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Calibration Tone Signal Stability

The variation in the calibration tone amplitude along the beamline is plotted below. A 3σ cut has been applied


Variation in the calibration tone phase:


There seems to be a few BPMs for which, the calibration tone is not working stably. These are QM16FF, QM11FF and FB2FF. Their magnitudes (left) and phases (right) for the last 24 hours are shown below.

qm16ffcalm.png qm16ffcala.png

qm11ffcalm.png qm11ffcala.png

FB2FF caltone is at low amplitude and has large variation. It is also flipping in phase between ±π.

fb2ffcalm.png fb2ffcala.png

Plots of QM16FF and QM11FF on the same plot. There is no correlation, just coincidences. x and y seem to match OK.

fourcaltones.png fourcalangs.png

Results after tunnel access (10:15am) show QM16FF may have stabilised. Fingers crossed for QM11FF.

calmag20.png calang20.png

Caltones have been stable all weekend.


stabmsat.png stabasat.png


stabmsun.png stabasun.png

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Topic revision: r4 - 23 Oct 2011 - FrankieCullinan

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