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Testing the Timing of the Merged SL and CBPM Data

Index Name Type
8 MQF13X Stripline
9 MQD14X Stripline
13 MQD12X Cavity
14 MQD16X Cavity

File was /atf/data/cbpm/working/fcullinan/bpmMerge_2011020.dat

Plots of signal against pulse number suggest that the BPMs are correctly synchronised in x (first BPM blue, second green).


Plots of BPM signals against each other shows there is good correlation.


Y is not so clear (first BPM red, second black)


Stripline Jitter Subtraction

Jitter subtraction preformed by regressing the stripline position readings against each other. The residuals are shown below. MQD14X has a large residual in y (large plot). MQF15X is not producing any values.


The RMS residual for each is shown below


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Topic revision: r3 - 21 Oct 2011 - FrankieCullinan

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