived Bpm data initialised using
If the filename is left empty, the most recent archived file (that is not the current one) will be loaded.
Process variables can be loaded using the following class methods:
- Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.get(PV): Loads a process variable
- Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.getVars(bpmname): loads all variables listed in the global variable Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.pvals for a single BPM
- Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.getAllVars(): loads all variables listed in the global variable Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.pvals for all BPM
'PV' is the name of a process variable (eg. cbpm:xi, cbpm:rms) and 'bpmname' is the name of a BPM (eq. QD10X, QM16FF).
When a process variable is loaded for all BPMs it will be stored as a class variable in the form 'Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.[pvname]' for the case of all BPMs where 'pvname' is the part of the process variable name that would come after 'cbpm:'. In the case of a single BPM, it will be stored in the form 'Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.[pvname]_[bpmname]'. To get 'pvname' from the full name of the process variable, a static method Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.getName(PV) exists.
The class also includes plotting methods:
- Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.timePlot([list of PVs]): Plots a list of process variables against time on the same axes
- Archiver_fjc.ArchiveLoad.spacePlot([list of PVs]): Plots a list of process variables against BPM number
Cutting and Smoothing
The class includes a 'cutData' function that will cut pulses from all stored variables according to a list of conditions and a 'smooth' function that will smooth all stored variables according to a given window (default is moving average (flat window)).